book II: war chapter 2: the first time

Scene 1

Location: next to the ocean

*Yin is sitting on ice listening to Hiroku*

Hiroku: to master waterbending you need to have a really strong connection with spirits which I'm assuming you already have a good amount of after your training with Jinora. Waterbending is more than just moving some water and ice, waterbending can save a life, as well as cause death. You can't think of water as something, you need to think of it as an extension of your body and soul, you need to think of yourself and water being one, not 2 separate things. The moment you realise that water is more than something you bend, the moment you realise that you're not controlling water and that you and it are working together, at that moment you will be able to bend it as easily as you can, just feeling that there's water close to you is enough for you to bend it however you want. That process might take longer than you think so now we're moving on to fighting techniques, us waterbenders don't fight, we reflect the enemy's energy right back at them. Let's say someone is hitting you, any normal person will hit back but a true waterbender will try and reverse their action on them. Another thing that's similar to this is using your enemy's body to hurt them. A waterbender is a mirror that reflects people's energy on them. Of course waterbenders fight as well but the first 2 techniques I told you about are more efficient. Would you mind standing up for a demonstration

*Yin stands up*

Hiroku: I want you to punch me slowly

*while Yin's punch is on its way* what you should do in this case is grab the enemy by hand *Hiroku is doing everything he's saying*, use their hand to get yourself behind them, put your bicep on their neck and grab the hand that's wrapped around their neck by your other hand and make it even more tight until they lose consciousness *lets Yin free* or you can make them fall instead. Understood?

*Yin nods*

Hiroku: ready to try it on me

Yin: not really, wateebending is way more complicated than I thought

Hiroku: what i just told you is nothing compared to what's waiting for you. Now let's start training on that move

*after a while of training Yin makes that move so well that he caught Hiroku off guard and he made him fall a bit too hard*

Yin: I'm so sorry I didnt mean that *leans at gets him sitting then waterbends and starts healing the place that he fell on which is his head*

Hiroku: that's ok. It's a part of training

Yin: *stops healing him* that should make you feel a bit better

Hiroku: *looks up at him and smiles* thank you

*Yin smiles back. Their gazes at each other were broken by Hiroku's fish coming and making a noise*

Yin: *turns around* what is that?

Hiroku: that's my friend *gets up* just like how Yang is your friend, Ichi is mine *heads toward ichi, leans over and bends water to simulate his hand then pets her with his water hand*

Yin: *comes next to him* hi ichi *notices the water hand* how can you talk to a fish without it running away?

Hiroku: I don't know, they love me I guess

Yin: and how are you doing that

Hiroku: the water hand, I don't really know how to explain it. I just, do it. It simulates all of my hand's movements *starts moving his hand and his water hand moves as well

Yin: cool

*after a moment of staring at the fish, Yin hears a metal noise of something heading toward them and he exactly knew what it it, a knife. He turns around and makes an arc shape with his leg, he airbends violently in that arc shape to stop it from touching one of them, the knife falls on the ground. Hiroku looks around and looks at the knife*

Hiroku: what was that?

Yin: someone wanted to kill you, the knife was heading toward you not me

Hiroku: what? Why?

Yin: *airbends around the knife then moves the air bubble onto his hand*

Yin: yeah it would've killed you in seconds. Are you wanted or something

Hiroku: no I'm not, what kind of question is that?

Yin: I dont know *punches the ground hardly to detect vibrations just like toph and lin beifong used to do but can't feel any human nearby* whoever it was they ran away. Are you sure you're not an ex gang member or something?

Hiroku: no

Yin: any crazy exes?

Hiroku: *laughs* good one but no

Yin: weird. But from now on we need to watch out for anything that may harm you

Hiroku: (teasing) awww the avatar is looking after me, what a sweet boy

Yin: shut up

Hiroku: or?

Yin: or I'll make you *airbends at him and pushes him far back which made him fall*

Hiroku: you wanna play like that don't you *starts waterbending at him*

*after a while they stop and lay down on the ground with their faces next to each other and their bodies on opposite directions. After realizing how close they were to each other they both backed up to avoid how awkward the situation was and they both slightly blush and to break the silence that was adding more awkwardness to the situation even more Hiroku said*

Hiroku: the sun is starting to set, enough practice for today. Let's head back to the castle

Yin: wait, can we do something else before heading back

Hiroku: what do you have in mind?

