The First Night-part 1

The witch had loosened the peg on the tree and hid herself in the bushes when Kellogg came. She was watching him fight the knights. Although they were drunk, they were still good. She was planning to sneak into the kingdom, now since that plan was gone the 'monster' piqued her curiosity.

The Gen-Y had many advanced features from 'Watch movies in your sleep' to 'Live out your wildest fantasies'. It also supported 'Chemical Production' so that you can make medicine (and other stuff) in your body. But it could also sense if a person is wearing a disguise. This was perfected after millions of trials by forcing it to watch over a thousand veterans crossdressing for an anime convention. This made it so accurate that it could even tell how ugly someone is even if they're wearing a paper bag over their head.(Not X-ray though. That's just fictional)

[Individual is wearing a disguise]

Kellogg didn't doubt the Gen-Y, but still 'How can someone be this good at being ugly.'he thought. (Unfortunately he doesn't know about the reflection in my mirror)

"I won't ask the reason for hiding your identity, but stay clear of me" he spoke like a badass.

The witch was now impressed, a dozen of the best knights on the continent couldn't see through her disguise but this 'monster' was able to do so. 'How strong could it be?' she thought.

She wanted to inspect Kellogg from a closer distance but hesitated. The shackles on her hand still sealed her magic. So she stared at him like a sociopath.

'I guess she can't speak' he thought as he was clearly creeped out her. He ignored it and proceeded to take items from the knights.

Kellogg didn't want to look like a bad guy, So he only took one item from a person. Some money from one guy, cloak,leather armour, boots and sword all from different people. In that way they would be least affected. I he had taken it all from one person, it would have affected the person both physically and emotionally. Just like getting punished by the teacher feels different if you're in group.

The armour and cloak he wore had no crests, Kellogg now looked more like a mercenary. Finally he stuffed a pouch with roast pork. He wanted to eat it right away but he didn't want to fight the knights again. When he looked at the bushes, the witch had disappeared. He felt a bit relieved.

"Alright! Time to go"

[Power output in Legs increased]


(Readers if you laughed at least once or even chuckled please comment about it)