book II: War chapter 4: an order

Summery of chapter 3

To save Hiroku, Yin had to destroy the oldest spirit, Koh. Katsumi wanted from Yin to close the spirit portals but he refused, will he change his mind?

Scene 1

Location: the north pole

Time: day

*Yin, Yang and Hiroku are walking together*

Yin: so, you said you wanted to talk to me about something, what is it

Hiroku: *sights* I don't know if you will believe me or not

Yin: what is it?

Hiroku: after that spirit attacked me, I started seeing stuff. Over each person and spirit's head i see one of the element's sign. You for example, I'm seeing the 4 elements above you, that1Ww spirit over there *points to a spirit wondering* I'm seeing the wrath sign above his head

Yin: wait, really? When I talked to raava she told me that each spirit belongs to an element but she told me to keep it a secret. She also said that no human can see what element does a spirit belong to. How are you able to see it?

Hiroku: I dont know, maybe when koh attacked me I got some of him inside of me and since he can see what element each spirit belongs to I now can as well

Yin: that makes sense, just to make sure I'm going to go ask that spirit if they're an earth spirit or norm you wait here because I'm supposedly the only human that knows about this

*after a while Yin comes back*

Yin: he is

*Hiroku is shocked*

Hiroku: but h-how?

Yin: as you said earlier, it was probably because of Koh. It's not a bad power to have after all

Hiroku: it's not bad it's just, new

Yin: you'll get used to it, but try keeping it a secret

Hiroku: I will. No that that's out of the way, have you thought of closing the spirit portals?

Yin: sorry but the answer is still no

Hiroku: ok, you left me no choice

*something hits Yin's back causing him to faint*

Scene 2

Location: in front of the northern portal

Time: night

*Yin wakes up: his hands are chained to his back. Hiroku and Katsumi are in front of him*

Yin: w-whar happened?

Katsumi: I honestly thought the avatar could be smarter than to fall for a fake friendship

Yin: what do you mean?

Hiroku: you really fell for it. I was only gaining your trust to make you close the spirit portals but apparently that was useless, now we have to do it the hard way

Yin: what do you mean? Stop joking you're sounding so serious

Hiroku: you're gonna close the spirit portals, all of them

Yin: there's no way I'm closing any of them

Hiroku: I didn't ask you, I ordered you

Yin: *smiles* you forgot something Hiroku, you might be a waterbending master, but I'm an earthbending one

*the path to the spirit portals was between two mountains, Yin earthbended 2 peices of the mountains and tried to slam Hiroki and Katsumi with them, they both saved themselves at the past moment, Yin then earthbended a peice of the mountain and stuck it to the chains then turned it into lava which made them melt and set his hands free. He backed off and felt pain in his back, it was became of the thing that made him faint, it left *

Yin: Hiroku please stop this isn't funny anymore, I don't want to fight you

Katsumi: I recommend giving up. The best waterbender alive versus an earthbender with a scar that making him constantly in pain, I think we all know who's winning

Yin: I'm not an earthbender, I am the avatar

*he starts creating an air tornado and lifting himself up, then he bends water toward both of them but Hiroku bends it down and stop it. Yin starts swifty heading toward them, katsumi backs up since she can't bend and Hiroku starts running toward him as well, they both waterbend toward each other, Hiroku's waterbending was strong so it made Yin fall out of his air tornado. He fell on his back which hurtled him especially because of the scar bu he quickly got up again and earthbender pieces out of the mountains and directed them toward him but Hiroku bended the ground which was all ice and created a wall that protected him then he bended the wall down and bended the ground again where Yin was sitting and made the ice climb on his legs to stop him from moving then he bended ice onto his hands so that they were stuck to the ground as well. Then he bended water and started hitting Yin's hnads and back in specific places*

Yin: (angrily) what are you doing, and why cant I bend rocks anymore with my eyes, what did you do?

Hiroku: it's called Chi blocking which makes the bender paralyzed, they won't be able to bend for a while


Hiroku: you can scream all you can want it will change nothing to me.

Katsumi: take him to close the portal now

*Hiroku bends the ice Yin's hands and feet are stuck in and starts moving it and walking toward the portal

Yin: I'm NOT closing the portal

*Hiroku smiles. They reach the portal and Hiroku breaks the ice on one of his hands*

Hiroku: you know what to do

Yin: never

Katsumi: if you want to play it the hard way then let's do it that way

*gets a small bottle of an unknown liquid out of her pocket and pours some of it on Yin's scar, he screams really loud from the pain, from the strength of his scream his veins showed on his face and his eyes looked like they were seconds away from coming out of his head, Hiroku made a shocked face, he felt some pity for YinK seeing him like that, Katsumi stops*

Katsumi: so, are you going to do it now?

