A New Friend

In the car

" Okay , so before you start talking again , tell me where do you live so that I can drop you off . " I said

" My address is - House no. 42 , J F luxurious mansions . " Eric said

After typing his address in the GPS , I started the car and the silence which had ensued in the car for hardly a minute vanished as Eric started talking again .

" So as I was telling you before , me and Ace used to play many pranks on our parents and other adults when we were younger . We were partners in crime . We also had another good friend but even though he was more of a serious type , he never stopped us from doing whatever we wanted and though he would probably never say it to our faces but he thinks of us as his brothers . Even now we have a rule of meeting each other at the second Saturday of every month . "

" Wow ! that sounds like a very close knit friendship . But why the rule ? "

" That's because we wanted our friendship to stay the same even when we are older . We didn't want our friendship to slowly break apart due to little or no interaction . We try to meet each other whenever we are free but that rarely happens as all of us are really busy so we kept the rule . "

" Hmm ..... that makes sense . "

" Anyway , enough about me . Now tell me something about yourself . "

" Well for starters , I love dogs . In fact , I have two dogs right now named Ginger and Sky . Ginger is a German Shepherd while Sky is Husky . They are like the two loves of my life . Besides them , I also love baking and eating sweet things . "

" I love dogs too , I'd really love to meet them one day . I am sure they will love me too . "

During the rest of the car ride we just spoke about our likes , dislikes and our love for dogs . I also told him a lot about Ginger and Sky . In the end when we reached his mansion , ( which was among the most gigantic mansions I have ever seen ) we exchanged our numbers and then I left for my house after bidding goodbye to Eric .


At home (Around 5:00 in the evening )

I put the key into the lock and opened the door . The moment the door opened , my dogs came running towards me at lightning speed and I would have probably toppled down had I not held the door for support .

" Aww ..... Looks like both of you missed me . I missed you too my darlings . Just let me change my shoes , then we will go out for a run . Ok ? "

" Woof " , both of them barked together in response to my words .

" Ok then , I will assume that both of you understood me . Now please give way so that I can at least enter the house . "

Both of them ran inside the house and I closed the door after entering . I changed the shoes I was currently wearing to a pair of sport shoes , then I tied the dogs to their chains and took them outside . When we were outside , I checked if there were any people around and when I found out that we were alone , I opened their chains . Both of them started chasing after each other and I followed after them in full speed .

After about half an hour , all three of us were very tired so I tied them and took them back to the house .

I put my shoes in the shoe rack and slipped on my comfy faux fur slippers . I never use any product that has been made by causing harm to animals as I love animals . I don't even understand that what do people even get by harming or killing animals , I am sure that they can always use faux fur or faux silk , etc . I am sure that I would have definitely become an animal activist if I was not a doctor .

After wearing my slippers , I went inside the walk in closet that was located in my room and found myself some comfy clothes to wear to bed . I took those clothes and went inside the bathroom to have a hot shower which always helps me to calm down my nerves and soothe my muscles after going through hectic days like today .

After a long bath , I finally came out of the bathroom and lit some lavender scented candles . Then , I went to the kitchen to cook some food for myself . I felt like having a light dinner so I just made myself a salad . Before I started eating , I fed the dogs and then made my way towards the television . I sat on the sofa , switched on the T.V and then changed the current channel to the news channel so that I could know about the current affairs of the Country .

The moment the news channel appeared on the screen , the headline caught my eye .

' CEO of Gray Corporations , Mr. Lucifer Gray has returned '

The news anchor spoke , " CEO Gray of Gray Corporations has just returned to the country after achieving a massive success in his project in Japan . Gray Corporations still remains No. 1 not only in our country but also all over the world . "

" Oh , so the devil has returned . RIP his poor employees . " I said .

I don't personally know him but there is no need for that as he is famous all over the world for his ruthlessness and his workaholic attitude . It is rumoured that he fires employees in the blink of an eye and that he exudes a dangerous and cold aura at all times . All this resulted in him gaining the title of the ' Devil ' . Once a media personnel accidentally referred to him as the ' Devil ' while speaking and that news channel was shut down the very next day . Since then , no one has ever dared to call him a Devil openly .

" Well no matter what , the Devil is a handsome man . " I said to myself as I looked at his image on the T.V . His eyes are as blue as the ocean while his black hair reminded me of the midnight sky , he has a muscular but lean built and a height of 6.3 feet .

I surfed several news channels but all of them were broadcasting about Lucifer's return . In the end I just switched off the T.V and went towards my bedroom after putting the dogs to sleep in the their room .Yes , I do have a separate room for my dogs because whenever my dogs sleep in my room , they tend to lick me in an attempt to wake me up . And trust me , waking up with dog saliva on your face isn't a good feeling .

I didn't feel sleepy yet so I just grabbed the book which I had yet to complete and started reading it . I was reading a mystery thriller book . After about an hour of reading , I started feeling really sleepy so I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 10:30 pm . I got up from my bed and grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen after which I proceeded towards the bathroom so that I could brush my teeth . After exiting the washroom , I blew out all the candles that were still burning and then set an alarm for 5:25 am so that I could wake up . Then , I just laid down on the bed and started sleeping soundly .


The next morning ( at 5:40 am )

I woke up after snoozing the alarm twice and took the dogs for a morning walk . After coming back , I started getting ready for the day . I brushed my teeth , took a 10 minute shower and came out of the bathroom in a robe as I forgot to take my clothes inside . I decided to wear blue skinny jeans and a white button up shirt .

Next , I went to the kitchen , made myself some cereal for breakfast and some sandwiches for lunch . I sat on the dining table to eat my cereal while going through my phone . After I had my breakfast , I fed the dogs their food . Then , I entered the kitchen , washed my bowl and spoon and packed my sandwiches in an airtight lunch box .

After everything was done it was already 7:00 am , so I took my car keys and my bag which contained my coat , my lunch , a water bottle , a lip balm and a moisturizer . I also put in some dark chocolate bars just in case I get tired and feel hungry . Then , I locked the door and went towards the garage . I started my car and left for the hospital hoping that I would not encounter any traffic .


At the hospital ( 7:30 am )

The moment I reached the hospital , one of the nurses told me that the head doctor , Dr. Smith , had asked for my presence in his office . So , I went towards his office and knocked twice on his door before waiting for permission to enter .

" Come in " , said Dr. Smith .

I entered and stood before his desk and wondered that why had he called me .

He started speaking , " Dr. Williams you need to go to the chairman's office and he will assign some work to you . He wants to tell you the details personally , so you may quickly proceed and meet me after you come back . "

Then I left his office .

As I walked towards the chairman's office , I felt an ominous feeling build in my heart ...