The Accident

After watching P*kemon for almost an hour , I stood up and did the dishes , after which I started going through the files of my patients . When suddenly I heard a noise that was so loud that I got startled and fell down from my chair .

" Ouch ! Damn that hurt . " I said while getting up and running towards the balcony to see what had happened .

When I came in the balcony , I noticed my neighbours were standing in their balconies too , probably curious about the source of the noise . Looking from my balcony , I saw that a car had crashed into a tree . The car's engine was smoking and it's bonnet was in a pretty bad shape too. After I saw the scene , I quickly grabbed the first aid box from the bedside drawer of my room and ran downstairs to check on the driver .

The moment I came downstairs , I went near the car and pulled open the door . Then , I pulled the driver out of the driving seat and made him lie onto the ground .I started to check him for any external wounds but I found none . The driver had fainted so I grabbed the water bottle from inside his car and sprinkled some water on him in an effort to bring him back to consciousness .

" Ugh ! Dammit , Why does my head hurt so bad ? " said the driver as soon as he woke up and his hand instinctively went up to his head . He tried to stand up but I stopped him and made him lie on the ground again .

" You might have a mild concussion due to the crash so don't stand up for the time being . I'll just go and bring my car keys so that I can drive you to the hospital . Okay ? "

" Okay . "

After getting a confirmation from him , I went to my house , grabbed the car keys , and made my way towards the door . After locking the door , I went to where that guy was . I helped him stand up and put his arm around my shoulder to give him support when we were walking towards my car that was parked in the garage . I unlocked my car and opened the door of the backseat . Then , I made him lie down in the backseat and made my way towards the driver's seat . I opened the door , sat down and quickly started the car so that we could reach the hospital as soon as possible .


At the hospital

We made our way into the hospital with him being supported by me . We went straight to the reception .

" Good evening Dr. Alexandra . How come you are here , I thought that you had the day off ? and who might this be ? " said the receptionist Maria as she eyed the handsome guy I was supporting .

" Good evening Maria , do you mind if I answer your questions later ? And can you please tell the ward boys to bring a stretcher as I don't think I'll be able to support him for long . "

" Oh ! right away . Please take a seat at at the waiting area for the time being . " said Maria as she realised her mistake .

" Ok , thank you Maria "

Then , I made him sit in the waiting area as we waited for the ward boys to arrive with the stretcher . The ward boys came soon and took him to an empty room where they made him lie down on the bed carefully . After they left , I accompanied him as we waited for the doctor who came soon . The doctor was a middle aged man who had a smile on his face and looked quite fit for his age .

" Good evening , I am Dr. Henry Miller . You must be Dr. Alexandra , it's nice to meet you . "

" Good evening Dr. Miller , it's nice to meet you too . "

" Now let's look at the patient shall we ? Dr. Alexandra do you mind telling me about what happened to the patient ? "

" Of course Dr. Miller . The patient had a car crash and from the looks of it , it seems like he may have suffered from a mild concussion . "

" Hmm , ok . The patient will have to go through an X-ray and a CT scan so that we can be sure of the damages . "

" Ok , thank you doctor . "

" You're welcome , a nurse would be coming soon to take him for the required scans . I will be taking my leave now . "

Soon after Dr. Miller left , a nurse came to take the patient for the required scans .


After an hour

After the scans were done , we were told to wait in the room assigned to us . Both me and that guy were alone in the room and we were not saying a single word , so I decided to break the silence and ask the question that had been bothering me since the moment we had met .

" So , do you mind telling me how you crashed into a tree ? "

" Oh , sure . So , I was just calmly driving when suddenly a cat walked onto the road and in an effort to try and save it's life , I changed my direction and crashed into a tree . "

" Oh my ! That's unfortunate . Let's hope that you didn't suffer from anything major . "

" Yeah , let's hope I don't have any broken bones . " , he chuckled and then continued , " Oh , I just remembered that we haven't formally introduced ourselves yet . I am Eric Harrington , CEO of Harrington Corporations . It's a pleasure to meet you . "

" I am Dr. Alexandra Williams , A doctor at Ocean's hospital . I am pleased to meet you too . "

" Oh ! So you work here . That explains why the people here seem to know you . What kind of doctor are you any way ? " Eric said .

