guardians chapter 5: secrets revealed

Summery of chapter 4

Jinora and her family seemed help from Wei and Wing, they all went to the fire nation in an attempt of saving Yin and stopping Zei. They saved Yin and are now going to save the fire lord

Scene 1

Scene 1-1

Location: underground

*Yin is making a passage underground that's going to a direction*

Yin: I could use some help earthbending the way that lead to the fire lord

Wei: oh yeah right

Wing: sorry

Scene 1-2

Location: where the fire lord is imprisoned (it's a small room with three walls on a side and metal bars on one side. Outside is a small place with an elevator)

*Yin and the others bust one of the walls open*

Yin: lord Pyrithion. C'mon we need to go.

*the elevator opens*

Zei: not so fast

*Wei and Wing metalbend the bars and make a wall with them*

Yin: all of you, make a tight circle around me and hold on. Wei and Wing, you make the way up while I levitate the circle

*Wei and Wing do as he says and he starts going up with the circle*

Scene 2

*after they went outside. They found the others waiting for them on the bisosns*

Ikki: come on quick

*they all hop on the bisons except for lord Pyrithion*

Lord: I can't leave my people and nation I need to stay here and protect them with my life

Jinora: I promise you we'll come back but we need to protect you. You are the biggest hope for your people, if something happens to you they will completely loose hope

*lord Pyrithione sights and jumps on the bison. Then, the bisons start flying. When Yin looked down he saw Zei and his troupes so he lavabended the ground to make them unable to attack them*

Scene 3

Scene 3-1

Location: Tenzan's library

*Yin is there alone*

Scene 3-1

Location: Republic city

*Jinora is in the court. The representatives of the 4 nations and republic city are there*

Jinora: the fire nation is drowning and we need to do something about it

Scene 3-3

Location: Tenzan's library

*Yin takes a piece of earths and starts bending it*

Scene 3-4

Location: Republic city

Jinora: we need republic city's troupes

Scene 3-5

Location: Tenzan's library

*Yin earthbends the pieces to write "Zei" and starts putting them in the three holes*

Scene 3-6

Location: Republic city

Mayor: I dont think we can help with that

Scene 3-7

Location: Tenzan's library

*Yin puts them in*

Scene 3-8

Location: Republic city

Jinora: *gets up and slams the table* (screaming) you dont understand. It's a whole nation's future. What happened to the air nation is NOT happening again

Scene 3-9

Location: Tenzan's library

*the door opens*

Scene 3-10

Location: Republic city

The representative of the water nation: I think Jinora is right. We should help the fire nation with all of our powers.

*the door of the court busts open*

Yin: guys, I think you might wanna hear this

Jinora: *turns to him* Yin you're not allowed in here

Yin: I opened the place in tenzan's library. Zei is not only after the fire nation, he's also Republic city.

Jinora: what?

Yin: he's after the fire nation because of the 100 year war and. Hes after Republic city because it was ones a part of the earth kingdom and he will either drown it or burn it and start it again to give it to the earth kingdom.

Jinora: *looks at the mayor* you wanna help now

The mayor *anger and worries are on his face*

Scene 4

Location: the secret place in tenzan's library

Jinora: Yin how dis you solve the riddle?

Yin: the numbers translate to letters and the arrow was pointing to the end of the sentence which means that it starts from the end. When you read it like that it says "the biggest threat to the fire nation written by earth". Your dad knew about Zei and knew that the next avatar, which is me, and that I'm going to be from the earth kingdom and that's why he wanted the riddle to be solved by earthbending because he considered the probability of me still not being able to bend the other 3 elements well enough to form them into letters. I earthbended . There I found this paper *he grabs one* that told me about Zei's plans.

Jinora: ok you need some rest now. You go sleep and I will stay here reading these papers. We might find something here

Yin: *nods* good luck *goes*

Scene 5

Cherif Okuzaki: (calmly) so, you're not gonna talk. You left me with one choice and one choice only. (Screaming)Guards, the torture room. (Calmly)This will make you talk.

*the guards come and start bragging the 4 of them*

Firebender1: fine, we'll talk

Chief: *smiles*

Scene 6

Location: the secret place in tenzan's library

*Kai comes to Jinora*

Kai: Jinora, we got a call from Cheif Okuzaki, the suspects from the other day have finally talked

Scene 7

Location: the investigation room

People: the 4 guys, Jinora, Kai, chief, lord Pyrithion

Firebender1: Zei is planning on drowning the fire nation and he sent us to capture the avatar so he doesn't interrupt us. He was gonna set him free after we finish

Jinora: (screaming) the volcano that Yin was imprisoned in exploded

Firebender2: did the avatar die?

Jinora: no he lavabended

Lord Pyrithion: how much time does he need to drown the wheat island and how is he doing it?

