Ah yes The Warm Welcome

As he fell through what felt like a water slide many notifications popped up.

[Warning Anomaly in Gravitational Force detected]

[Warning Disorientation may occur]

It wasn't a fun water slide rather it was like being tied to the tail of a humongous dog (who is very good boi) wagging its tail at an extraordinary pace.

[Digestive system disabled]

[Gag reflex disabled]

[Due to disorientation you may feel uncomfortable]

'Oh I didn't know' he said to himself.


After a while it became calm and he found himself in something like a dark room.


[Scanning surroundings]

[Source of light detected]

He started to run in the direction where the notification floated.

He saw light at the end of the tunnel.


[Unknown Energy detected]

This was the first notification that came when he stepped into the light.

[13 Individuals detected]

[12 Individuals are Intoxicated]

He saw the 12 men sitting around a fire wearing cloaks.

'I'll tell them I'm not an enemy' he thought. There were two mistakes on his part with this decision.

1. He did not know that, they spoke a different language. 2. He looked like the monster under my bed.

"I am not going to attack you" he said.

[Hostile detected]

[Hostile is attacking with a melee weapon]

Suddenly one of them charged with a sword.

Kellogg gave a sigh. "Isekai sucks"

He dodged the sword and struck the person behind his head.

[Target is unconscious]

[11 Hostiles detected]


Sir Abel was a proud person and never backed from a fight. His was known throughout the kingdom for his will courage. When monster appeared, Sir Abel charged at it with his sword while the others were struck by fear at the mere sight of it.

But when he fell down with a single strike, the others came to their senses.

"The monster killed our captain!" Gary shouted. "What are we waiting for? Let's kill it"

Now everyone was drunk and angry. Everyone unsheathed their swords and rushed at the monster.


Kellogg's stomach growled as he saw the roasted pig.

"I need to finish this quickly" he said to himself.

[Taser enabled on right hand]

A blue discharge appeared on his right palm.

He was now surrounded by the eleven knights.

One of them threw a fishing net over him.

