guardians chapter 7: last moments before the strike

Summery of chapter 6

Yin and the others saved the fire masters. The spirit world is starting to be disturbed by this incident which made some spirits turn evil. Will Yin be able to spiritbend? And what's he going to do to save the fire nation?

Scene 1

Location: The southern water tribe

*2 big spirits turn evil and from a far distance, Nova sees them*

Nova: what Jinora told me was right. I needed to expect some spirits to turn evil. I need to do something before they start destroying the village *starts skiing on ice to reach them*

*The spirits see her and starting heading toward her as well. When they get close enough to each other, Nova waterbends water onto them and turns it into ice but the spirits travel through it because no solid objects can stop them. They both attack her. When tshe tries to waterbend them away they avoid it and right before they manage to hit her, a guy waterbends them away*

Nova: thanks Niko

Niko: no worries little sister

*while the spirits are knocked out, Niko and Nova spiritbend them and make them normal again. They both make that move*

Nova: go in peace

Niko: what happened ?

Nova: they turned evil. Jinora told me to expect some spirits to become like that

Niko: and why is that?

Nova: dad is drowning the fire nation causing disturbance in the spirit world

Niko: (in a high voice) what? I thought dad was joking when he said that the fire nation should be punished

Nova: well he always says it. We should've caught on earlier. Now, we should go help the avatar stop him

Niko: we should

Scene 2

Location: the phone tower in the first air temple

*Jinora is on the phone*

Jinora: yeah that will be great. See you tomorrow

Kai: who was that?

Jinora: Nova and Niko are coming to help us with the fire nation's problem

Kai: that's great. We haven't seen them since they were 2 and 4 years old

Jinora: yeah it has been a long time. I'm excited to meet them

Kai: me too

Scene 3

Location: the first air temple

Scene 3-1

Location: outside of the temple

* Jinora sees 2 people speeding toward the air temple by waterbending*

Jinora: well that must be them

Scene 3-2

Location: outside of the temple

*They both arrive*

Jinora: Nova and Niko, welcome

Niko: hi Jinora, long time no see

Jinora: I know. You've completely changed from when I remember you.

Niko: so where's the avatar? We wanna see him

Jinora: come with me

Scene 3-3

Location: the temple

*Jinora comes from afar*

Jinora: Yin, some people want to see you

Yin: some people, I'm not expecting anyone

* after they arrive*

Niko: hi, I'm Niko. Nice to meet you *shakes his hand furiously*

Yin: hi Niko, I'm Yin

*Jinora and Nova arrive*

Nova: Nova

Yin: nice to meet you *puts his hand toward her*

Nova: *looks at his hand then at him* I don't shake hands

Yin: (embarrassed) oh! Sorry

Jinora: Yin, these two are Zei's children

Yin:(screaming) what? *backs off and earthbends a rock from the temple's floor ready to hit them*

Jinora: *laughs* don't worry they are not a threat. Actually they're here to help us stop their dad

Yin: I'm still not trusting them

Nova: I understand. After all, who wants to befriend a monster's child

Yin: *puts the rock down* I didn't mean that. I'm sorry

Nova: yeah whatever *walks past him*

Niko: don't worry about her, she's always like that

Yin: I didn't mean to make her sad

Niko: she's not sad, that's her resting face and she said "a monster's child* because we both hate dad

Yin: explains a lot

Niko: soooo, see you around

Yin: yeah, goodbye

*after Niko goes*

Yin: I still dont trust them

Jinora: i know, me too

Scene 4

Location: the southern air temple's courtyard

*Yin is watching sunsets and Jinora comes*

Jinora: someone likes sunsets

Yin: who doesn't

Jinora: true

Yin: I just have an uneasy feeling about this. Zei knows that we're coming again, I think he's hiding something more powerful that a couple of benders

Jinora: true. But we have nothing to do about it

Yin: I know. That's why it's bothering me

Scene 5

Location: the southern air temple

Scene 5-1

Location: the dining room

Time: night

Yin: so you guys are Zei's children?