*a tear runs down Yin's face, he slowly lifts up his hand with the bit of strength that's left in him and puts it in the portal, his eyes light up, he entered the avatar state and air starts coming out of nowhere, the portal shines then starts closing up and blows air that launched everyone feet away, it closed. Hiroku and Kataumi were ok but Yin was unconscious on the ground, barely alive*

Katsumi: we'll take him to the secret prison, his only purpose is to close the other 2 portals, after we do that we can get rid of him, Hiroku is surprised*

Hiroku: we didn't agree to that

Katsumi: hiroku, we're going to end him after using him for our plan

Hiroku: WHAT? Are you crazy mom?

Katsumi: stop being such a sensitive child and follow the rules, I'll be waiting for you in the castle

*Hiroku is feeling a mixture fo shock and anger. He leans down and grabs Yin and starts walking to the castle*

Scene 3

Location: a prison cell

*Hiroku just got done putting the locks on Yin, Yin started waking up*

Hiroku: oh I see you've woken up, the cell and locks are made out of platinum, there's no way you could escape you should've know that I'm, undefeated. I'm more dangerous that any person you've seen and any person you'll ever see Yin, but I guess you had to find out the hard way. *turns around* To be honest, you're lucky you're still breathing *leaves*

Scene 4

Location: the dining hall


*people are having dinner while Hirolu is playing with his food zoned out, not really wanting to eat*

Katsumi: today was a great day that will be remembered and so will be the ongoing days, since the southern tribe and republic city decided to refuse closing their portals, we will be declaring war on the tribe. And for Republic city, I have a plan for that one *smiles*

Juroh: why aren't you eating Hiroku?

Hiroku: I don't know, I guess I have no appetite

Katsumi: I wouldn't blame you, you did great today, you probably have no appetite because of how proud you are of yourself, as you should be

Hiroku: *gets up* I'm going to my room *leaves*

Scene 5

Scene 5-1

Location: where Yang is in

*Hiroku enters*

Hiroku: hi buddy *pets Yang* we need to go somewhere *gets on him* I made a mistake, it's time to correct it before it's too late

Scene 5-2

Location: the prison cell

*the door opens and Hiroku enters*

Yin: what do you want now? You already used me enough

*Hiroku bends water out of air and puts it on Yin's mouth to keep him qiet unlocks Yin's chains and helps him up. They get out of the prison cell and they got on the badgermole. Then Hiroku starts guiding him toward the ocean, they enter it and he bends the water to keep an air bubble around them so that the badgermole can walk and they can all breath*

Scene 5-3

Location: the prison cell

*a guard comes to give Yin his food but doesn't find him so he goes back runnig to tell Katsumi*

Scene 5-4

Location: the southern harbor

*they goe out of the wayer and Hiroku gets down*

Hiroku: where is this ship heading?

A worker: Republic city, it's one of the best ships out there, one day is enough for it to finish its journey

Hiroku: great, we're going on it

The worker: I'm afraid you can't mount animals on there

*Hiroku shows him a card*

The worker: *surprised* oh you're the tribe's leader's son, sorry sir I didn't know that, you and whoever you're with are welcome on the ship

Scene 5-5

T.W (trigger warning): immense pain

Location: a room in the ship

*the room had a window that has an ocean view so Hiroku. Yin was lying lifeless on the bed while Hiroku knew the poison Katsumi poured on Yin had warltwr in it so he started bending it out*

Yin: *screamed really loud* stop, please, stop

Hiroku: don't worry I'm almost done

Yin: *still screaming* Hiroku please *

*the moment Hiroku took it out Yin screamed again and started sweating from the intensity of it so Hiroku bent down and put Yin's head between his arms and he hugged him*

Hiroku: I'm sorry, it needed to get out of your body

Yin: *sobbing* why did you even fight me in the first place

T.W (ended) you can continue from here

Hiroku: I thought you were gonna close our portal and that's it, I didn't know she was gonna poison you, or that she's planning on ending your life after. If I knew earlier I would've not helped her. For now we're going to go warn Republic city and the southern tribe before she sends her troupes. The problem is, I know what she's going to do for the southern tribe but I have no idea about her plan for Republic city, mom is a dangerous woman, her plans are more destructive than we think they are, let's just hope for the best

Scene 5-6

Location: the northern castle

*the guard arrives*

The guard: ma'am, the prisoner escaped and Hiroku is nowhere to be found

Katsumi: WHAT?? the poison Yin has wouldn't make him able to trick and fight Hiroku back then escape so the only reasonable explanation is... Hiroku escaped with Yin. And they probably are heading toward Republic city to warn them since they are the closest and they have a spirit portal that will make them able to reach the southern tribe quickly, and Nova is a smart person, we need to be prepared for her tricks *smiles* just as much as she needs to be prepared for mine

All of questions I get asked often about guardians and all are answered in my other book "avatar: a true master back stories" you can find everything answered there

Vote the chapter or Hiroku will block your Chi paths