guardians chapter 11: a meeting 2

Chapter 11

Shango: avatar. Welcome

*Yin is a little bit intimidated*

Yin: thank you. I came here for the purpose of seeking hel..

Yemoja: we already know why you're here

Yin: oh really?

Yemoja: we feel every slight change in the material world. The fire nation is about to be eaten by black fire. Is that why you're here

Yin: it is. Can you please help me?

Shango: only one guardian can leave at a time. And since it's the fire nation that's in danger, I shall be the one to go

Yin: thank you so much sir, i appreciate it

Shango: see you in the material world Avatar, be ready because you will only leave the avatar state the moment my job is finished

Yin: I'm ready

*each one of the guardians bend their element and put it in the circle Yin is standing on. It lit up and Yin disappeared*

Eya: are you sure you guys wanna do this?

Yemoja: his energy is the purest I've ever felt from a human

Gaia: me too, I believe he can do it

Shango: I have no doubt about that

*the four guardians put their hands in front of them and 4 peaces of jewelry appeared*

Gaia: the most powerful 4 peices of jewelry that can only be worn by bending masters and can never be destroyed.

Eya: althought they can't be destroyed, they can be stolen. I hope he takes care of them

Gaia: they peices are more than jewelry, he will get them whenever they see is the right time. THEY will decide

*the 4 peices shine bright then disappear*

Yemoja: Time will determine what would happen. For now we can only hope for the best

*Shango gets up of his throne. His eyes lit up red and he flew away*

*Yin got back into his body. The second he got back air slammed everyone to the wall. He quickly started airbending himself and heading toward Zei. The sun has risen and came into contact with the red water. The water level stsrted decreasing until it completely disappeared. Then, the whole ground lit up with black fire

Yin arrived. Zei quickly entered entered the bird. All of his earthbenders started bending the wall and throwing rocks at him since it's not needed anymore. Yin stopped every rock and bended them back onto them and before he can do more he felt something behind him, it was Zei with the bird with its bec open. Flames started going out of it. Yin airbended not to let them touch him. The air was violent to the point that it made the bird back up a bit. When the bird backed up Yin earthbended the wall in front it and he stuck it there. He then went closer and started earthbending on the bird until it was completely covered. The rocks were in the shape of the world. Waterbenders started waterbending at him from down and at that moment, Jinora and the others arrived. They started airbending the waterbenders. When Yin turned around to finish the bird he found that it started breaking the rocks so he earthbended everything back. Then, he started turning all the rocks he bend around the bird into lava. It started getting hot from the inside. Luckily for Zei, the doors that those 2 little birds came out of still work so he opened one and got out into the water. Yin lavabended the whole thing onto him but he dodged it. He then went deeper into the water and created a water tornado and prepared to attack. Yon airbender himself there and dropped into the waterand created a water tornado to hold himself up as well. The others went to attack the earthbenders except for Akira. While running Niko turned out, he noticed Akira isnt going. Instead he was going into the water*

Niko: what are you doing?

Akira: trying to help Yin

Niko: wait for me

*goes back to help him*

*Zei is waterbending Yin and he is doing that as well. Suddenly, water comes from behind Yin and hits his head. The moment his head bent down, Zei took control over Yin's tornado and brought it up to his nech then froze it. Then he started bloodbending Yin to keep him still and he bended a water ball that he put on his face to make him drown. Yin couldn't get out and started losing consciousness but just at the right time, Akira and Niko came from below, Niko created an ice surface for Akira to stand on. Akira lightningbended Zei and made him stop which let Yin breath again but some water was stuck inside of him so he was caughting violently. Niko took that water. Jinora and the others arrived to the earthbenders . They started fighting: earthbenders started split the wall into half and the split was too big so they all fell in it. Then they started closing the ground. Jinora airbended herself up and tried slowing them down giving the fire lord time to get up as well and start firebending. The others helped themselves up. By the time the earthbenders were beaten, the fire nation was changed so much so that it looked like it was dug up, hills disappeared and houses vanished and the black fire started eating the wall, it ate it so much that it started falling and if it wasn't for the airbenders nobody would've survived. They airbended themselves and others to a safe zone*

Jinora: we need to go help Yin

Lord pyrithion: no

Jinora: what do you mean no?

