Jumping onto her feet, Kasdeya let out a low growl as she chucked the half eaten corpse at the head of the greater imp, causing it to look up in annoyance and spot the encirclement.

While letting out a quick roar to alert the rest of the imps the greater imp stood up and prepared itself for battle. The surrounding group of imps weren't moving, just smiling like a bunch of idiots after they successfully pulled a prank. However that didn't apply for Kasdey's side. As soon as the normal imps noticed the problem they immediately let out their weird battle cry and charged towards one side of the encirclement.

'Well I guess the battle is starting.' Thought Kasdeya as she also ran to a bunch of imps to start killing them while the greater imp launched itself into the air to start its usual diving attacks.

As soon as Kasdeya reached the imps she started plowing them down, ripping into stomachs, tearing apart limbs, whatever it took to make sure the imp wouldn't live.

Despite the enemy imps outnumbering them, with the help of Kasdeya's unrelenting assault and the greater imp's diving attacks, the odds were slowly turning in their favour.

While fighting, Kasdeya was also feasting on pieces of the imps she killed in an attempt to offset the mana expenditure, which was a very successful endeavour.

Suddenly, a great roar echoed across the battlefield as some of the imps forming the encirclement moved to the side. This roar wasn't like the squeaky roar of the imps or the dull roar of the greater imp, this was a loud and deep roar, one that you'd imagine comes from a big and bulky predator.

And just as she had imagined, stepping into the ring of surrounding imps, was a behemoth of a creature. Standing almost twice as tall as Kasdeya and covered in clearly defined muscles with a grin stretched across its face, was what was most probably the enemy imps leader.

What she presumed to be the leader didn't waste time with pleasantries and immediately started mowing into the number of imps, rapidly reducing their numbers. The greater imp didn't take kindly to this and dived down in an attempt to harm the massive creature.

As the greater imp swooped down next to the brute it made a little hop back, displaying surprising agility for something that probably thought a creature's worth was measured by the mass of its muscles, and then reached forward, trying to grasp the greater imp.

The greater imp made an abrupt sweep upwards to avoid the hand before flying back down to attempt another attack, meanwhile Kasdeya was still mowing through the hordes of imps but still monitoring the battle taking place.

The greater imp came back down for an attack, rapidly changing trajectory in order to not make its attack path clear. This plan sort of worked as the massive demon just gave up trying to anticipate the direction and reached out in another attempt to grab the flying imp.

This time however, the greater imp swerved to the side and raked its claws down the length of the brute's arm, drawing blood as it flew away again.

The massive demon seemed to have been put on pause, as it stood still for a second, then looked at the red blood dripping from its arm. It then let out a massive raw as it crouched down slightly, then sprang upwards in an almighty leap, straight towards the greater imp who was caught off guard by this move and didn't respond in time.

Kasdeya frowned slightly when the giant imp caught hold of the greater imp and brought it back to the ground. She then grimaced and averted her gaze as the greater imp's torso was removed from its waste, showering blood on the brutes' already red body.

'Well shit, there goes my happy talking buddy.' Kasdeya thought as she started rapidly thinking of ways to get out of this fight and not having to contend with the monster on the opposite side of the battlefield. She still enjoyed living after all, and she wasn't sure if she could win against that thing.

Quickly killing the imp that was in front of her, she stopped throwing mana into her limbs and started cycling it throughout her body in order to leap away, hopefully while being quiet enough to not be noticed.

However her dreams were dashed as right when she was going to finish gathering enough mana, the muscle head looked towards her location and bounded over in a single leap.

Kasdeya immediately responded by imbuing half the gathered mana into her arm, and the other half into a fire bone that she had carved earlier. She immediately threw the bone as it burst into a glorious fireball towards the brute, which hit it square in the chest and created an explosion upon impact, pushing the brute back and causing some visible damage.

'I have no idea what physics these runes follow but I'm not complaining, damage is damage after all.'

The brute stopped for a second and looked closely at Kasdeya's figure as it seemed to ponder something in its head, though Kasdeya didn't give it much of a chance to think as she was already cycling her mana again and dashed forwards while inspecting the red creature.

[Level: 17

Race: Greater Brute Imp]

'Oh god, is this thing the under evolved form of the brute demon? How ripped is that thing then? ALSO THE SYSTEM SAID THAT THEY ARE BAD AT EVERYTHING BUT BEING STRONG! THIS THING IS CLEARLY RIDICULOUSLY FAST AND QUICK THINKING! Also I was just calling it a brute cause I thought that alias matched, but who would have thought that it would be so accurate.' Kasdeya thought as she got within melee range and slid underneath the outstretched hand and raked her claws across the brute imp's thigh while skidding past.

The imp spun around and crashed its fist against the ground, creating a shockwave and small crater that blew Kasdeya back. It then sprinted towards Kasdeya as she took a quick glance at her surroundings and noticed that a circle of imps had formed around her that seemed quite content to watch the battle.

'Great, I'm glad someone's entertained from this.'

Reaching her location, the brute swung its fist towards her as she pulled out a sharpened, strengthened bone about as long as her forearm, which she coupled with a mana disruption rune and quickly propped them up in the way of the brutes fist right before it hit the ground.

The brute imp let out a cry of pain as the mana disruption rune messed with its mana control causing it to lose some reinforcement in its limbs as the strengthened, makeshift dagger pierced into its fist.

'Figured as such, since the information from the system stated that this thing reinforces itself with mana, if I was to interrupt that reinforcement than the sharpened dagger that had been made stronger with an integrity rune, which is something I tried when I was experimenting a little while ago, would be able to pierce the imp and do some damage. Now, let's go for round 2.' Kasdeya thought as she watched the brute back off and watch her as they both moved in opposite directions, tracing a circle on the ground.'