guardians chapter 12: the end of the nightmare

Summery of chapter 10&11

Yin received help from Shango and now, Zei is defeated, the big wall is all torn down and the fire ring merged with Yin

Scene 1

Location: the beach of the fire nation

*everyone is there. Niko and Nova took Yin and put him in the ocean and started healing him so that he gains a bit of energy back*

Nova: he's gonna be fine, start preparing to leave

*Jinora turns to cheif Okuzaki*

Jinora: you guys go first and contact the earth kingdom so that they can send earthbenders to help reconstruct the nation and we'll come soon

*Cheif Okuzaki nods and goes with his troupes. After a while Yin starts opening his eyes slowly*

Kai: (shouting) guys he woke up *starts to enter the ocean to go and talk to him. Nova waterbends at him and makes him back off*

Nova: we didn't tell you to come

Kai: but..

Nova: I didn't stutter

Scene 2

Location: the fire nation

Time: the sun is starting to set

*they start packing up and Yin is now awake but still weak*

Jinora: come on Yin we're ready to leave

Yin: no, not yet

Jinora: what? Why?

Yin: my friend has to come with us first

Jinora: did the battle make you hallucinate? What friend are you talking about?

Yin: the badgermole. He saved my life, twice. And can't leave him here

Jinora: true, but how are you gonna take him with you

Yin: badgermoles can swim and Republic city isn't that far. I'll also help him with some waterbending to speed up the process and I want an empty bag

Jinora: * throws him an empty bag*see you at Republic city

*Jinora goes*

Scene 3

Location: the cave the badgermole is in

*Yin enters*

Yin: hey buddy

*the badgermole makes happy noises and jums on Yin and starts licking him*

Yin: (laughing) hey hey take it easy

*the badgermole stops and Yin gets up and puts his hand on his friend's head. The badgermole closes his eyes and Yin's eyes glow for a second. They're now bound spiritually which means that if the badgermole dies before Yin, he would always feel like a part of him is missing and if Yin dies before, the badgermole wouldn't feel happiness until it dies and it might die with him at the same time*

Yin: before we go let's look for some wolfbats so you dont get hungry (wolfbats are what badgermoles eat)

*the badgermoles growls*

*After a while of them earthbending and collecting wolfbats and putting them in the bag he took from Jinora they go. Yin hops on him and he starts swimming*

Scene 4

Location: Republic city

Time: night

Scene 4-1

Location: the southern air temple

*Yin and the badgermole just arrived to the air temple. After Yin hops off of him, the badgermole shakes his body to get rid of the water*

Akira: hey, someone is waiting for you

Yin: what? Who?

Akira: we dont have time just come with me, we need to leave the temple

Yin: what about my friend

Akira: the badgermole, he's fine we wouldn't stay for a long time come on

Yin: ok ok fine.

Akira: and by the way, do some waterbending stuff so that we can get to the city (because the temple is surrounded by water)

*Yin earthbends two circles out of the ground and lift it up*

The move: the earthbender tilts their foot a bit to the opposite side of the other food making a Chunk of the ground come off and lift it up, then to secure themself more they can make some of that chunk stick to their legs. The move can create different shapes, in the picture it created a cube, but Yin created a circle

Akira: what are you doing?

Yin: there's something more fun than waterbending our way there. Get on one of these and you'll see.

*Akira gets on one and Yin hops on the other then turns to the badgermole*

Yin: see you soon buddy

*the badgermole growls as a response. Yin earthbends to make their legs attached to the circles then earthbends them up and started moving them so they're basically flying. Akira screams from joy*

Scene 4-2

Location: above the water

Akira: you continue to surprise me everyday

*Yin smiles*

Scene 4-3

Location: next to the shelters fire nation citizens stayed in

*Yin and Akira arrived. Yin earthbended the earth circles down and as soon as he did that, fire nation citizens jumped on him from every angle because he saved their home. All kinds of people were there: some expressed their happiness with laughter, others with crying and some even tried to hide it. After a while they backed off of Yin they the him next to the fire lord and hestarted talking*

Lord pyrithion: as a representative of all of my nation's citizens, we all thank the avatar for the bravery he has shown and all of what he did to free our home, the fire nation owes him everything and we will always be grateful for him

