book II: war chapter 5: news

Summery of chapter 4

After realizing what he did, Hiroku escaped saving Yin's life and betraying his mother, now they're heading toward Republic city and the south pole to warn them about the upcoming attack

Scene 1

Location: Republic city

Scene 1-1


*the ship arrived, the 3 of them got out, Yin on top of Yang and Hiroku walking*

*while walking*

Yin: the only good thing I got out of my visit is this saddle

Hiroku: so you learned nothing from what I taught you?

Yin: then you made me feel the most pain I've ever felt in my entire life, physically and emotionally

Hiroku: *screams* listen I'm sorry ok, I wasn't planning on hurting you, all I did is block your Chi paths, and it was only for a few minutes. Who hurt you was mom

Yin: she would've not been able to do it if it wasn't for you

Hiroku: *walks away*

Yin: and now you're walking away from your responsibilities, *screams since Hiroku was a bit far away*

I thought you were the wise one Hiroku

Scene 2

Location: the southern air temple

*airbenders are training and Jinora and another monk are watching them*

Jinora: Finally after more than 40 years of airbenders coming back, we are 1 male airbender away from having the perfect amount of monks to put in the 4 temples.

A little explaining so that you guys can understand:

Before the air nomads genocide, the southern

and northern air temples were run by Male monks, and the western and eastern temples were run by female monks.

For someone to be a monk they need to have the airbender tattoo, which they can only get when they finish the 36 tiers of airbending training, or when they invent a new airbending trick, and they also need to have a strong spiritual bound. Each temple is run by 5 monks, they already got 10 female monks and 9 male monks, 1 more and they will all be sent to these temples

Explanation has ended

The monk: I'm so excited to see them finally starting to become live again after all of those years.

Jinora: yeah, and since the temples were almost abandoned we called this the southern one, but now that the temples aren't abandoned anymore this will be called the republic city temple. We just went last 2 weeks to visit and clean all of the 4 temples, and we added a statue of avatar korra to the southern temple's statue room, and we will most definitely add Yin's statue after he masters the avatar state, the temples are filled with glorious beautiful stuff, I can't wait to send airbenders there for them to discover their heritage

*while they're observing them, a guy makes makes an airbender move successfully which was the last move he needed to do to complete the 36 tiers*

The monk: wait did he just complete the 36 tiers?

Jinora: (smiling) *turns to her* yes he did, do you know what that means

The monk: *smiles as well* tomorrow is the day

Scene 2

Location: a hotel room

Scene 2-1

*Yin is sitting on the bed holding his head while Hiroku is standing*

Hiroku: we need to stay here a night so that you can heal more, then we will tell everyone about mom's plans

Yin: but we don't have time to do that, that monster can attack any day

Hiroku: whether you liked it or not, you need to heal. And you need to stay here tonight

Yin: well I'm not staying, I'm going to Jinora *stands up*

Hiroku: *bends water out of a bottle they had and puts it on the door's lock and turns it into ice blocking the door* you don't want me to block your Chi paths again don't you?

*Yin sits since he's too weak to fight him*

Hiroku: good, now let's start the healing process

*they both go to the bathroom where there was a tub, they fill it with water and Yin got into it shirtless. Hiroku started bending water around him and the water started to glow*

*after a while*

*Yin gets out*

Hiroku: better now?

Yin: *smiles* yes, thank you

Hiroku: I'm sorry, all of this would've not happened if I didn't cooperate, it's all my fa..

*Yin stops him from talking by kissing him. Yin's hands touching his face and his lips touching his made him relax and forget about everything he was worrying about seconds ago. Then Yin backed up slowly*

Yin: (with a low voice) you're talking too much

Scene 2-2

Time: day

*their door's room got knocked on and a guy yelling "room service" is behind it, Yin woke up because of it, he went and opened it*

The room service guy: good morning sir, we fixed your clothes as you asked

Yin: oh thank you so much, *goes and brings him money* here you go

*they both bowed to each other and the man left, Hiroku woke up*

Yin: come on, we have important stuff to do

*they both leave the room and head toward where Yang was sleeping outside the hotel*

Yin: wake up buddy

*yang wakes up and growls*

Yin: *pets him* good morning, *feeds him some wolfbats then mounts him*

To Jinora we go

Scene 3

Scene 3-1

Location: the Republic city temple

Time: early morning

*the place is full with airbenders sitting down listening to Jinora*

Jinora: ladies and gentlemen, my fellow airbenders, yesterday night, the last airbender we needed completed his 36th tier of airbending and has already passed all tests proving his strong spiritual connection, just after that we completed the ritual and gave him his tattoos, so that means that we officially have the number we needed of monks to be able to run the 4 temples, today, the temples are opening. As you can see you're all sitting on 4 carpets with 4 different colors, and on each carpet there is the same number of people, 35. People on the yellow carpet will live in the eastern temple, people on the blue carpet will be living in the southern temple, people on the green carpet will go to the western temple, and finally, people on the red carpet will be the habitats of the western temple. We will have the monks guide you through all of the temples and show them to you, the air nomads era is starting again

*the crowd started to cheer. Jinora teared up out of joy*

*32 bisons flew away, 8 toward each temple with 5 airbenders on each (including the monks)*

Scene 3-2

Location the southern temple

*airbenders arrived and got down, the monks started showing the benders the different rooms, everything was going smooth until they reached a closed door*

A monk: now you all are wondering what's behind this door, this door was built by some of the first airbenders alive and was only able to be opened with 2 airbenders airbending into the 2 of these pipes, each temple has a door like this one. but when the fire nation attacked they were able to break through the northern air temple's door but luckily they couldn't do it to this one which meant nothing was touched until avatar aang first opened the portal. and now here you are, discovering it for the first time just like him *turns around and airbends into both pipes opening the door and revealing the statue room*

*the airbenders are amazed by what they're seeing*

The monk: the statue room, this room has all statues of all avatar, and has been expanded the room and gave it a whole new bottom floor.


