Gang Wars?

Kasdeya remained with the group of imps for a long period of time, hunting other imp groups and feasting on their remains as she slowly gained experience and leveled up.

Kasdeya was actually enjoying herself for once as, even though the majority of the group were idiot's and even though the leader wasn't the most intelligent creature in the world, it still made for decent conversation.

As Kasdeya walked along and reminisced about the past couple of, what she assumed to be, days, she heard the leader giving a call out.

"There appears to be another group in the distance, let's go and take them out."

There seemed to be an unlimited number of imp groups in this area and they would generally roam around and hunt each other for food, or occasionally merge to form bigger groups. Kasdeya couldn't help but be reminded of gangs fighting each other for dominance, the major difference here being that they weren't trying to pinch territory and were, instead, eating the imps that lost the battle.

The imp group slowly crept down towards the enemy group as the greater imp took to the skies and Kasdeya sneaked around the back in order to flank them while the rest just ran at them from the front, deserving of their mindless status.

During the entire period that Kasdeya was with this group, she had yet to meet any other greater imps and had only stumbled across imps and lesser imps. She assumed that it was simply because of the fact that they'd all die due to stupidity before they managed to evolve that far.

Watching the ensuing battle between the two groups Kasdeya successfully got behind the enemy group, then extended her claws and ran into the fray while constantly sending out bursts of mana to her limbs to aid in her deadly attacks.

The fight didn't last long and the enemy group was quickly taken down. Kasdeya had earned a decent amount of experience during this period and had leveled up a few times.

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Runic Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 11

Strength: 53

Endurance: 63

Soul: 80

Luck: 3

Assignable Points: 4]

By this point Kasdeya could feel her strength growing and her mana reserves as well as her control over her mana gaining an upgrade. It was truly a profound feeling.

She also noticed that it seemed that her stats were no longer each going up by 1 after every level but instead, seemed to be each progressing differently, with strength gaining the smallest upgrade, if 'luck' wasn't counted, and soul gaining the largest upgrade.

'I assume the changes in level up benefits are due to the status modifiers mentioned in the introductory paragraph. Something about depending on what class or race you pick determines which stats are improved and, since I chose a race reliant on mana, my soul stat is gaining the biggest upgrade.' Kasdeya pondered as she happily munched on a corpse she had brought along with her for the journey as the imps gave her plenty of space.

All of the imps in the group had finally gotten the message that she didn't want to be near them after she cut off the arm of an imp that touched her ass. Since that incident, none of them were brave enough to try anything else.

Though, Kasdeya couldn't help but ponder the fact that being a female in what was essentially caveman society was inconvenient as, even though they didn't go near her anymore, it didn't stop them from constantly staring. Even the greater imp threw over a few glances every now and then, however it was a lot more subtle about it and didn't openly stare.

'Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any other females since coming here, but since I'm a female, and the imps recognise me as female, that must mean that female imps exist, right?'

As Kasdeya was thinking these strange thoughts she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and only started looking around again when the greater imp brought their attention to another imp group.

"There appears to be another group of imps in the distance, less than half our number and entirely made up of normal imps. Let's take them out." The greater imp said as it spread its wings and flew into the air.

Kasdeya split apart from the group with the intention of flanking them like normal as the rest of the imps ran towards the group while emitting their weird war cry.

The small group of enemy imps looked over at the approaching wave of claws and teeth and calmly prepared their own claws. They surprisingly didn't run away or even look worried, in fact, some of them were even smiling.

'Strange, usually imps respect number superiority and will either run or surrender when faced with significantly greater numbers.' Kasdeya thought as she stopped a distance away from them without being seen in order to observe them for a second.

If there were no changes to the situation after the battle had progressed then she would approach them as well. Since safety always came before getting a bit of experience and she had already been tricked before, she decided to be cautious.

Kasdeya watched as the imps slowly started getting killed one by one as they desperately tried to fight back, however after nothing happened for the next few minutes and the grins on the imps had morphed into looks of panic, Kasdeya decided that they were just full of themselves and rushed towards the back of them.

Running towards the nearest imp she started tearing into its back before moving onto the next one as the greater imp swooped down from the sky, taking down an imp with every dive.

Not long later the small group of imps were all killed and the greater imp landed, then all of them started eating.

Kasdeya leaned down and picked up the body of a dead imp and then sat down to start nibbling on it. She was quite content with her current position in life as she had food in her hands, company around her and goals to accomplish.

'This is the life. What more could a devil want?' Kasdeya thought happily as she looked up from her meal into the circle of imps that had surrounded her group.

"Umm… Shit."