*the fire lord and all of the people that are present there face Yin and bow. He feels shyness and his cheeks turn red but bows back as a sign of respect*

Scene 5

Location: Yin's room

*Yin is laying on his bed having flashbacks of the fire ring that merged with him. He lifted his hand to see where the ring has settled and nothing seemed wrong with his finger but there's still no explanation to what happened, at least no explanation that he knows of. He wondered where did the ring come from? Why did it merge with him? What exactly happened? Does it have special properties? Too much questions with no answer. All he knew is that it had something to do with the fire element*

Yin: now it's not time, I have big news for everyone tomorrow and I need to get some rest, my journey has just started

Scene 6

Time: day

Scene 6-1

Location: the fire nation

*the earth kingdom's earthbenders have come and started working, lifting up the small amd big lands Zei's troupes made disappear, fixing what the black fire affected, getting rid of the broken wall and a lot of other stuff*

Scene 6-2

Location: the southern air temple

*Yin opens his bedroom door to see Jinora talking to Akira, Nova and Niko so he goes up to them*

Yin: good morning guys

Jinora: good morning Yin

Yin: I wanted to tell you something

Akira: we wanted to tell you something as well

Yin: what is it?

Akira: I'm going back to the fire nation in a few weeks

Niko: no we're going back to the southern water tribe

Jinora: what did you want to say?

Yin: actually it had something to do with moving as well, (to Jinora) when I first came here and I told you that avatar korra sent me here, she said *Yin starts having flashbacks:

Avatar Korra: follow the rails and at some point you will see a giant light, that light is the third spirit portal. The moment you see it is the moment you know that you're in Republic city. There will be 2 giant statues one of me and the other of avatar Aang. Look for the southern air temple, it's on in island close to republic city. When you go there look for a girl in her late fifties that has airbender arrows, she would be the one who would teach you the basics about spirits. After you feel like you learned enough, you can do whatever you want but don't forget, protecting the world is your duty

The flashbacks end*

And after all of what happened with Zei I realised that waterbending is way more powerful than I thought so I decided to train in one of the tribes so that I can master it

Nova: waterbending sure is a really powerful bending. One of the most powerful waterbender we have is in our sister tribe, the northern water tribe, his name is Hiroku, he's the tribe's leader's son, the tribe's leader is called Katsumi, we will inform them that you're coming.

Niko: I'm sure they will be really happy with your arrival

Nova: now we have to go, (to Yin) when you and your animal..

Yin: he's my friend

Nova: whatever it is, whenever you enter Republic's city portal the southern portal should be on your right. Have fun there

Yin: ok thanks

*Nova starts walking away*

Niko: hey wait for me *goes with her*

Jinora: (upset, to Yin) so you're leaving?

Yin: I am, unfortunately.

Jinora: I understand, each avatar has their own path that they need to go through. I hope you master waterbending

Yin: thank you

Jinora: but come visit sometimes, the portals are only steps apart

Yin: I will

Jinora: *smiles* promise?

Yin: *smiles back* promise

*they hug each other then Yin hugs Akira as well*

Akira: it was nice meeting you

Yin: the pleasure is all mine

Jinora: before you go there's something you need to take with you

Yin: what is it?

Jinora: come with me

Scene 7

Location: the secret place in tenzan's library

Jinora: during the fight between vaatu and Korra the avatar lost her connection to her past lives and we thought that the next avatar, which is you, wouldn't be able to talk to any past live, not even korra herself but I guess we were wrong. When we know that you wouldn't talk to her everyone left you a note and dad hid it in here which is something I didn't know about because he never said where he hid it he just said "the avatar will find it* and apparently he was correct. This book has a note from everyone of Korra's close friends. I hope it helps you with something *hands him the book*

Yin: *takes it* thank you Jinora, I'm sure it will help

Scene 8

Time: night

*Yin is waking to the republic city's portal, he waves his last goodbyes and enters with his badgermole the portal with a big backpack and the wolfbats' bag*

Yin: *takes a deep breath* a whole new chapter of our lives is waiting for us buddy, I hope it's a good one

*the badgermole growls*

Scene 9

Location: the northern water tribe

*Yin and the badgermole just got out of the northern portal to find a lot of the tribe's people left and right welcoming them and in the middle is Katsumi*

Katsumi: *smiles* welcome, avatar

to be continued in book II: war