guardians chapter 4: new powers

Summery of chapter 3

Yin found a secret place in Tenzan's library with a door that only opens by solving a riddle. Jinora's children came back from the spirit world. Yin got kidnapped by Zei's crew. Jinora went to Zaofu seeking help

Scene 1

Location: Zaofu

Jinora: so from what I was able to see when I teleported spiritually to him that and from what he told me he's imprisoned in a metal cage inside of a volcano sort of place. It had lava as a floor. We will need your help with bending the cage and freeing Yin.

Wing: what are we waiting for?

Jinora: nothing, let's go

Scene 2

Location: where Yin is imprisoned

Scene 2-1

*the lava started bubbling*

Guard1: what? The lava is bubbling

Guard2: this volcano has been dead for years.

Yin:(screaming)what? Did you seriously

put me in a dead volcano?

Guard1: what did you think this lava was from

Yin: I thought it was something to not let me escape. I thought you guys put it here

Guard2: pathetic

Scene 2-2

Yin: *talking to himself* I need to try and metalbend. I need to focus on the fine pieces of earth in metal. *concentrates and tries to metalbend. After a while of trying, he fails*

Scene 3

Location: on a bison in mid air

Kai: Jinora can you see where is Yin exactly imprisoned

Jinora: I will try to *takes a medatation pose but fails to see the place* I can't but from what I remember seeing is that he's in a dead volcano sort of place. The floor was lava

Kai: dead volcanoes in the fire nation are never 100 percent dead

Jinora: I know

Scene 4

Location: the fire nation

Jinora: *looks down* oh no

Kai: what

Jinora: look at it , almost nothing is left

Kai: *looks down* only 1 section is left untouched. Yin and the fire lord along with the others must be under there

Jinora: We need to do something about it but first we need to get Yin, he's our only hope

*Zei looks above him and sees the two bisons*

Zei: were not alone. Waterbenders, attack position

*the waterbenders take attack positions*

Zei: ready, fire

*they all waterbend toward the bisons. They see water heading toward them*

Jinora: oh no

*After the water arrives, it turns into ice and start dragging the bisons down. The airbenders (Jinora and the others) airbend air onto the waterbenders and Wei and Wing earthbend two big pieces of earth to try and break the ice*

Scene 5

Location: the place Yin is imprisoned in

Yin: so aren't you guys worried about yourselves.

Guard1: shut up

Yin: no like for real, what if the volcano explodes, we will all die.

Guard2: Sir Zei assured us that the volcano won't explode

Yin: do you actually think that he cares about you. You dying or staying alive is the same for him

Guard2: we are loyal guards

Yin: I tried to warn you. If it explodes don't expect me to help you

Guard1: try helping yourself first

*the two guards laugh*

Scene 6

Location: the fire nation

*the two bisons get down and the benders start attacking*

Jinora: guys quick, a tornado

*the airbended from a circle and start airbending air to make a tornado and Wei and Wing are inside of it. The tornado swallowed the troupes and threw them away*

Jinora: Kai, Miilo, Ikki Naomi and Reo you attack Zei. Me, Wei and Wing will go look for Yin

Naomi: I wanna come with you mum

Jinora: Naomi it's not the time for this right now

Naomi: Please

Jinora: fine. Get ready to break the tornado off in 3, 2, 1. NOW

*they stop the tornado and Jinora, Naomi, Wei and Wing go and the others prepare to attack Zei*

Scene 7

Scene 7-1

*in a forest of the fire nation*

Jinora: I feel the avatar energy coming from the west

Naomi: let's go

Scene 7-2

Location: next to a small volcano

Wei: *looks down the volcano* Jinora, are some volcanoes closed in here.

Jinora: no they're all open

Wei: so what's that

Jinora: *comes and looks at the volcano then closes her eyes for a while to sense the avatar's energy* Yin is under here.

Wing: but how can we get down ?

Jinora: there should be a hidden entrance somewhere

*they look around for a while*

Scene 8

Location: where Zei and the others are fighting

*one from each side, Kai, Miilo, Ikki and Reo start airbending air onto Zei but before it hits him , he waterbends water to form a bubble around him and turned it into ice. After a while of him not moving they stopped airbending, then he suddenly turned the ice into spikes and threw them on the airbenders which made them fall. Then, Zei started heading toward the forest to find Jinora and the others but before he could escape, Reo airbended air to form an air sphere to catch him and he brought him back to where they were fighting*

Scene 9

Location: where Jinora and the others are searching

Wing: I give up *sits on the grass* ouch. Is the grass of the fire nation painful as well?

Jinora: no. Why?

Wing: *gets up, earthbends the ground where he sat on. He found a lever* what it, what's this?

Jinora: I think this lever might lead us to Yin. Pull it

Wing: *metalbends the lever which caused the ground to open. There was a stairway leading down*

Jinora: I'm positive he's there. Let's go

*they go down*

Scene 10

Location: where Yin is imprisoned in

*the door busts open and knocks out the two guards*

Yin: Jinora

Jinora: stay still and hold on to the bars

*While the lava is starting to bubble violently, Wei and Wing metalbend the cage and open it from the sealing. Then, they start bending the cage toward them but before Yin could reach them the volcano explodes. The hopelessness in his friends eyes and the weakness he felt at that time made Yin enter the avatar state for the first time. His eyes and the hand that he puts his glove in glowed and he lavabends the lava to stop it and cooled it down then he got out of the avatar state and Jinora catches him*

Yin: what just happened to me?

Jinora: *smiles* you entered the avatar state and lavabended. Congrats, you didn't only connect with Raava for the first time, but you also bended something no avatar has ever bended it before.

Naomi: Yin *sprints to him and hugs him*

Yin: (surprised, in a good way)* blushes and smiles at the same time then hugs her back*

Wing: Nice to meet you avatar Yin *bows*. I'm Wing and this is Wei my twin brother. We're Zaofu's leaders

Yin: *bows* the pleasure is mine

Jinora: how did you bend lava like that?

Yin: actually, I've been training all of those years on lavabending with senei ushi but I was never able to, I guess the heat of the situation made me able to do it

Wei: guys I hate to break this moment for you but we need to save the fire lord

*the two guards wake up and earthbend two rocks onto Wei and Wing*

Yin: watch out *earthbends them back and knocks them out again* follow me to the fire lord *eathbends a big hole in the ground and hope in*

Scene 11

Location: where Zei is fighting the others

*Zei is airbended away*

Reo: give up Zei, you're only making it hard for yourself

Zei: think again. Look behind you

*Reo turns behind, he sees a giant wave of water behind him. The wave strikes them all and makes them loose consciousness. Zei goes to where Lord Pyrithion is imprisoned*