Niko: yeah

Yin: and who's your mom

Nova: avatar Korra

Yin: *drops the food bowl that was in his hand* what, did you just say?

Nova: what?

Yin: So Zei and avatar Korra were married?

Nova: Yup

Yin: what? How? And why didn't you tell me earlier ?

Nova: after mom and Asami broke up, she married Zei. After 2 years they had Niko and 3 years later, they had me. Zei wasn't a good dad, he gets angry all the time and mom isn't the kind to accept that so they fought a lot. Fast forward 5 years later they got a divorce and mom and Asami got back together. We lived we them and we saw dad once a week.

Niko: He mentioned on multiple occasions that everybody should be punished for their bad actions and that the fire nation didn't get what it deserves but we thought he was just acting like the crazy person he is but he put his thoughts into action which we wasn't expecting and that's why we're here

Nova: does that answer your questions because my food is starting to get cold?

Scene 5-2

Location: in the temple

Time: day

Yin: why didn't you tell me that avatar Korra had children ?

Jinora: I thought it wouldn't be necessary

Yin: (screaming) how would it not be ? What if avatar Korra had something that could help me that they know its place? I think you're hiding too much stuff from me and I don't know why?

Jinora: Yin

Yin: (screaming even louder) No * fire comes out of Yin and starts heading toward Jinora but water pushes her to the side before anything could happen to her. Turns out it was Nova *

Nova: are you crazy? You've almost killed her

*Yin looks at Nova then Jinora. He runs and eathbends himself up in the air and vanishes. Jinora looks at him as he's going*

Scene 6

Location: the woods

Time: night

*Yin is sitting there clearly sad and lost. His eyes glow, he enters the avatar state*

Yin: avatar Korra ?

Korra: hello Yin. I felt as if you started to give up, I'm sending bad emotions all over you

Yin: why didn't you tell me Zei was your husband?

Korra: I figured if I tell you that, you will start seeinge me differently, in a bad way

Yin: you're an avatar, I will never see you as bad person

Korra: I know that. But you are not emotionally stable and we can never know what people like you would react to such things. A part of you is stuck in the past, it reminds you of your dad leaving you, your cousin getting kidnapped, you getting kicked out and living in a mountains. The other part is living in the present but it's full of emotions, specifically bad ones: pecimisim, sadness, anger, guilt. These emotions keep getting stronger and stronger and if you don't let go of the past and look at life from another prospective, these emotions will control you. When I told you to prioritize people's lives over yours, I didn't tell you to forget about yourself, you are a human, you have emotions too. Take care of yourself

Yin: thank you avatar Korra, I promise not to let you down

Korra: I know you wouldn't. Until next time, avatar Yin

*Yin gets out of the avatar state*

Scene 7

Location: the southern air temple

*Jinora is talking to the Cheif. The Cheif pointed toward Yin. Jinora turns around and sees him coming*

Jinora: Yin *goes and hugs him* I was about to send a search team to find you

*Yin doesn't say anything*

Jinora: Yin

*Yin hugs her back and a tear runs down his face*

Jinora: what's wrong ?

Yin: I'm sorry about earlier. I was about to kill you

Jinora: don't worry, we all do mistakes

Yin: my mistake was gonna cost me you

Jinora: but it didn't. Look at the bright side of things

*after a moment of silence*

Cheif: I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but I have to go. Tomorrow is the big day

Jinora: we need to go have some rest as well. Thank you Cheif Okuzaki and sorry for wasting your time

Cheif: no worries. Good night

Jinora: *to Yin* you need to go to sleep and empty your mind. You will need every bit of strength you can get for tomorrow

Yin: I won't let Zei win even if it will cost me my life. Tomorrow will be the end of all of this, tomorrow the fire nation will be free just like how it was a month ago