Fist Fight

The knights now formed a circle, around the monster, their swords were ready to cut it when it moved.

"Gary! Use it!" Jonathan yelled.

The knights had an ace up their sleeve while capturing the witch. They used an anti-magic net to stop the target from circulating their mana. As all creatures possed mana, theoretically if the net was big enough, it could paralyse anything.

When they saw the monster's right hand sparkling, Gary immediately threw the net at it.

Unfortunately for them, that 'monster' didn't have any mana inside it for circulation.


"Eh?" the surprise in his tone could be easily identified.

For a minute no one moved. The atmosphere was tense. The knights were ready to attack at any moment. Then, without warning he tore the net with his bare hands.

"I guess they are a bit drunk." He said to himself while he tore the net.

As a former captain himself, he easily recognised the good teamwork and strength of the team. But he was embarrassed to believe that they threw a fishnet at him. So he thought that they were just behaving like that since they got drunk.


The shock in all of their eyes were clearly visible as they saw the net being torn. That net was used to subjugate very dangerous monsters. When used, it would easily force them on their knees. But, this one! Not only did it completely resist the effects, but it destroyed the net itself! The antimagic net was one of the few in existence, it was a heirloom of the royal family lent to them, by the king himself! How could they go back now? Their heads will fly if they went back.

"Attack!" screamed Jonathan and everyone charged in.


[11 Hostiles are attacking]

'Lets try autopilot.' he thought.

[Autopilot engaged]

[Analysing Scenario...]

[Calculating Patterns...]

[Route Generated]

[Executing Maneuvers]

The first attack came from behind, only his right moved and caught the sword just before it hit his left shoulder 60,000 volts passed through the sword and the wielder collapsed.

[1 Hostile has been rendered unconscious]

He held the sword by the blade and threw the it at the next target. The hilt hit the forehead.

[2 Hostiles have been rendered unconscious]

With a sweep his leg the next one fell down and he grabbed his foot.

[3 Hostiles have been rendered unconscious]

Next he tossed the the person at the next target. He dropped the sword and caught his friend. But Kellogg sneaked up on him and then,

[4 Hostiles have been rendered unconscious]

Now the remaining ones became aware of Kellogg's expertise in close combat. One of them threw a small ball and it exploded in front of him releasing white smoke. Inside the white smoke cloud two red lights glowed along with occasional flashes of blue.

'Seriously, a smoke bomb?' he thought 'I don't need to see to land a hit' and thrusted his palm through the smoke.

[5 Hostiles have been rendered unconscious]

Suddenly he felt difficult to move around.

[Sudden drop in temperature detected]

[Crystals of water have formed on the outer layer]

[Warning mobility has decreased]
