guardians chapter 3: kidnapped

Summery of chapter 2

Yin was attacked by some mysterious people who's leader is Zei in an attempt to kidnap him but fortunately, they failed.

Scene 1

Location: Tenzin's library

*Yin is there searching between the shelves, he notices that one of them is a bit rotated so he pulls it. It leads downstairs. There he found a platinum door with a writing above it that says: only the avatar will be able to open this. it also said: if you are the avatar, you need to put each element in the according hole. There were 4 holes in the middle each one with an element's sign. At left there was a bowl of water and at the right there was a piece of dirt. Yin bended the water in the first hall, fire in the second one, the piece of dirt in the third one and he bended air into the last one. The platinum door opened*

Scene 2

Location: in the southern air temple

*a bison lands. Jinora's daughter and son get down and they go hug Jinora*

Naomi: we missed you mom

Jinora: I missed you too

*then they go hug Kai*

After hugging:

Kai: how have you guys been?

Reo: good. We enjoyed our trip to the spirit world and we learned how to medatate into it

Jinora: that's good to hear

Naomi: where's the avatar?

Reo: we wanna see him

Jinora: I don't know, we didn't see him today

Kai: Jinora, could he be.

Jinora: oh no

The twins: what?

Kai: there's no time to explain. We need to look for him

Reo: what does he look like ?

Jinora: he's the only guy with green eyes. It should be easy enough to notice him

*the 4 of them go searching for him*

Scene 3

Location: Tenzin's library

Scene 3-1

Kai: Yiiin, are you here *notices the stairs leading down so he goes down* Yin. *sees him* here you are where were you?

Yin: oh hi didn't see you there

Kai: (screaming)Jinora he's here

*Jinora and her children enter the library then go down*

Scene 3-2

Location: the secret place in the library

Jinora: what, is this ? How did you find it?

Yin: I noticed that one of the shelves was rotated a bit so I pulled it. I found a platinum door with a writing above it that says: only the avatar will be able to open this. If you are the avatar, you need to put each element in the according hole. There were 4 holes in the middle each one with an element's sign. At left there was a bowl of water and at the right there was a piece of dirt. I bended the water in the first hall, fire in the second one, the piece of dirt in the third one and he bended air into the last one and it opened and here we are.

Reo: I know it's not the best time but hi, I'm Reo and this is my sister Naomi. We're Jinora's children.

Yin: nice to meet you, and you too Naomi *smiles*

Naomi: the pleasure is mine *blushes and puts her head down*

Jinora: I think it's a riddle

Yin: what?

Jinora: this door

Yin: oh yeah I've been trying to solve it for a while. There was a second door after I opened the first one

Jinora: what was dad trying to say by writing "8201851 252 145202091823 1415920114 51896 5820 1520 201518820 5208 <"

Yin: I wish I knew

Scene 4

Location: the southern air temple

Jinora: I just need to check one more time

Yin: sensei ushi traimed me well, especially earthbending

Jinora: checking won't do anything for you

Yin: fine

Jinora: fire

*Yin firebenders*

Jinora: water

*Yin waterbends*

Jinora: earth

*Yin earthbends*

Jinora: air

*Yin airbends*

Jinora: good

Yin: I wanna learn metalbending. It's an extension of earthbending so it shouldn't be too hard for me. I've always wanted to go to Zaofu but sensei Ushi never let me

Jinora: not now. You'll go to Zaofu after making sure that you're safe.

Yin: (irritated)don't tell me what to do. I'm going

Jinora: (angrily) no you're not

Yin: and that's exactly why I ran out from him *storms off*

Scene 5

Location: the southern air temple

Scene 5-1

*Naomi goes to Yin's room*

Naomi: Yin dinner is read.. Yin?

Scene 5-2

*Naomi goes to the dining room*

Naomi: mum he's not there

Jinora: he actually did it

Kai: did what?

Jinora: he's on his way to Zaofu. He wanted to go learn metalbending and I told him that he can't go but he did.

Kai: but how did he go? He can't ride the bisons.

Jinora: no idea but we have to go there to get him back

Scene 6

Location: the woods

*while he's walking, Yin hears leaves crashing noises so he turns around*

Yin: who's there?

*a person appears out of nowhere and starts attacking Yin. He waterbends water toward him. Yin waterbends it back. And while fighting, another person comes behind Yin and earthbends a rock onto him causing him to faint and his glove falls off. Before completely fainting, Yin hears one of them saying: Zei will be happy with this*

Scene 7

Location: in the woods

*the two guys are riding a car that has

Yin in the back, he's in a metal cage*

Yin: where are you taking me?