Waterbender: he's using waterbenders to drown it, the last section would be drowned in 2 weeks

Yin: is that all?

Waterbender: yeah that's it

Jinora: ok we got all we want from them. Let's go

Yin: he is lying

Jinora: what? How do you know

Yin: you see one of the things that earthbender masters are good at is detecting the smallest change in people's heartrates and I'm not a star but I know this technique and his heartrate, in fact all of their heartrates went up when he said no so he's lying

Waterbender: I'm not lying. That'sall I know

*Yin lavabends a lava square in the ground*

Yin: are you sure about that

Waterbender: yeah I am

Yin: ok then I must've just been wrong this whole time. Since that's everything he has to say there's no need of you living anymore. See you in the after life

*slams the ground with his foot which is another way people can earthbend with. That slam caused the chair to fly directly toward the lava pit. The chair's legs started burning*

Waterbender: ok there's something else please spare me and I'll tell you please

*Yin cools down the lava*

Yin: I'm listening

Waterbender: in two weeks after the last section will be drowned, a blood moon will come and legends something will happen

Yin: what's "something"?

Waterbender: only Zei knows, he didn't tell anyone yet . The only thing that he said is that if everything goes as planned, nobody would be able to stop him, *looks at Yin* even you

Yin: the avatar cycle is normally: fire, air, water, earth. If the fire nation burns down and firebenders disappear the next avatar will be an air nomad or even worse

Yin: the avatar cycle would be broken

Firebender1: my nation has killed a lot of innocent lives. We deserve it

Jinora: (screaming) that ended more than 100 year ago. How stupid and ignorant can you be to rage about something that you didn't even experience?

Firebender1: tell that to Zei we're only working for him.

Scene 8

Location: the dining room of the first air temple

Time: day

*all of them are having breakfast. Yin walks in*

Yin: any news

Jinora: after the fire nation Zei is destroying Republic city

Yin: (in a high voice) what?

Jinora: the guys we captured told us that, and I also found it in dad's secret place in his library.

Yin: but how did your dad know all of this?

Jinora: dad, is Zei's uncle

All of the others: what?

Jinora: long time ago, dad had 4 sibling not 3, uncle Bumi, aunt Kya and uncle Brin. Uncle Brin was exiled from the family and put into a small village in the north west of the earth kingdom after he betrayed his dad. He married a woman there and lived happily until.. *Jinora stops with sadness in her eyes*

Yin: until what?

Jinora: the village got attacked by firebenders

Yin: firebendets? The 100 year war has ended at that time

Jinora: well yes, but actually no

Yin: you're confusing me

Jinora: some fire nation citizens weren't happy that they lost the war and started a revolution kind of thing and did some attacks here and there. Some more damaging than other and sadly, uncle Brin witnessed one of thoseand. He tried to protect his family but the only survivor was Zei. From that moment on, Zei promised himself to take revenge. When he first met up with his grandfather avatar Aang again, he suggested destroying the fire nation as the price that it needs to pay for killing thousands of innocent souls but avatar Aang refused because it wasn't wise since the air nation has already disappeared and if they do that, they risk turning the whole world into water and earthbenders only or maybe even

non-benders and other reasons. Zei got mad and promised himself to do it on his own which everybody thought is crazy and it was just talk. One day when dad was looking through Zei's room that he used to stay in before going, he found Zei's notes that he wrote and forgot there. Those notes talked about his plans, learning bloodbending and collecting a troupe and attacking, the rest is known from the big wall to the blood moon but when he showed his family, everybody thought that he's not capable of doing it so he let it go. Dad however has known that this day would come but didn't know when so he put all of what he knew and more in that secret place for the avatar that will live in the time this would happen to be ahead of Zei and know his intentions but he didn't think that you would show up late and those information are now useless. Dad didn't only help Korra, he helped you as well.

Scene 9

Scene 9-1

Location: the northern air temple

*Yin and Jinora arrives there on a bison*

Yin: you stay there, I wanna go alone

Jinora: ok, I'll be waiting for you

*Yin goes to the medatation spot*

Scene 9-2

Location: the medatation spot

*Yin is medatation. He goes into a dark place. When he looks behind him he sees Korra*

Yin: avatar Korra

Korra: avatar Yin. I was waiting to meet you again

Yin: the world is collapsing and I'm really lost. I don't know what to do

Korra: you can't let firebending go extinct

Yin: I know, but how?

Korra: you need to be ready to sacrifice yourself to the nation. Whenever you put peoples' priorities before your own life, then you'll be able to free the world. Good luck avatar Yin, until next time

*Yin medatates back into his body*

Scene 9-3

Location: where they landed

Jinora: have you been able to talk to Korra?

Yin: Yes, we talked for a bit

Jinora: did she help you ?

Yin: yes. I think I know what to do

Jinora: good. Let's go back to the temple