guardians chapter 8: what's next?

Summery of chapter 7

Yin met avatar Korra and Zei's children who were willing to help them stop their dad and Yin made a mistake that could've costed him Jinora. Avatar Korra and Yin talked to figure out how to deal with his situation. Is Yin going to beat Zei? Or will it be the opposite?

Scene 1

Cheif: ok so let's review the plan one last time: our forces will drop from blimps onto the ground and start attacking. Meanwhile, Yin and Akira will go to fight Zei, Akira will sneak up behind him and shocks him and Yin will end him with his combustion

Yin: (shocked) end him?

Jinora: ending him will be the last option, if we could capture him we will

*Yin nods*

Cheif: (irritated) Fine, but don't blame me if he outsmarts you

Jinora: he won't

Scene 2

Location: the southern air temple next to a bison

*Yin sights*

Jinora: what's wrong?

Yin: it's just too overwhelming. What if he outsmarts us just like the cheif comes?*his voice starts getting higher as a sign of panic) or what if he already has a plan that will destroy us all ? Or, or what if he..

Jinora: *touches his shoulder* everything will go as planned. Don't worry. And if we don't stop him today, Republic city will be done for

Yin: I will try my best

Jinora: I know you will, now let's go

Scene 3

Scene 3-1

Location: close to the fire nation, that became an island

*4 blimps are approaching the island, 2 on the right, 2 on the left with Chunk (the bison) in the middle and 4 other bisons each one is behind a blimp. On the bison there are Jinora, Kai, lord Pyrithion and Yin and on the each other one there are 5 airbenders*

Lord Pyrithion: we need to get there as fast as we can, I'm not letting him drown one more bit of my nation.

Yin: trust me, this will be the last thing he would accomplish before he and his troupes fall out and I will make sure that will happen, on my life

*from above, Yin and the others see a square of the land that has already been drowned opening, and a giant platinum bird starts slowly showing*

Jinora: what, is that?

Cheif Okuzaki (from a blimp): *talks through a talky-walky* it appears that Zei was ready for us, this giant platinum bird looks like it could beat us in seconds. What should we do?

Jinora (from the bison): *talks back through the talky-walky* we have no choice but to fight. Let's just keep going and hope for the best

Cheif (from the blimp): *puts the talky-walky down and presses on a button in the blimp that allows him to talk to the other blimps* air force number 2 get into position, you will be dropped in 25 seconds

Scene 3-2

POV: behind the blimps

*From every blimp a plane drops and starts heading toward the bird and throwing bombs at it. The bird uses it's wing to push them off the side and make them explode in the ocean, it causes some of the troupes to get wet. After that, it opens its bec and fire comes out of it, the bird direct the fire at the planes , they all explode and the pilots jump off before dying so that they can live to another day*

Yin: (in a sad voice) we're

Zei (from the bird's face): over

(They finished the same sentence)

*Yin takes the talky-walky out of Jinora's hand*

Yin: we will try and pass by the bird, knock out Zei's army. Then, me and the airbenders will try and destroy it by throwing it in the water *turns around to the airbenders* did you guys hear that?

*they nod*

*the blimps and bisons try to separate 2 from each kind on each side. Zei attacked the left side with the bird's fire, the bisons escaped but the blimps burned and falled in the water. Then, the bird hit the right side with its wing but causing the bisons to hit the ground and nothing happened to the blimps because they passed him. What was left (2 blimps and 3 bisons) passed the bird. When Yin looked behind, 2 doors in the bird's stomach opened and 2 mini birds got out of them to chase the rest. Yin looked at the 2 birds from behind, at the hurt bisons on the right and at the injured people on the right and at the earth and waterbenders that took attack positions in front of him, then he looked down and a tear ran down his eye. He felt, powerless. Nikko looked behind him and saw Yin desperate. That made him mad*

Nikko: I will go heal the soldiers and Nova will take care of the bisons. Akira, you try to shock the 2 little birds. Yin, lord Pyrithion, Jinora and Kai will try to stop the big bird. The rest will stop the troupes. *he puts his hand on Yin's shoulder and smiles. Then he whispers into his sister's ear*

*Nova and Nikko jumps on opposite sides. Nikko on the right (bird's left) and Nova on the left (bird's right). Akira gets up and starts attacking the birds with lightning but they avoid it. Soon enough, lord Pyrithion gets up and helps him. Jinora turns around*

Jinora: you can lightningbend?