Guy1: Zei

Yin: Zei? That evil bloodbending guy

Guy2: that's him

*Yin looks terrorized*

Scene 8

Location: the fire nation

* the 2 guys arrive*

Guy2: Sir we got him.

Zei: good job

Yin: *hits the cage* (screaming) who are you?

Zei: Zei.

Yin: what do you think you're doing

Zei: I'm capturing you

*Yi eathbends a peice of rock to hit him from the back but one of his earthbenders breaks it before it reached him and Zei gets really mad so he starts bloodbending Yin*

Zei: listen here, I'm the wrong guy to try and mess with ok. I don't have anything to do with you I'm just capturing you because you might ruin my plan. I'm doing the best for everyone

Yin: (talking but hardly because he's being bloodbended) you're destroying a nation? How's that the best?

Zei: the fire nation destroyed families including mine and everyone in it deserves death

Yin: you're doing the exact same thing that they did years ago. You're just like the old fire lords, does horrible things and hides them with what you claim are good intentions

Zei: no I'm not *makes him faint by bloodbending*

Guy1: sir we ran out of platinum cages we only have metal ones.

Zei: put him in a metal one over lava and in mid air with extra surveillance. I don't think he's able to metalbend but just in case.

Guy1: *salute* Yes sir.

Scene 9

*Yin is in the metal cage with lava under him, the only portal is at the west.*

*Yin is panicking*

Scene 10

Scene 10-1

Location: over the forest Yin got kidnapped in

Kai: Jinora isn't that Yin's glove?

Jinora: where?

Kai: over there *points down at Yin's glove*

Jinora: it is. Chunk, yup yup

*the bison goes down and jinora and Kai go to check it*

Jinora: I'm afraid the worst happened

Kai: oh no.

Jinora: I'm gonna try to find him *she sits down and takes a medatation pose.*

Scene 10-2

*Jinora's spirit appear next to Yin*

Yin: (surprised) Jinora. How did you find me ?

Jinora:shhhhh. They can't know I'm here.I can sense the avata's power so I tracked it.

Yin: you should teach me that

Jinora: it's not the time for this right now. Where are you?

Yin: I got kidnapped and I talked to this guy named Zei and I'm in the fire kingdom.

Jinora: I can't stay here longer. Try to medatate into the spirit world so we can talk. We will meet next to the tree of time.

Yin: ok I will try

Jinora: *smiles* good luck

Yin: thanks

*Jinora goes back into her body*

Scene 10-3

Kai: what happened ?

Jinora: he got kidnapped by Zei and is now imprisoned in a volcano that might blow up anytime.

Kai: what?

Jinora: I need to go into the spirit world to talk to him. Protect my body while I'm there

Kai: ok

*Jinora medatates into the spirit world next to the tree of time*

Scene 10-4

*Yin tries to medatate but the heat makes it nearly impossible*

Yin: this hot weather is making me thirsty can I get some water?

Guard1: ok *waterbends him a lot of water* this would last you a while

Yin:thanks *turns some of the water into spikes and spikes them in specific places to make them faint then waterbends the rest around him and turns it into ice.*

Yin: this is better *medatates into the spirit world next to the tree of time*

Scene 10-5

*Yin and Jinora see each other*

Yin: Jinora

Jinora: Yin

*they hug each other*

Jinora: are you ok?

Yin: yes. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.

Jinora: it's ok we all do mistakes

Yin: by the way I'm in a metal cage so when you come to save me, I could use some help from metalbenders

Jinora: I'll take care of that

Yin: oh yeah and i knew where the fire lord and the others are

Jinora: where?

Yin: they're in..

*the iced melts and Yin goes back into the material world so Jinora does that as well*

Kai: what happened ?

Jinora: there's no time to explain. We need to go back to the air temple

Scene 11

Location: where Yin is imprisoned

*Yin overhears the guards talking*

Guard2: Zei captured the fire lord

Guard1: where did he put him?

Guard2: 50 meters from the east

Guard1: Zei is a really strong leader

Guard 2: he is

Scene 12

Location: the first air temple

Jinora: we need to go see Wei and Wing, the leaders of Zaofu and Suyin Beifong's children, we might need they're help

Kai: what are we waiting for

Jinora: let's go

*before going on the bison, Ikki, Miilo and the twins come*

Naomi: we're coming with you guys

Jinora: no you ca..

Kai: *touches her shoulder, looks at her eyes* it's ok they will help us.

Jinora: fine

*they all use 2 bisons and fly off*

Scene 13

Location: Zaofu

Jinora: hello Wei and Wing

Wei: Jinora. Long time no see

Wing: we didn't meet since avatar Korra passed away. So, what brought you guys to Zaofu?

Jinora: Avatar Yin got captured and we might need some help

Wei: we are with you

Jinora: *smiles*