How many days can your life stay normal? One? Two? A week? Month? Years? Or forever? Hah, nobody's life is normal for forever.
We came to the hall room and there were people from other classes too.
I saw Helio, the only person I could recognize. There were chairs stacked up in a corner. We took one chair and rounded it up as a circle.
After sometime all the people came. I saw Robbie and Nate. And there were some people whose names I forgot haha.
Ray sat beside me and Stephan also sat kinda beside me. I didn't see many girls from our class, not even many. Not one girl came. I laughed, in my mind.
"So what we here for?" Stephan crossed his legs and stretched out as he said.
He's really tall. Like really. I'm only 5 ft 2 and he's aroun 6 ft.
"I don't know man! Will Ms Rosela come though?" Robbie sat beside us.
"Well you guys saw the events right? Also the competitions?" I looked at them as I said.
They all laughed. "Yeah we all saw but are you really going to participate in all of those?" Stephan laughed.
I was kinda confused. Was there something I didn't know?
"What happened why are you guys laughing? Ahh why don't you guys say everything to me?" I literally screamed like a baby.
Ray laughed. "Sam we are going to have fun. Don't worry about all this."
I thought really? They won't care if our school wins or not. "Really you guys don't care if we win or not?"
Stephan waved his hand, "No, look they aren't even putting any effort in this. They are doing because they need to attend."
Yeah they actually weren't putting any kind of effort in this fest. Well it won't hurt to have fun once in a while.
"So what'll we do though?" I asked them, excitedly.
Stephan leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, "I don't know. So what should we do?"
We talked for a while, about stuffs. I was looking at Stephan and Nate. They were talking about photography.
Then Ray tapped me on my arms. "Hey you like "Henry potter"?"
I looked at him with the sudden question about "Henry Potter". But I squealed with joy because I love it. "Yeah yeah I love that movie!"
His face brightened up. "What's your favourite character?" He asked.
Hmm, I thought. Who is my favourite character? "It's Henry obviously. Because he's really brave."
"Yeah I also love Henry but I love Helliena more. She's so pretty!" He laughed.
"Really? I feel like she's such a bookworm. I don't like bookworms." I laughed and he rolled his eyes at me.
"You know if you fuck your hairs behind and pull some and make your hair messy you'll look like Belonarra." He laughed at me.
I got angry, how the hell I look like Belonarra! I was about to turn around then he just tucked my haird behind my ears. I looked at him? Wait he's trying to make me like Belonarra!
"Hey wait you can't do this Ray!" I shouted and clasped my hands together.
He got shocked by what he was doing. He hurriedly pulled his hand. "Ah I'm sorry I was trying to see if you really look like Belonarra!"
We both laughed. Ms Rosela came to the room with Ms Sharon.
"Students listen up, we are gonna be telling you about the fest and everyone here need to fill up this form with what you want to attend and your number." Ms Sharon said.
She passed out the forms to us and began explaining. Well I already saw all the things that gonna happen.
So I just sat there listening to them and well actually just looking at them and everyone.
They went out after explaining. I turned to Ray and Stephan, "So ehat are you guys taking part in?"
Stephan sighed, "Well I guess I'll take part in crosswords because I do crosswords. I don't know what else."
I looked at Ray. "Well I don't know maybe the one where Ms Sharon said we're gonna be asked about English literature and stuff." Ray said.
Then they both looked at me. I knew I needed to say what I'll be taking part in. "I guess story writing and the English literature thingy."
Stephan kept on sighing but then someone came in the room. "So we will go to the fest tomorrow at 6am-"
Everyone started questioning and talking why 6am?
"I didn't even finish. We'll be present in the school at 6 to 7 am. And leave there maybe at 7:30 am. Lunch will be served by the school for free."
He said that and started talking with his group. A senior maybe.
Stephan's face filled up with happiness when he heard lunch will be served free.
I laughed, "Why are you so happy when it'll be served free? It can be worse if it's free."
He looked at me with an annoyed face, "Shut up. It's free bro!"
I looked at Ray and laughed. We all stayed in the hall room until school time has finished.
I came out and someone passed by me, running.
Well it was Ray. He came in front of me. "Hey wanna have something?"
Wanna have what? Food? Some "thing"? I looked at him and smiled, being confused.
He looked at me and sighed. He thought how am I so dumb. "Ice cream Dumbass."
I smiled at my own stupidness. Where's my mind this days?
We talked to the place near my home. A store obviously. And well bought two ice cream.
We just talked about "Henry Potter". It's funny how time flies by when you're having fun.
We both went home after having ice cream.
I came home and flopped on my bed. It's so tiring to change clothes. Ahhh I hate it.
I got cleaned up and ate and slept. I was so tired don't know why.
When I woke up I could feel my head throbbing. It was hurting a lot, like really.
Damn, I thought. What happened to me? But I didn't want to tell my ma. It's just she gets overhyped about this.
I opened my bookshelf for some books about literature and stuffs. And there it was, our first anniversary gift, that he gave me.
It was there. I didn't throw it away or anything. It was just there. I didn't throw away any of his gifts. I don't know if I should have or not.
I guess, being with him grew on to me. It's stupid how he has done everything to humiliate me and I still thought it could've been better.
I tried to reach for it but then I didn't. What's the point?
I need to wake up early tomorrow. Ahhh 6 am. How the hell can I be there at 6am? It's not crazy cold or something but how can someone get up at 6am?
I flipped through the books trying to keep my concentration there. I didn't have dinner because I felt like throwing up.
I can't wait to meet all these people tomorrow, I thought. My head was still throbbing but I didn't have any medicine because if ma gets to know it'll be all hell.
I fell asleep about 11pm thinking about the good stuffs that's gonna happen. But I didn't know it'd also get twisted.