guardians chapter 2: the spirit world

Summery of chapter 1

Yin, a boy from the earth kingdom is the new avatar. He finally showed himself and there are problems he needs to solve but first, he need to learn the basics of the spirit world

Scene 1

Location: in the northern air temple

Time: early morning

*Yin and Jinora arrived to the air temple*

Yon: wow this is amazing

Jinora: air temples are magical places. Every temple is more impressive than the other. I wanna show you something

*they go to the place where Korra and Jinora first meditated together in*

Jinora:me and avatar Korra entered the spirit world from here at first. Oh yeah and about avatar Korra, you mentioned her yesterday

Yin: when I was medatating a week ago, she talked to me and told me to go to the southern air temple and look for a girl with airbender tattoos. She told me that she will be my the person that will teach me everything I need to know about the spirit world. It was you *smiles*

Jinora: *smiles back* I am more than happy to serve the avatar, again. Now, let's start our meditation

*a while after*

Yin:(devastated) oh my goodness why can't I do it?

Jinora: entering the spirit world isn't that easy. It needs patience

Yin: I'm trying

Jinora: I know you are, but nobody succeeds from the first try.

Yin: I'm hungry, can we go back, I need to eat

Scene 2

Location: on a bison in mid air

*Yin falls off*

Jinora: Yin *tries to catch him with the bison but fails the first time, the second try is already too late*

*Yin seems calm. He fixes his direction so he's heading directly toward the ground and before he hits it, he airbends himself to fall slowly and after he hits the ground, he earthbends a circle under him and lifts himself up to the bison*

Yin: hi

Jinora: wow. That ushi guy must've taught you really well

Yin: he did

Scene 3

Location: the first air temple at the place Korra first trained in

(I would include a picture but sadly I can only do that on wattpad, sorry :) )

Jinora: avatar Korra trained here when she first came

Yin: was she good?

Jinora: she actually burned the whole thing down

Yin: Oh. I didn't expect that

Jinora: neither did I

Yin: *laughs*

Jinora: enough talking about the past, your goal is to go through this without touching any board..

Yin: step up your game

Jinora: I haven't finished yet, your goal is to go through the boards while they're spinning

Yin: I should've not talked

Jinora: now remember, the key is being like a leaf *airbends the boards, takes a leaf out of a branch above her and airbends it into the training place*

*the leaf moves between the boards without touching them*

Yin: I hope I get it right

Jinora: you'll never know until you try

*Yin starts going through them, he passes the first ones* Jinora dis you see that?

Jinora: focus on the boar..

*loud noises come from the training area and Yin screams*

Jinora: I told you to focus

Scene 4

Scene 4-1

Location: republic city

*Yin and the mayor shake hands*


-how is it like being the new avatar?

- are you going to close the spirit portal?

- are you going to protect Republic city?

- why did you disappear for so long?

-why did you betray your people?

Yin: I didn't. It was complicated

Journslist: so how do you explain it?

*people start booing and throwing things at him. Yin jumps and airbends and when the air goes, Yin already disappeared. He earthbended the street and got in*

Scene 4-2

Location: the southern air temple

*Jinora enters Yin's room at notices he's upset*

Jinora: what's wrong?

Jinora: people in here are not welcoming. They're blaming me for the whole fire nation thing. That's what's wrong

Jinora: you know people, they would never be satisfied with anything you do. Especially media, I mean what would they do with a perfect avatar, they need to say bad stuff about them to grab people's attention. Don't listen to them, they did the same thing to avatar Korra then they started praising her

Yin: I will try to

Scene 5

Location: the fire nation

Worker: sir, the avatar is in Republic city

Zei: *smiles* fun

Scene 6

Location: the first air temple, the training area

Time: night

(Yin is alone in the training area)

Yin: *takes a deep breath* let's do this *goes through the boards without touching them*

*Jinora comes from behind*

Jinora: good job

Yin: *turns around* oh. Didn't see you there.. and thanks

Jinora: *smiles the leaves*

Scene 7

Location: the hall of the first air temple

Yin: *going to his room, Yin overhears Jinora talking to someone so he overhears them*

Jinora: should we tell Yin?

Yin: *entered the room they're in* tell me what?

Kai: *to Jinora* I think you should

Yin: guys you're starting to freak me out what's happening?

Jinora: people didn't take your escape very well, they are protesting. They wanna now where've you been and this and that.

Yin: although I don't like confrontation, I will go and answer their questions

Jinora: no, let us handle this. You go with Miilo somewhere a bit far until sunset

Yin: why can't I go by myself ?

Jinora: it's just for extra protection

Scene 8

location: the first air temple

*Yin and Miilo went on the Bison*

Yin: (to Miilo) you don't need to do this, I can protect myself

Jinora: what you can't do is how to ride a bison

Yin: how hard could it be. Watch this, yup yup

* after the bison flies*

Kai: why didn't you let him answer a few questions

Jinora: didn't you notice that he has a really calm personality. Korra can handle a whole army of journalists but he doesn't stand a chance against one

Scene 9

Location: a hill

*Miilo is meditating*

Yin: so, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about avatar Korra

Miilo: she was a really powerful woman, she doesn't give up or break out easily

Yin: wow I wish I was like her

Miilo: bilur that made her commit stupid mistakes because she didn't think before she put her thoughts into acts

Yin: I take it back

Miilo: that was until she got poisoned and disappeared for 3 years. After that, she became a lot wiser and opened a third spirit portal in the middle of Republic city. It was amazing

Yin: ok now I take back what I took back

*a butterfly lays down on Yin's shoulder*

Yin: oh hey little guy

Scene 10

Location: republic city

*Jinora comes to talk to the journalists*

The crowd: -where is the avatar?