Lord Pyrithion: Yin got this, I trust him

Jinora: even if you're sure of him winning we need to go

Lord pyrithion: Akira and Niko are with him. Also, this is my nation and if I knew there was any chance of him not winning I would've not hesitated to go

*Yin, Akira and Niko formed a triangle around Zei. He smiled and started bloodbending the 3 of them. Akira and Niko couldn't resist and lost consciousness, they are now floating in the ocean. Yin however was able to get out of it. He started spinning around Zei and airbended around him to form a sphere, then he added fire to the air, then started levitating him. The heat made Zei unable to bend and he started feeling pain. He started screaming but Yin didn't stop. Instead he bended rocks and turned them into lava and started throwing them into the middle of the sphere. After he couldn't hear Zei screaming anymore he stopped, he didnt want to kill him he just wanted to make him faint for a long period of time. At that moment, shango arrived. He came from the sky and dropped in the center of the big wall, the red fire seemed not to burn him. His eyes glowed red and he started flying around the circle bending the black fire to him and forming a ball of it. He then went back to the center again and shrank the ball then bended it up. It made a really strong explosion to the point that all of the wall broke into pieces and fell. When that was happening Yin took Zei to land and wanted to earthbend an earth ball around him so that he couldn't do anything when he wakes up but he woke up and waterbended on Yin. He then started bloodbending Yin and his bloodbending was stronger than normal. He used every bit of energy left to bloodbend him. Yin fell and almost lost conciousness but someone started bending water around Zei the way they do to spirits to either turn them dark or calm them down. It was nova. She started turning the water dark purple just like what Unalaq did to Jinora when avatar korra was alive. Zei lost his ability to move and started floating since he didn't have the energy to resist anymore*

Zei: what are you doing?

Nova: what I should've done years ago

*Zei started turning purple*

Zei: you're a disappointment of a daughter

Nova: if saving a nation is disappointing to you then I hope I always stay a disappointment

*all of Zei turns purple and he falls. Then he starts turning into small particles and they all disappear in the air just like what happens to spirits Zei has disappeared. Yin looks at her while still in the avatar state*

Nova: I think someone is waiting for you

*Yin smiles then starts to airbend himself to go to where shango is. When he arrives there he sees him*

Shango: avatar, my mission is over and so is yours *starts flying around Yin and spinning really quickly around him just like what raava did to the spirits. They both disappear. Well not both, Shango and Yin's spirit disappear but Yin's body is still there. Nova smiles

Yin is now in the spirit world inside the tree of time. Raava gets out of his body which makes him faint since he doesn't have any bit of energy anymore. All 4 spirits get out of Raava and they went back to their normal state.

Then went back into Yin's body and Shango went back to his throne. When Raava entered Yin his spirit glowed up and went back to his body. Jinora and the others saw a beam of light enter Yin's body and jinora knew it was his spirit. They sped up toward him to check on how he is*

Kai: is he ok?

*Nova comes*

Nova: he is

Kai: how do you know

Nova: he's breathing and I'm not feeling anything wrong with his spiritual energy

Jinora: true. I'm not feeling anything wrong either

*Yin unexpectedly wakes up in the avatar state and airbenders everyone away again*

Kai: how many time is he going to do this

*the fire ring starts coming down from the sky shining in red

Yin puts his hand in front of him and opens his fingers. The ring gets in his ring finger on his left hand where his glove is in. It then stops shining and gets sucked into his finger like it was never there. He then faints again*

*in the throne room*

Shango: *smiles* he merged with the fire ring

Yemoja: good. We'll see when he will merge with the rest

*back in the fire nation*

Kai: what was that?

Jinora: I don't know