Lord: I'm the fire lord, of course I can

Jinora: then why didn't you do it when we were underwater that time?

Lord: it didn't cross my mind *turns to Akira* I wanna teach you something kid. Sit down

*they both sit down*

Lord: lightning is more than just an extension of an element. To master lightning bending

*a bomb comes toward them. Jinora reverses it's direction toward the mini bird by airbending but it avoids it*

Jinora: it's not time for your lessons

Lord: *turns around* this lesson could end this mess in minutes

Jinora: well try to be quicker *turns the bison around to try and win the lord some time*

Lord: *turns back to Akira* as I was saying, to master lightningbending or any bending in general, you can't think that you control the element you bend because you don't, you and the element work as one, you feel it and it feels you. In fact, never thought why every group of benders have the same personalities: firebenders are aggressive, waterbenders are calm, earthbenders are strong and confident and airbenders are really spiritual, it's because the element influences a person's personality so if you think about it, the element is the one controlling you and understanding that is the key to mastering it. Now I might be old but I know a thing or two about machines and one of the things I know is that they work with electricity, in another term, lighting. So basically, just like how some waterbenders can bloodbend people, we can lightningbend machines and control them as we like

Akira: but how am I supposed to control something I can't see

Lord: lightning is a part of you, you might not be able to see it but you sure are able to feel it. Now, I want you to close your eyes *Akira closes his eyes* and try to feel every bit of lightning running through those wires *POV: electricity is passing inside the wires in the birds*

Akira: (happily) I can feel it

Lord: good. Now try with me stopping it from passing. After a while, enough lightning will be trapped in the same place to cause an explosion

*they both get up and start focusing on the lightning. Soon enough, the birds stop flying*

Guy in the bird: what's happening *turns around and sees some electricity coming out of the wires* oh no

*the 2 birds explode*

Lord pyrithion: good job

Akira: so now we just do the same thing for the big one and we are done

Lord: not so quick

Akira: what? Why?

Lord: we can't do that to the big one. It has more lightning than even 2 lightningbenders could handle. If we try and trap lightning in there, we will die before even being able to destroy it. The only chance we have is Yin

Scene 4

Location: next to the injured bisons

*Nova just arrived*

Nova: move

Ome of the airbenders: what ?

Nova: *waterbends him out of her way* I don't repeat myself

(A scene explanation: the first bison is on the land next to the water and the second one is on top of a small him that's behind the first one so they are basically on top of each other)

*Nova jumps on the bit of hill that's between both*

Nova: I don't think that there's any use of you staying here. Go help the others

The same airbender that talked the first time: we have 3 serious injuries

Nova: leave them here, I will take care of them

*they lay the 3 people on the first bison and go. After Nova makes sure they went, she bends water onto the second bison and starts the healing process. The first bison makes a noise as if he wants to be healed too*

Nova: fine I will heal you both at the same time *sticks her second arm to reach the injured place and she starts healing him as well*

One of the injured guys: what about us?

Nova: bisons are going extinct, humans aren't. You will have to wait a bit more

Scene 5

Location: the oceon

*Nikko arrives to the soldiers. He forms a bubble around them and goes with it down. He grabs some water and turns the bubble into ice and starts healing*

Nikko: I'm sorry I can only do one or two at the same time bit trust me you will all be fine

Scene 6

Location: on Chunk (the bison)

Akira: so, are you gonna do something

Yin: I don't know

*the bird turns around*

Jinora: Yin, it's not the time for your pecimisim

Yin: I'm sick and tired of getting blamed for everything. Want me to go battle the bird? Ok, watch me *airbends himself toward the bird and lands on his head.Zei smiles, he gets out of the bird and goes to it's top. He finds Yin*

Zei: do you really think you stand a chance, look at you. Your weakness is showing on your eyes

Yin: (screaming) shut up *firebends toward him but he avoids it*

Zei: I honestly expected more from the avatar

*Yin screams. He starts firebending toward him but he avoids all of them*

Zei: *smiles* my turn *bloodbends him, levitates him and throws him as hard as he can toward a nearby island causing him to faint and hit it. Jinora watched him hitting the island*

Jinora: (screaming) Yiiin. *cries, looks at the bird raging* how dare you?

*Zei looks at her back and smiles*

Scene 7

Location: where Yin got thrown

*a badgermole comes and grabs him by his clothes just before he completely faints and goes with him into a hole*