guardians chapter 1: the return

Scene 1

*a guy comes and jumps on the roof of one of the mini houses of the southern air temple. Then he jumps down and tries to sneak into the temple but he steps on a stick. One of the guardians hears it and goes to check the noise but finds nothing. After he leaves the first guy earthbends himself out of the ground back up and starts searching every room until he stumbles across the dining room*

Jinora: who are you ?

Yin (the guy): *sees the tattoos on her* you

Jinora: who? Me?

Yin: yes you, I need to talk to you

Jinora: I don't even know who you are and you also interrupted my dinner

Yin: (desperate)  please just for one minute, I came all the way from the earth kingdom just to talk to you

Jinora: *looks at Kai then back at Yin and gets up*

Kai: that's too dangerous, I'm coming with you

Jinora: no, I feel a lot of spiritual energy, a lot like the one Korra had and this boy doesn't look like he's wanting to cause any harm. I want to go alone

Scene 2

Locarion: the courtyard of the temple

Jinora: so what do you want ?

Yin: I heard you mentioned something about Korra. That was the old avatar right?

Jinora: yes. I was her spiritual trainer and I felt the same spiritual amount of spiritual energy radiating from you

Yin: yeah right, and the new avatar hasn't appeared yet, right?

Jinora: what do you wanna say

Yin: what do you think? a guy from the earth kingdom with the same amount of energy as the old avatar, who could I be?

Jinora: impossible. You are the new avatar ?

Yin: *bows* Yin. Nice to meet you Jinora

Jinora: wait. How? Where were you all of those 17 years? And how do you know my name? I'm confused

Yin: avatar Korra told me about you

(A lot of people say the earthbender avatar wouldn't be able ot talk to korra, and that would've been the case if the guardians didn't interfere, the way they helped Yin connect with korra is mentioned in my book "back stories of avatar: a true master" because I can't just explain everything on the spot, so I preferred making a whole book dedicated for back stories and explanations)

and if you want proof that I'm the avatar, here you go *backs up a little bit. Earthbends a peice of the ground and airbends in the air, firebends and waterbends* is that enough evidence?

*Jinora faints*

Scene 3

Location: Jinora and Kai's bedroom

*Jinora is on her bed with some of her family members around her and Yin is in the corner of the room. Kai gets mad and goes to Yin: grabs him by his clothes and slams him next to the wall*

Kai: (screaming) what did you do to her?

Yin: I swear I did nothing? When I showed her proof that I'm the avatar she fainted

Kai: sure. You need to work on your lying skills kid. Don't make me repeat myself, what, did you do to her?

Yin: I'm not lying I swear. Please i don't wann fight you

*kai's first starts heading toward Yin but something stops him, Yin bended the wall behind him to extend some of it and stops his fist which was painfully for kai*

Yin: *fixes his outfit* see, I told you

Kai: that proves nothing. You could just be an earthbender

Jinora: leave him alone, he's telling the truth

Kai: when did you wake up?

Jinora: when you were losing your mind and trying to attack him.

Kai: *looks at Yin* I'm sorry avatar, I as just trying to protect her *bows*

Yin: I understand *bows as well*

*the others in the room also bow*

Kai: where were you all of those years?

Yin: I was living in a mountain near Zaofu with my teacher, master ushi.

Kai: and why didn't you come earlier, aren't you aware of the current situation? Yin: what situation?

Kai: wait. You don't know

Yin: I loved 11 years of my life in a mountain with only one other human being detached from the world so I actually know nothing. Is it a bad thing?

Kai: (screaming) bad? It's destroying the world as we speak?

Yin: what? I'm really confused

Jinora : go slow on him Kai, he said he was isolated from the world for 11 years. We will talk about that later

Scene 4

Location: the temple

*Yin and Jinora are walking through the temple's halls*

Jinora: so where were you all of those years?

Yin: my mom knew I was the avatar when I was 5 years old *gets flashbacks* we were having lunch when she wanted to feed me something I didn't like. I firebended it and burned it. When she knew she called someone, it was sensei Ushi. He took me and I never went back home again

Jinora: and why was that?

