
[Warning mobility has decreased]

[Autopilot disengaged]

[Taser deactivated]

[Analysing Scenario...]

It wasn't a smoke bomb. Smoke bombs don't freeze their surroundings.

The cracking sounds of ice could be heard as he tried to move his body.

A long sword passed through the smoke and hit his back. The momentum from the impact caused him to fall down.

[Left shoulder blade damaged]

[Left Ribs 4-6 damaged]


Kellogg let out a moan. For the first time in a long time he was knocked over and injured by an opponent. He was now knocked out of the smoke cloud

[Repair complete]

[New Route Generated]

'No' he thought. 'This time I'll try it myself'

As he quickly jumped to his feet he got attacked continuously from all sides. It wasn't possible to dodge all of them or counter attack. This was the kind of perfect teamwork and combination of skills that the First Squad also had.

Even though the suit was protecting him, it was only to an extent. Occasionally the blades broke a few bones here and there. He was impressed. But inside he was smirking.

[Executing command 'Flash']


For a brief second, the entire forest saw a very very bright light. It was as bright as the midday sun. This was the result of making the entire Gen-Y release energy at the same time. It could easily make you blind for a few minutes and the most surprising thing that it is not an inbuilt command but a user defined command.

[Energy Level at 80%]

The penalty was also pretty big. A whopping 10% drop in total energy. It might not seem like much but, fighting continuously for a few minutes with taser on and healing barely used 1% energy.

The 6 men who attacked him were now lying on the ground screaming in pain as they rubbed their eyes. He lifted his hand.

[Taser enabled on right hand]

[6 Hostiles are rendered unconscious ]

[7 Hostiles are rendered unconscious ]

[8 Hostiles are rendered unconscious ]

[9 Hostiles are rendered unconscious ]

[10 Hostiles are rendered unconscious ]

[11 Hostiles are rendered unconscious ]


He gathered all the knights in one place. It was for an experiment.

[Swiper activated]

[Warning the instrument is still under development. Use with caution]

Of course he knew this. He designed it of course. It was risky to use but he was confident in his ability.

He sat down on the ground and lifted one knight and placed his head on his lap. Now he used both of his hands to caress the head. One hand moved to and fro in a straight line in the forehead region, while the other moved sideways at the back of the head just above the ears.

Memories are stored in three parts of the brain. The Hippocampus, Amygdala and Cerebellum. While the Amygdala stores emotional moments, the Hippocampus stores long-term memories while the Cerebellum stores the different type of skills you learned in your lifetime. The Swiper tool accessed memories stored in Hippocampus and Cerebellum.

[Extraction stopped at 45%]

Kellogg didn't want to use it too much.

[Would you like to analyse the memory?]

[Analysis postponed]

'I should analyse it after extracting from everyone.' he decided before continuing to caress the remaining knights.


If you looked at this scene, you will be horrified and surprised to see a humanoid monster with red eyes playing with the heads of some people. Full cover was still active. Kellogg had forgotten about it.

[Analysis and assimilation complete]

['Language of Inis' memory integrated]

['History of Divine Kingdom' integrated]

['Divine Kingdom Sword techniques' integrated]

['First War Lecture' integrated]

['Woman Pleasing Methods' integrated]

['Succubus Tavern Location' integrated]


[Integration is successful]

He now got information about this world and also some unwanted stuff. It had its limits since it is mostly about a single kingdom. But still, it was better than nothing.

'I still don't feel any difference while speaking' he thought after he tested out the new language he obtained.

[Individual detected in close proximity]

He had forgotten about the 13th individual he turned around and saw the notification floating above a bush.

"I can see you"

An old hag rose from the bushes. It was the witch. She managed to free herself from the tree and hid when the confrontation began. But the shackles on her hands were still there. She had been observing him for quite some time now. Then something strange happened.

[The Individual is wearing a disguise]
