book II: war chapter 6: the beginning of doom

Summery of chapter 5

The air temples are finally filled with air nomads again, and Yin is finally healthy again. Now Yin needs to learn a new airbending trick and they all need to prepare for the upcoming war

Scene 1

Scene 1-1

Location: the southern water tribe

*Hiroku knocked on a door and Niko opened it*

Niko: oh hey Hiroku, long time no see

Hiroku: hi, I came here with bad news

Niko: what's wrong? Come in and tell us

*Hiroku enters. Him, Niko and Nova gather around a table*

Hiroku: so to make it short because you and Republic city refused to close your spirit portals, mom is starting a war against you both that could happen any day

*nova gets up*

Nova: great news Hiroku, we just got done with dad and now this shows up *sights* come with me, both of you

Scene 2

Location: the eastern air temple

Scene 2-1

*Jinora and Yin arrived and hopped off the bison*

A monk: welcome, avatar

*they bow for each other, then her and Jinora bow for each other*

Jinora: monk Lin is going to teach you the move

Lin: come with me

*they go to a room with a table in it*

Lin: look, avatar, these 4 have airbender moves airbenders need to learn to be airbending masters

The last scroll has the hardest moves that only masters can do, and that you, can do none of. after I talked to Jionra, here are the moves she confirmed that you can do

As you can see, you have a long way to go, but we don't have time for all of this because it will take you more than 2 years to master, so I will teach you the move that I invented, and that move counts as a part of the last scroll, so it's one of the hard ones.

Jinora: but I believe you can do it, I have faith in you

*Yin smiles*

Scene 2-2

*they all go outside to*

Lin: now allow me to explain the move, you bend air from under your target to launch them a bit up. Then before they get down, your airbend as strong as you can to gather air below them and bend it up with all of your strength. It will launch your target really high up, more than you would think (the launch is up to what's estimated to be 328 feet or 100 meters) now this move can cause death, which is not what airbending is about. So after the target gets launched, you need to catch it with an air tornado. You need to master the 3 steps, the small launch, the big one, and the catch. The power of the move is that it collects air from everywhere: from left, then below and right, the above. Let me show you

*makes the move, here's a demonstration

the last move is the one that bends the air to the object, and since a lot of air has been collected during the other 3 moves, one gathered it from the left, the other one from the right and bottom and the last one from the top, the air is strong. But it's not done there, after we bend that air toward the target we bend it up with all of our strength so that it gets lifted up

Then, while it's in the air, we gather more air with another method

*this bend is the one that will launch the target to its highest, then the airbender needs to create a tornado to try and catch it. There are 2 ways; either create a tornado and head toward it to catch it inside of the tornado then start getting down slowly, which is the one the monk did. Or to stay down and make a tornado then bend it to catch the target and put it down, like shown in one of the papers the monk got down*

Lin: so, what do you think?

Yin: I already know I won't be able to do it, I'm not even going to try

Jinora: that's what you said when you were about to fight Zei, but look at how things went.

Yin: that was mainly because of the Guardians, your guys' help, Yang and a lot of luck

Jinora: but who talked to the guardians? You. Who distracted Zei enough so that Nova can do that to him? You. You are powerful Yin, you just have to stop putting barriers to yourself because the moment you realise how much power you hold inside and out, nothing will be able to stop you, nothing.

*Yin sights, then looks at the object and takes a deep breath and starts mimicking Lin's moves*

Scene 3

Scene 3-1

Location: Republic city

*a bunch of people in black sneak throught the city and start spiritbending spirits and make them evil, and they did it quickly. Spirits started attacking citizens*

a TV in a random house: Breaking news!! Spirits are the most agressive they have ever been since avatar korra has opened the spirit portals! Everyone watch out for evil spirits because they might *an evil spirit breaks into the news studio and attacks the crew, the podcast stops*

Scene 3-2

Location: the northern water tribe

Katsumi: the secret agents are doing great work, their work has already made it to the news. Nos that Republic city will be busy with that, we can attack the southern tribe in a few days, and nothing will be able to stand against us, especially with the little surprise we have *grins*

Scene 4

Location: the southern tribe

Nova: so did you get the plan now?

Hiroku: yes, whenever we see ships starting to approach we create giant ways that will destroy all of them, then we take care of the northern tribe's soldiers

Nova: we will keep a few guards watching the place 24/7 and they will alert us whenever something is approaching.

Hiroku: but technology has evolved, what if she attacks us from above

Nova: then we'll just get water into the engines and destroy them, it's not hard

Hiroku: I feel like she's planning something big

Nova: and I feel that my food has gotten cold, so now let's go back

Scene 5

Location: the eastern air temple

Time: a few minutes before sunset

*Yin fails to make the big launch*

Yin: I've been training for the whole day, I'm so done with this move.

