
They said I was just craving for love. But in my eyes it wasn't the truth. It never was. I just wanted someone to love and I just wanted him to love me back. But I never knew love will lead me in this path.

At school people were talking about the kiss, yes the kiss that me and Miles had. Maybe I should have never kissed him. But I couldn't escape, his grip. I wish I could also him and ran off. But I was scared to lose him, scared of him. I just knew why it happened. Why the video got leaked.

I approached to Miles, I don't know why, I shouldn't have but I only approached him to tell him shit about his best friend. Well wrong decision dear.

I told him, "Nick leaked the video."

He looked up at me, with disbelief in his eyes. He was angry.

First of all, I didn't want to take this video, his best friend did and he planned it both times.

He spoke after a long pause and after I thought everything to myself, "No, your damn friends and their boyfriends did."

I was shocked, like what the fuck? Are you dumb?

My mouth blurted out, "No, they would never. And if they did show them, then just some of them. Not the whole freaking class."

But he, he didn't want to believe me, at least, believe your girlfriend for once. "I believe in Nick that he won't do anything like that."

I was so angry that I wanted to burst out. But I controlled myself. Then I let out a sigh and became sure that he won't believe me.

Well yeah, I mean who would ever believe me?

I didn't want the teachers to know or the seniors. So I just told him to do something about it because he has the most connections with people, "At least you can do something about this. Please babe."

He just shoved me away, like nothing happened. I wish I could've broken up with him then. I couldn't, or I should say I didn't.

"Sorry. But you should tell your freaking friends about this."

I shouted, without any options left, I just shouted. "I believe in them like you believe in Nick."

He looked away from me. To somewhere else. I just stared at him and I walked away. It's impossible. I wanted to cry so badly. But I didn't or maybe I couldn't. I let him go.


"Samantha is still with him."

"Yeah. They are like glued together."

And laughs, they eyed me. Yeah, we're fighting but in your eyes we're so in love. I thought. If I had some super power to go back in time and make it better. I would've done it.

Lara came up to me. I knew what she was going to say.

My unconscious mind still shouted, "Lara, just go."

Before she could say anything she just went away. I wanted her to stay. But she just walked out.

I walked into my class. I knew it had to stop somehow. But how can I stop them from talking? From eyeing me? I thought about that the whole class.

I thought about if I had some superpower I saw in TV shows, or just a time machine?

I had classes at afternoon. I just went there without anyone, not Miles, nor any of them.

I just walked all alone. And for the first time I saw my neighborhood. It hasn't been many days since I moved here.

Well everytime I walked to my classes, I'd be with someone, going around many lanes. But today I just went for the classes. No turning around lanes.

I saw them. And found out everything was so new to me. All of them. I discovered another world where I was all alone.

I knew everyone is alone in their own way. Nobody in this world is entirely, well completely alone, right? But whatever they say, selfish? Yes, maybe, I'm all alone, for now.

I went to the class, thinking, what'll Mr. Sanderson ask or tell about me.

Well Mr. Sanderson is very close to us. So we just share everything with him. And when I entered in the class, Lara was there.

She spoke up, "Sam, sit with me. I have something to talk about."

Well I knew I had to cause I've been avoiding her today, the whole day. I sat with her. Mr. Sanderson smiled at me, not that laughing, funny type of smile, just a smile to give me hope that it's not your fault.

Well by his smile I got to know, he knew about everything. Hah, foolish of me to think he wouldn't know.

And Lara said, what she wanted to ask me then, "Sam I never thought you would kiss him like that. And also the video got leaked."

I sighed, heavily and said, "I don't know anything and I don't want to talk about it."

She sighed. I mean I don't understand why she needed to sigh, was she worried about me? Or was it not enough to ruin me?

She asked, being wary, "Well do you know how the video got leaked?"

I didn't even look at her, "Not a clue."

A helpless look in my face. Because I really don't know how it got leaked. And I need to know how and why anybody would try to leak that video. But however it got leaked.

Mr. Sanderson quietly listened to our conversation, he wanted to say something maybe, something to give me hope but didn't get the chance. But then we stopped talking.

He spoke up, "Well you should not worry about it anymore Samantha. The more you're gonna worry, the more they'll try to take the chance."

I just smiled, inside, and replied to him, "I know Mr. Sanderson. But I can't help it. It's hard to forget what happened. And I know it's all Nick's fault."

He sighed, "You can't just go around blaming everyone."

I was just so all over the place, I didn't need to say anything, but I did, "I'm sorry everybody. But I need time. I know everything will get better."

I just sighed. And they looked at me. With pity in their eyes. I know it has to get better, somehow. I need to solve whatever mystery has come up.

Miles didn't text me. I don't know why. But I didn't care. But right now I just needed people to stop asking me, stop eyeing me, stop whispering about me.

Like my first kiss was death to me. But I can never believe Nick would do something like this.

I needed to approach Nick, I did.

I asked him, calmly, "Nick, I need to know who did that!'

Nick looked at me and laughed. Was my question supposed to be sarcastic? Was it supposed to be funny? I got mad.

He just replied without even looking, "Ask your dear friends."

I shouted, I mean who wouldn't, "I know you did that. Stop acting like u didn't."

Nick looked away. And tried to avoid me. I was so, so mad, like what am I? A joke?

I shouted, again. "Nick, Nick..?? NICK.. Fucking listen to me."

And he walked away. I needed to talk to him.

2 weeks went by. I knew I could never ever solve what was in front of me. And eventually they all just forgot about this matter. And I also tried not to think about it, but it just stuck to my mind.

But little do they knew how this thing haunted me. How I cried every night thinking about this thing. But I was happy that they forgot. But how long? Yeah, how long???