Yin: from what sensei Ushi told me, she knew that most earthbender avatars have a hard time mastering airbending and I don't know why, but she didn't trust airbenders so she wanted another person to teach me. Sensei Ushi was an earthbender but he is a really wise man. Although he can only bend earth, he had a lot of knowledge about the others and he was the one who taught me. Surprisingly, I didn't find a hard time learning airbending. Actually, I didn't find trouble learning different bendings, the only one that was a took little bit more than usual was firebending. Sensei Ushi said that although I am natively an earthbender, I had the personality of a waterbender. He said that it's common for avatars to have different personality than they should have, for example avatar Korra had the personality of a mixture between earth and firebenders. We focused at earthbending the most but we took care of the other elements as well

Jinora: that's great but I still can't process why did your mother do that

Yin: sensei ushi said that it's probably because she knew that being the avatar comes with a lot of responsibility so she fathered knowing that I'm living in peace isolated from the world not seeing her that living as a true avatar should and being next to her

*after a moment of silence*

Yin: so what's the thing that the guy talked about?

Jinora: kai, that's my husband.

Yin: what did he mean when he said "it's destroying the world"

Jinora: 2 years ago, a guy called Zei and a bunch of water and earthbenders attacked the fire nation, they were too powerful, they literally destroyed the whole nation in one night and it was a full moon, where waterbenders are at their strongest and firebenders are at their weakweakest. Some fire nation citizens escaped an the others died except for the fire lord and pther professional firebenders, they got put in prisons there.

Yin: how was he able to do that in one night?

Jinora: it started the second the moon showed up, they sneaked up and killed a lot of people. They qere quick and silent to the point that nobody noticed them and when the first one did, he tried to fight for his life, people heard his family screaming and came to see what's happening and when they found out, they all ran and that's when the fire lord got the news, he and a bunch of firebending masters went to defend their home and that's when they knew that Zei was a bloodbender, a strong one. His troupes took care of the others while he fought the fire lord. His bloodbending was too steong to the point that nobody stood a chance. The few people who are now in Republic city's shelters. When we went ro defend the fire nation we lost our battle against him, it was like everyone of them has the equivalent strength to five of us. Zei wasn't only able to bloodbend at full moon, he was able to do at anytime, we found out that he was planning to drow the whole nation but we were curious to how he would do it. We tried another attack which ended up failing but we saw something that we weren't expecting to see, the whole nation had a huge wall being built around it. His plan was to completely fill it with water. When we told him that what he's doing is useless and that we will empty it once he's done, he smiled and said "drowning it was the first step"

Yin: what's the second one?

Jinora: I wish I knew. The only thing I'm sure about is that it's not a good thing and that he needs to e stopped and only you can do it

*they stop walking*

Jinora: here's your room, breakfast is at 6 tomorrow. Goodnight

Scene 5

Location: Jinora and Kai's bedroom

Jinora: the past is repeating itself

Kai: what do you mean?

Jinora: the avatar disappearing for years and coming back to find that a bending is going extinct. Doesn't that sound familiar?

Kai: every avatar disappeared for a while

Jinora: Korra didn't disappear

Kai: and what about those 3 years she didn't show up in after her fight with Zahir

Jinora: oh yeah I forgot about those

Kai: avatar Kuruk became isolated and disappeared after Koh stole his lover's face, avatar Kyoshi disappeared for a while after separating the kyoshi island from land, she was living there with a couple of people only, avatar Roku disappeared after his fight with the fire lord, avatar Aang disappeared before the fire nation attack happened, avatar korra took a break to recover and she disappeared and avatar Yin disappeared for 17 years for a reason we still don't know and from what he told you, he now basically mastered earthbending. Don't worry, we got this

Scene 6

*Jinora busts the door open causing Yin to wake up*

Jinora: good morning

Yin: you could've knocked

Jinora: get up. We need to go

Yin: what? Where? The sun didn't rise yet

Jinora: to the morthern air temple to medatate. Medatation is at its best either early morning or late night

Yin: *closes his eyes* five more minutes

*Jinora airbends at him causing the blanket to fly off*

Yin: fine, I'm coming