
Kasdeya was thoroughly confused and couldn't help but ask herself, 'What's going on?' As she just stared at the skirmish that was currently ongoing.

The new group had about half the number of imps as the first group when it originally surrounded Kasdeya, but, after having quite a lot of them killed off, the two groups were pretty much even in terms of numbers.

With a gurgling cry, a slightly larger imp with red, bat like wings suddenly leapt up from out of the skirmish and dived down into the enemy, taking out multiple imps with its claws before flying back up again and repeating this action while the normal imps just rushed into each other, attacking the opposing party with their claws and fangs.

'They have a greater imp on their side? Well I guess that would mean they're probably going to win.'

Getting bored of just watching, Kasdeya crept down to the dead imp closest to her and started eating it in an attempt to replenish some of her energy from its corpse. Thankfully for her, the imp did have some mana in its body, however, it was a pitiful amount. Only enough to stop the waves of dizziness from assaulting her provided she didn't use any mana for the time being.

Having dealt with the immediate distraction, Kasdeya figured that, in repayment for helping her get out of a sticky situation, she would repay them by taking as many kills as she could in order to level up.

During her quick feast, the battle had progressed with the first group having lost a significant amount of their fighting force due to the combination of a direct frontal assault and the diving attacks of the greater imp. Now, with Kasdeya also joining the fray, the imps started to panic and run away, however, being the caring devil she is, Kasdeya wouldn't make their hard work of coming all the way out here in order to sacrifice themselves to her go to waste. So, she killed all of the deserters from the first imp group while occasionally having a fleshy snack in order to replenish her stock of mana in case the second group turned hostile.

The remaining numbers of the first group rapidly approached zero and when the final imp was gutted by Kasdeya both she and the second group of imps stopped and looked at each other wearily.

'Well, it appears that they aren't going to immediately attack me so I guess that's something.'

Kasdeya kept watching them when there was a slight commotion from within the group and then the greater imp walked out by itself while looking wary.

Kasdeya was instantly on guard, however, it didn't appear that the greater imp had any plans on attacking as it slowly walked towards Kasdeya's location before stopping and then speaking.

"Demoness, I thank you for distracting that group of barbarians for me. Would you like to join this group of imps? I assume since you didn't immediately attack my group that you are intelligent?" It enquired without showing any signs of hostility.

"... Yes, I am intelligent, are you the leader? I've met another greater imp before and it was also capable of fluent speech so I'd assume that intelligence is something gained when you evolve." Asked Kasdeya as she wearily assessed the greater imp.

"That is quite correct, I'm curious, where did you meet this other greater imp? I was not aware of any other evolved imps in this region."

"It wasn't here. Actually, where is 'here'? I was thrown through a black void and ended up here so I don't know where I am."

"You came through a gate? Interesting, this region has no name, it is simply called the underworld. I repeat my first question though, you seem quite powerful and it would be beneficial for all of us if you join my group, so would you?"

"Sure, why not. I have nothing better to do, would you mind answering some of my questions and I'll accompany you and help you fight for the time being, how does that sound?"

"That is a fine agreement, come along then."

With that, the greater imp turned around and Kasdeya started following behind it. She wasn't particularly satisfied with the prospect of being under someone, but she admitted that it would be helpful to have a group that can aid her and she didn't want to worry about fighting over leadership, plus, she could just leave if she had a disagreement.

With these thoughts running through her head Kasdeya walked to the edge of the imps which had started to ignore her after the greater imp said a few words to them.

Walking along with the group Kasdeya decided to use this time to ask a few questions and clarify a few points considering she had a perfect source of information with her.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why are you in groups?" Kasdeya asked as her tail started to swing behind her, drawing the attention of the imps.

"To survive, there are lots of imp groups in these parts and even if you are strong, you will be overrun by numbers if you aren't careful."

"Then why do you stay here?"

"Where else would we go? Back the way we came is the lavaless plain which is crawling with horrible beasts that will happily feast on us and in the opposite direction is the hunters cliffs, where no one has ever come back from alive. Until we get stronger we can't get out of here, which is why we form groups as it makes hunting easier, thus it's quicker to evolve."

"Fair enough. You mentioned that this place is called the underworld, does that mean we are underground right now? Is there an overworld?" Kasdeya continued to question as a brave imp, hypnotised by the seductive swaying of her hips slowly got closer to her.

"Underground? I don't know. The information I have is limited to what was gained from various sources and all intelligent life recognises this place as the underworld."

"Ok then." Kasdeya said before suddenly feeling something stroke her tail, causing a shiver to go up her spine. Spinning around Kasdeya kicked towards the offending creature, sending it flying backwards like a bowling ball as it knocked down a few imps behind it.

"Please tell your henchman to not touch me." Kasdeya said in a frosty voice as she glared at the imps behind her.

The greater imp turned and relayed the order.