Yin: I lowkey want to enjoy the view on that cave of yours. Can we go there?

Scene 2

Location: the cave

*Yin and Hiroku are are watching the reflection of the moon on the water. After a while of watching Yin leaned his head on Hiroku's arm. At first Hiroku was caught off guard but he didn't mind it, he actually liked it. He looked at Yin, smiled then leaned his head on Yin's head as well and they both just finished contemplating the moon like nothing is happening*

Scene 3

Location: where Yin is training

Time: day

Hiroku: so today I wanted to teach you how to bend things that contain water: plants, fruit, even air

Yin: so I'm going to learn bloodbending

Hiroku: (agressivly) no

Yin: why? Bloodbending is really powerful and learning it will help a lot

Hiroku: I don't know how to bloodbend

Yin: so you're telling me that you can bend water in thin air but not in a human's body

Hiroku: yes, don't ask me about it again

Yin: fine

Hiroku: now look *points at some flowers he brought and put on the ground* those flowers are filled with water *waterbends one of them toward him* what you need to do is focus on the water that's inside of the flower, you need to feel it. And the moment you do that *bends all of the water out causing the flower to die* you bend it out

*Yin looks at the flower a bit upset because it died. Hiroku throws him one*

Hiroku: try it

*Yin closes his eyes, takes a deep breath then starts moving his hand around the flower, feeling the water inside of it. Then, he blended all of it out causing the plant to dry and die*

Hiroku: good job

Yin: (upset) I killed a plant

Hiroku: *calmly* are you seriously upset about bending water our of a useless flower

Yin: it's not useless, it's beautiful

Hiroku: you're too sensitive, grow up

Yin: *gets up* I'm not the sensitive one, YOU'RE the heartless one

Hiroku: and now we're fighting over a flower

Yin: it's a form of life, how would you feel if I killed your fish

Hiroku: that's a different thing

Yin: no it's not, have you ever seen the plants in the spirit world and how alive they are? If it wasn't for those plants I would've not saved the fire nation

Hiroku: *yelling a bit* actually no, I've never seen the spirit world

Yin: (surprised) wait really?

Hiroku: I was never allowed there

Yin: why

*Hiroku gets flashbacks: his little sister entered the spirit world when she was 4, she got lost there and was never found, everyone searched for her but no one succeeded. That incident made her family heartbroken*

Yin: oh I'm sorry for your loss, I didn't know that

Hiroku: *a tear ran down his face. He turned around not to face Yin* just shut up. You dont know the feeling of losing someone you love

Yin: oh trust me I do, my cousin was kidnapped, I've never seen my dad and my mom gave me to some people when she found out I was the avatar. I worked for them when I was just 6 years old, if it wasn't for sensei ushi I would've probably still worked for them to this day

Hiroku: we both have a horrible past I guess

Yin: yeah, we do.

*After a moment of silence*

Yin: Listen, why don't we go to the spirit world

Hiroku: no

Yin: why? It's a beautiful place and we won't get too far, I just want you to see it. And we will also enter through the portal so that we still have our bending

Hiroku: *sights* fine, but if something sketchy is going on we return immediately

Yin: we will I promise

Scene 4

Scene 4-1

Location: in front of the spirit portal

Yin: are you ready

Hiroku: I don't know, it looks scary

Yin: * holds his hand and smiles* don't worry. I'm with you

*Hiroku looks at his hand the back up at Yin then he smiles and they both enter the portal*

Scene 4-2

Location: the spirit world

Yin: so, what do you think?

Hiroku: *bended some water* wow, the water here feels more, alive!

Yin: everything is more alive here, the water, the land, even you, you will feel more alive in here. Let's go to the forest, it has some interesting stuff

*Hiroku nods*

Scene 4-3

Location: the forest

Yin: oh yeah and some spirits are grumpy so we might get harrassed a bit but as long as we have our bending we will be fine

*a spirit made a noise that made Hiroku scream and grab Yin and stick to him. After realizing what he did he backed up*

Hiroku: sorry I got scared there for a second

Yin: it's ok. Hey look, a cave, let's go there

Hiroku: Yin that's not a good ide..

*Yin started entering the cave*