Sorry again but I needed to explain something

As you can see the air nomads that built the statue room thousands of years ago knew Korra would be the last avatar, but why is Yin here then?

When Korra lost her connection to her past lives, Shango, Yemoja, Eya and Gaia noticed that so they used all of their power to try and heal Raava so that korra can be the start of a new cycle, and they succeeded. But everything has a cost, and that cost was that Yemoja, the one that did most of the work since korra is originally from the southern water tribe, lost a unique ability of hers: when water goes through the tree of time, it becomes golden water

which only she can bend, and now that she can't do that anymore for the next 101 years, she can never make sure the tree of time is always alive, and humans can't bend that water. Keep this information in the back of your head, because you'll get back to it in book III and explain it even more. And to make everything clear about the blood water, golden water and all of those coloured waters, in total there are 5 water: the normal one, the blood (red) water, the golden water, the purple water, green water, and that's it. And you might ask why is that? The answer is that in an episode of ATLA, when Aang and Zuko met the 2 dragons, those were the colors of fire they saw, and since fire and water are opposites, every colored fire has colored water as its opposite

Interruption ended

The monk: Come with me *they all start walking in the room until they reach its middle* to be able to get down here we need to airbend so that we dont fall to our death, follow my steps *he jumps into the hole and airbends to prevent himself from falling and everyone jumps after him* as you can all see it's a copy of the other room, just all empty

the only statue that you can barely see from here is avatar korra's statue

The beginning of a new cycle *pauses* Now let's go back up and continue exploring your new home

other stuff they explored

-Monk Gyatso's statue

-avatar yangchen's statue


Scene 3-3

Location: the western air temple

The monk: we arrived

*the airbenders check the place but see nothing*

An airbender: what? Where? I only see land with a giant gap in between

The monk: *smiles* you'll see

*the bisons go in the gap and the upside down temple reveals itself, the airbenders are stunned*

An airbender: wow, what is that?

The monk: it's the western air temple, your new home, our new home

Another airbender: why is it built upside down?

The monk: because of how it's built, the temple is hidden to the passerby which guarantees us good protection. It also lets the wind flow in every chamber of it which really makes you feel at home

An airbender: what happens if someone falls down?

The monk: well let's not think about what happens, the answer to that question won't please you

*the bisons arrive and they all get down*

The monk: there are steps connecting each part of the temple, and most of it is built inside the ground anyways, all chambers are there, so now let me show you different parts of it

Scene 3-4.

Location: the northern air temple

*the airbenders arrived and were amazed by the temple*

Scene 3-5

Location: the eastern air temple

The monk: here we are

*the rest of the airbenders really loved the looks of the temple, all airbenders loved their temples. And soon enough after starting to settle down, life started coming back to the temples*

[ @ort.smort on Instagram was kind enough to let me use her art that sadly cant be shown on this platform, but you can find it on Wattpad, go check out her page! And she also is selling this and other stuff as stickers! They look really cool you guys need to check her shop out sometime ]

A monk: *smiles while looking at the bison and lemur playing together* finally, home

Scene 4

Location: the northern water tribe

*katsumi was in her room when Juroh walked in*

Juroh: your speech was perfect, all citizens are now on your side and are ready to join the battle against the southern tribe and Republic city anytime

Katsumi: good, was the ship sent?

Juroh: it has already arrived

Katsumi: great, tell them to start executing the plan tomorrow morning, Republic city is about to be destroyed, and soon enough, the southern tribe is going to join it

Scene 4

Location: the republic city temple

*Hiroku and Yin arrive and Jinora sees them*

Jinora: Yin! *goes and hugs Yin*

Yin: hey Jinora

Jinora: *turns to Hiroku and shakes his hand* and you are...

Yin: this is Hiroku, my waterbending teacher

Jinora: nice to meet you Hiroku

*they bow for each other*

Jinora: *turns to Yin* the air temples are now full again with monks running them just like how it was before, and one of the monks has invented a new airbending trick that I want you to learn, it can help you so much in future fights

Hiroku: I'm sorry but we came here with a warning, because you and the southern water tribe refused to close your spirit portals, mom forced Yin to close the northern one and is now leading a war against both of you

Jinora: wait really? I thought us and the northern tribe had a good relationship with each other

Hiroku: mom doesn't have any good relationships with anyone, she just gets to know you so that she could benefit herself and when you aren't helping her anymore, she destroys you. We don't have a lot of time to stay in here she could attack anyday, we're going to the southern tribe to warn them

Jinora: I still insist on Yin learning the airbending move, it's a really strong one. It could win us the battle

Yin: *to hiroku* why don't you go to the tribe while I go with Jinora to learn the move

*Hiroku nods*

Jinora: ok so we have a deal, come with me Yin *goes*

Yin: *to Hiroku* see you soon, and take care of Yang. *to Yang* see ya buddy *pets him* I'll be back soon

Scene 4-2

*Yin and Jinora are on a bison*

Jinora: *to one of the temple's workers* go warn the mayor of an upcoming attack from the northern water tribe, tell him to get Republic city's police ready

*the worker nods and leaves running*

Jinora: chunky (the bison's name), yup yup

*chunky starts to fly*

Yin: so where are we going?

Jinora: the eastern air temple


Another thanks to @ort.smort on Instagram. The drawing was perfect for the chapter. If you want it and other stuff as stickers you should check out her shop!