" Yeah , I do know most people in the hospital but there are still some people like Dr . Miller , whom I don't personally know but have only heard the name of . And to answer your question , I have specialized in cardiology and surgery . By the way , no offense , but you don't exactly resemble the image of a CEO ." I commented while looking at his pale blue shirt , black shorts and blonde messy hair . To be honest , I was a bit taken aback when he first told me that he was the CEO of Harrington Corporations but the look in his eyes told me that he was not lying so I did not doubt him .

He laughed and said , " I know , many people have told me that and no offense but you too don't look like a cardiologist and surgeon . I mean , aren't they supposed to be old or middle aged people that have very less hair and lack a sense of humor ? You don't fit in that description at all . Or maybe you do fit in that description but you had plastic surgery and hair transplant . Ah ! that makes sense . " he concluded with a thoughtful expression on his face .

" Hey ! how could you say that ? " , I said with a hurtful expression and kept my hand on my heart , jokingly .

" Pft , hahahahaha "

After hearing my words he started laughing uncontrollably and I soon joined him with laughter of my own . We were both laughing like maniacs but were interrupted when a nurse came in and told us to keep our volume down as we were disturbing other patients . Due to that we stopped laughing but both of our eyes were glistening with tears because of the laughing session earlier .

" You are hilarious " , he said .

I pinched him and said , " Same pinch "

He looked me with his mouth wide open in response to my childish act .

" You are so much more childish than you actually look like . I am sure that if we would have met under different circumstances , like for some business maybe , I would have never guessed you were like this . "

" I swear I am not like this in front of other people it's just that you are very easy to talk to and I feel like we are more or less alike in our childish behaviour . "

" Hey ! I am not childish "

" Yeah and I am not a woman . " I said sarcastically .

" Wait , what ?! You are not a woman , so were you lying to me this whole time ?! Turns out I was right , you did have plastic surgery and a hair transplant but not only that you also got your gender changed . Don't worry my friend , I promise I would neither break our friendship due to this nor would I tell another soul about your secret . Your secret is safe with m-- " he suddenly stopped speaking when he saw me move away from the bed .

" Wait , what are you doing ? " he asked me as I picked up a cushion from the sofa that was in the room and made my way towards the bed .

I came near the bed and started hitting him with the cushion . I kept on attacking him to show him the consequences of speaking such audacious words . I did not use too much force as I knew that he was still a patient even though he did not look like it .

I only stopped once he started begging for forgiveness.

" Don't you remember Newton's third law my dear friend ' Every action has an equal and opposite reaction ' . So you shoud be ready to face the consequences that take place due to your actions . " I said with a huge smile on my face .

" Okay , okay , I apologise but you could have told me that through words instead of hitting me like a psycho . " he said while showing a wronged expression .

" Haven't you ever heard Eric , ' Actions speak louder than words ' and did I just hear you call me a psycho . " I said with an evil grin on my face .

" N-n-n no , I-I I didn't c-c call you a p-p-p psycho . " Eric replied while stuttering .

" Are you sure ? "

" Y-y-y yes "

" Ok then , I'll take your word for that but I really think that I heard something . Anyway , tell me something about yourself . "

Eric felt thankful that Alexandra had dropped the previous topic and was grateful to God in his mind . Then , he said , " Hmm ..... what should I tell you about myself ? let me think . Oh ! I know , so I have a childhood bestfriend Ace and when we were little about 10 years old we used t-- "

Before he could finish speaking Dr. Miller came back with Eric's reports .

Dr. Miller said , " Hello again , so the patient's reports have come and according to them the patient has neither broken bones nor a mild concussion . The headache that you had before must have been because of the impact from when the car hit the tree . So , there is nothing to worry about and you can go home after completing the formalities which were not adhered to before as you were not in a good condition . "

" Thank you so much Dr. Miller " , said Eric

" Thank you doctor . " I said

" Both of you are welcome , now I will take my leave as their are other patients that need my attention . A nurse will be with you soon to help you with the formalities . "

After Dr. Miller left we decided to complete our conversation in the car and went with the nurse who came right after Dr. Miller left to complete the formalities .