-did he disappear again?

-he's such a coward

- he didn't answer any question

Jinora: do you know why he didn't answer any question because of you. He disappeared for 10 years and how do you welcome him? Blaming him for something he didn't even know was happening. If one of you goes into a coma and even he wakes up people blame you because your house was set on fire and you did nothing how would you feel? You would feel useless and hated and that's what he felt, you're not humans, you're monsters, no wonder the spirits didn't want to live with you because you don't deserve it. Any questions now


Jinora: that's what I thought, cowards *glides off*

Scene 11

Location: in mid air on a bison

Yin: *turns around* Miilo were we supposed to be followed by a plane

Miilo: no. Why?

Yin: turn around

Miilo:*turns around, gasps*

*the plane has a person riding it and two other, each one is on a wing, they had stacks of earth disks next to them. They start earthbending the disks and hitting Yin and Miilo. Miilo jumps in front of Yin and airbends the disks away but then, out of nowhere a disk hits his head causing him to faint. Yin takes him and puts him behind him. Another disk hit Yin's back. He resists the pain and turns around. While 4 disks are heading toward him, he airbends them with a lot of air that the pilot starts loosing control. Then, Yin jumps on the airship, jumps up and airbends it down causing it to crash. Then, he jumps down into a nearby lake. After that, he waterbends and creates a water tornado that he uses to get back on the bison an before he let's go of the water, he takes a peice of it and starts healing Miilo*

Yin: I told her I can take care of myself

Scene 12

Location: the southern air temple

*Miilo and Yin still didn't come yet*

Time: a bit before sunset

*two firebenders and a waterbender jump on the roof of the temple, the firebenders go down and start talking with one of the people working in the temple and the waterbender goes to another direction Jinora and Kai go out of their room. Kai sees the waterbender and goes after him, Jinora goes to fight the firebenders.

Scene 12-1

Jinora: who are you ?

*the two firebenders start throwing flames at her and the worker runs away. Jinora airbends the fires away then tries to hit them with air but they avoid it.

Scene 12-2

*Kai follows the waterbender. The waterbender enters Yin's room.*

Kai: what do you think you're doing?

*the waterbender looks at him and says nothing*

Kai: I said, what do you think you're doing?

The waterbender smiles the bends over and puts his hands in the direction of Kai. Kai is confused. Water comes out of the window behind the bender and hits kai. He falls and the waterbender escapes but Kai airbends air onto him. The air makes him fall. Kai goes to help Jinora*

Scene 12-3

*one on the left, one on the right, the firebenders throw fire at Jinora. She tries to resist but start getting weaker. Then at the last moment, Kai comes to help her. He directs one hand at one and the other hand at the other one then airbends. They both fall. Then, the waterbender comes behind Kai.*

Jinora: (screaming) kai bend over

*kai bends over. Jinora airbends toward him. The air pushes the waterbender.

Scene 12-4

*the 3 benders and the worker are tied up, put into police cars. The cars drove off.*

Jinora: investigate them and know what were they doing in here

Chief Okuzaki: we will.

Jinora: thank you.

Scene 13

Location: the dining room of the air temple

Kai: I cant believe what just happened

Jinora: me neither. Why were they here?

Kai: I think I know why. The waterbender was heading to Yin's room. They were after Yin.

Jinora: but why?

Kai: let's just hope they will spill their secrets to chief Okuzaki

Scene 14

Location: the investigation room

Chief Okuzaki: *hits the table* (screaming) look, keeping quiet will only make things harder for you

Waterbender: we're not talking

Chief Okuzaki: *grins* we'll see about that

Scene 15

Location: the first air temple

*the bison sits. Yin and Miilo get down with Miilo touching his head. Jinora comes worried *

Yin: they attacked us in mid air

Jinora: are you guys ok?

Miilo: they knocked me out. Before I fainted, I saw Yin airbending the plane and destroying it, then he waterbends back up and started healing me.

Jinora: when did you learn healing?

Yin: I was self taught. Before I came here for the first time I practiced healing

Jinora: that's good. I underestimated your powers

Yin: thanks. They were after me

Kai: that's the same thing we thought about

Jinora: we need to go tell chief Okuzaki

Kai: I'll take care of that

Yin: thanks.

*kai goes*

Scene 16

Location: the medatation spot in the northern air temple

*Yin meditating, he enters the spirit world*

Yin: I'm in

Jinora: you sure are. Now there are 2 things you need to know, the first one is that your mood affects the spirits around you. For example, if you have negative feeling spirits will turn evil and attack you and the second thing is tha..

Yin: ouuuuh spirits * grab a one by its tail*

The spirit: (with ego)how dare you?

Yin: oh I'm sorry

*The spirit bites Yin, Yin removes him from his arm and tries to airbend him*

The spirit: you stupid human you can't bend here

Yin: what?

Jinora: I was trying to tell you that but you didn't let me finish my sentence as you usually do. The only way you can use bending while in the spirit world is by entering through a portal.

Yin: so you're telling me that we spent all this time medatating not to even be able to bend

Jinora: you will understand why we did that soon enough. Now let's go back

*they get back into the human world*

Jinora: congrats

Yin: *smiles then hugs her*

(Please don't forget to vote, it really raises my confidence and gives me more inspiration)