Lin: it is a complicated one, so you not being able to do it first day is not surprising. Let's just finish tomorrow

Yin: Katsumi can literally be on her way, I'm not going to have my sweet time learning this while us and spirits might become separated again

Lin: rest is not an option, it's a necessity. If you don't rest, you will break down. Then, you actually won't be able to do anything anymore.

Jinora:you should never expect yourself to succeed from the first time, you will fail and fail and fail a thousand times more before you achieve your goals

Yin: Jinora, I don't HAVE time to fail a thousand times, *turns to Lin* and I don't have any time to rest either *gets back to training*

*Jinora prepares herself to make an air sphere around his head and stops his breathing so that he could faint and rest but Lin stops her*

Lin: no, if we stop him from making mistakes he I'll never learn, let him exhaust himself and suffer the consequences

*Jinora sights and they both go inside of the temple leaving Yin training by himself*

Scene 6

Location: Republic city

Scene 6-1

Time: day

*the mayor comes out to talk*

Mayor: the city is facing a serious problem with spirits that we've never seen, an investigation is being done to see what's the problem. We have no explanation for it right now, so we advice all Republic city citizens to stay inside their homes. Spiritbender citizens are much needed and will be appreciated if they help us defend the city from this event so any to spiritbender that's willing to help, come to the police station and we'll make sure that you're safe and protected and accompany you to evil spirits, thank you and stay safe.

Scene 6-2

Location: the police station

Time: night

*chief okuzaki called the mayor*

Cheif: sir, during the whole day only 2 spiritbenders came in, and adding the water tribes representative, we only have 3 spiritvenders to stop hundreds of evil spirits

*at that moment, the water tribes representative, Yasuo, walked in*

The mayor: Yasuo I didn't tell you to come in, I'm on the phone

Yasuo: you can finish your talk later *bends water and hita the mayor's hand and makes him drop the phone*

The mayor: what's wrong with you?

Yasuo: *starts getting closer to the mayor* so you know that I'm from the northern water tribe, right? And, I love my tribe and its leader. So whe she declares war on you, so do I *bends water onto the mayor knocking him out*

Well, *smiles* that was easy

Scene 7

Location: the eastern air temple

Time: day

*Lin and Jinora go out to find Yin sleeping on the ground*

Lin: and that's what I call overworking

Jinora: should we wake him up?

Lin: *smiles* with my own way *she does the new airbending move and sends him in the air causing him to freak out and scream but Lin caught him in her tornado and they got down* good morning, avatar

*after having breakfast and going back to the training area*

Lin: so, did you learn the move?

Yin: almost, I'm still working on the last step, making the tornado. But since I got the basics, I'm ready to continue training on my own and head back to the southern tribe

*suddenly, a worker comes to Lin and whispers to her*

Lin: (worried) oh no!

Jinora: what's wrong?

Lin: Republic city's mayor got captured, evil spirits are everywhere destroying everything, and the city is starting to fall apart quickly

Jinora: (shocked) what? It was doing fine just yesterday

Yin: it's katsumi, it's her.

Jinora: but how is she making the spirits evil?

Yin: I don't know, but what I know is that this is only the beginnig. And now that Republic city will be busy protecting itself, attacking the southern tribe could never get easier, and that's what she's going do in a few days, maybe even, hours. I'm sorry monk Lin, there's no way I'm able to stay here, we need to go.

Lin: I understand, stay safe and remember what I taught you about how to create a tornado, follow the steps and you will do it successfully

Yin: I will *they both bow to each other, then Lin and Jinora bow*

Lin: if you need any help, let us know and we'll come immediately

Jinora: *smiles* we will

Scene 8

Location: Republic city

Scene 8-1

*the bison gets down in the temple and they bot get off of it*

Yin: see you later Jinora, I need to go

Jinora: stay safe *Yin has already started going*

Scene 8-2

Location: next to the Republic city portal

*before Yin could enter it, an evil spirit jumps on him and before he could hit his face, Yin eartbends the ground and makes a shield to protect himself, then he bends that shield off of the ground and hits the spirit with it to get them off. Yin decided to once again, try what Yasuo taught him about spiritbending, maybe it'll work because he trained with Hiroku on waterbending. He bends water and wraps it around the spirit before they get a chance to attack him again and the water starts to glow slowly but surely. But before the spirit is pacified, another one attacked him. At the southern water tribe, Yang started to growl and move aggressively, because he felt Yin was in danger so he went to wake Hiroku up*

Hiroku: what's wrong Yang? It's still early

*Yang growled eve more and tarted running so Hiroku had no choice but to follow him. Yin airbended at the spirit which gave him time to run, but the first one has already caught up. Yin pushed it as well. Now there's a spirit to his right and a spirit to his left, and both started heading toward him. Luckily before they can damage him more, Hitoku and Yang showed up, Yang jumped on one of them and Hiroku wateebended at the other one. The Hiroku bended water out of air and started spiritbending both, and he was able to pacify them*

To be continued...