Ch. 11

The adults explained how Shengsi is stubborn and was a strong aspiring cultivator at a very young age "I wanted to have a taste of Zidian but..oh well I was indeed a child back then" Shengsi shrugs "Reckless" Lan Zhan shook his head while the young disciples looked at her weirdly.

"We're here!?" He Yu cheered as soon as the boat reached the dock. It was almost nighttime, one by one they got of the boat.

Shengsi bowed "We won't be able to explore the Heavenly Capital with you guys but I'll tell Master Zhao that you'll be arriving" they all proceeded to walk as Shengi give a short lecture to her mage friends "When we get there, show respect, don't be too loud, listen to the Shijie and Shixiong there, don't act buddy buddy with me during training -I'm talking about you boys-, don't start a fight or any mischief that'll cause trouble, and don't roam around without Mo Fan. It's easier to find you guys that way" she mumbled the last part to herself as they walked their way to the capital.

"Ms. Shengsi, why have you not removed your veil?" Jingyi asked. Shengsi thought for a moment "Just for the sake of entertainment..?"


They arrived at the Heavenly Capital "May you find your way to Palace of Paradise safely" Shengsi bowed and grabbed the three before disappearing in the shadow.

Instantly they were in front of a large doors, the guards didn't seem to be alerted when they saw who it was "Remember what I told you" they could only nod still baffled at the fact that Shengsi can use the Shadow element.

They paid their respect to the man and woman who sat atop among the disciples gathered "Sector Leader Zhao, I've brought these three to be my guests and promised to train them like our other disciples" her tone was now different, serious and calm with a sense of pride and authority "Very well, I hope you had a safe travel" Jieli stated and so the four nod "Your concern is much appreciated" he waves them of.

The four sat close together since they were all having dinner with the entire disciples and leader of Zhao "The others are staring" He Yu spoke shyly "We barge in and claim to be a guest disciple, who wouldn't stare" Mo Fan also scanned through the crowd "Shengsi-jie, why didn't you say that you're a dual element. That's so cool, having two elements..does that mean you've already passed the novice-tier of your Water element" Shengsi only nods but Mo Fan looks at her 'Water, Fire, and Shadow, she never fails to surprise. And here I thought, I was special'

When dinner ended, Shengsi ushered the three and got their uniform "We'll be in your care, Master Shengsi" Mo Fan teased and was immediately hit on the back of his head "I was maintaining my manners so you better be grateful" she huffed as they followed her "I'll tour you around and get you to your rooms.

"This is the outer inner courtyard open to the public; that's the Citang where God Pei Ming and Deity Xuan Ji resides... That's the Huanying Hall for travelers that God Pei Ming allowed to enter... And that one is for disciples here who wants to lounge around or do what they want" the three walked around looking in and whatnot, then they walked pass a set of wooden gate again and was greeted with a much spacious area that they failed to notice upon their arrival earlier "This is the first courtyard, we're currently standing on the training field, those doors lead to designated element training. Overall, the first courtyard is used for practice and such" yet walking deeper into the palace was another spacious are "Now we're in the second courtyard. That's where we ate earlier, the Jihui Hall, every meal is eaten all together, beside it is the kitchen... this side is the girls sleeping quarters and that side is the boys sleeping quarters....and those are the lecture halls" she points at another wooden gate "Beyond those gates are restricted area, it is forbidden to go unless told to by the leader" She faces them "Did you all get that?" they nod

"Okay then let me direct you to your rooms, If you need me tell Mo Fan"

Xiaohou, "Why is it always Mo Fan? Shengsi-jie, do you like him that much? It's so unfair" Shengsi sigh "Who was the most responsible since we got here? Especially when I left you to explore Lanling" the two lovebirds pouted "..Mo Fan-gege" she nods "There's your answer, be up tomorrow by 6. Go in and rest"

"But look at the other disciples, they're still out and about" Xiaohou whine and He Yu nodded "There are no alarm clocks here, it's best to turn in early" she saw their eager look and gave in "Fine, go. Just don't be late tomorrow, or else" she gave them a look before turning away, Mo Fan stops her from leaving "Are you going to turn in as well?" She nods "It's been a long day, I need some proper sleep"


Some time passed, Shengsi used the shadow into the memorial hall. She sat in front of the altar where spirit tablets were placed, she smiles and lit an incense and paid respect.

"Why should they leave us out? They won't even let us night hunt" Jin Ling complained "Mmh, I'm more curious now on what they're talking about" Jingyi commented.

"It must be something about our Sectors..but Yuezhou seems more active these days" Sizhui said as they watch the flowers move with the wind "Aren't they close with the Qinghe Nie Sector?" Jingyi asked but got no reply.

Suddenly a melody can be heard, it held the wavering emotions of regret, grief, and longing, that made the heart ache. The three looked at each other "Somebody's playing" Jin Ling said "Why would they be in the third courtyard? Isn't this a restricted area" Jingyi shook his head "Who cares? I'm curious of who's intruding! Finally some action" he runs off, followed by the two.

They ended up not far from the ancestral hall, all of them stealthily peeked through an open window at the back to see a kneeling figure that was playing the erhu with such painful emotions. She was too immersed to notice her surrounding.

"Should we stop her?" Jingyi mouthed and the two shrugged as they proceed to look at her.

They enjoyed her performance and thought that she'll leave after it but she just puts her instrument to the side and stared at the engraved tablets with glossed eyes. The three held their breath, afraid to be found.

"Mama, Papa" those two words struck the three boys, did Zhao Yan and Huang Xun Er have a child "I'm already 18 years old, sorry for not visiting you any sooner but I hope you heard me play... I'm graduating high school! I found people that I can trust over the world of Mages! I even saw old Zhan he's definitely well" she was forcing a joyful tone but slowly tears finally fell "Zixuan-gege and Yanli-jiejie had finally reunited with Jin Ling, they looked so happy... He must've suffered a lot without them"

Jin Ling felt his heart twinge 'Was it not Ms. Shengsi who saved my parents? How come this woman make such claim in front of the altar..unless she also helped' he shook his head and continued to listen.

She furiously wipes away her tears "Ack! Why am I crying, I should be happy. Doing something right will make you feel happy, but Papa...why does it hurt so much" she her smile falters as her voice cracks "Mama, remember when I always look forward to when you'll cook me Misua? It was because I know that you've finally got time for me. Or when we chased spirit butterflies in the garden telling me that those were the withered flowers' soul..I knew they're Papa's doings since it's a family ability" she conjured 2 of said creature "I can also fully use them now" she made them land on the stone tablets,

"I'm also able to use the bow you gave me Mama, it used to look so big when I was young" she sadly looks at them "I'll never forget those little moments of my childhood... isn't it a pity that we couldn't do anything together anymore. I miss you..every single day."

"..Everything is fine...Overhearing a conversation from you both, about me taking over the sector someday" she let out a soft laugh "Mama and Papa always believed and loved me so much" She held onto her sector's waist ornament/tassel and laughed dryly "How can I be entrusted with such task..." she sniffle "I can't even save my own parents. Such a useless child I am. One moment's error becomes a lifetime of sorrow" her voice cracked as she continued to cry then the sound of a door being opened and shut caught their attention, in a hurry Shengsi wipes away her tears

"Yanli-jie, why are you here? Was I being too loud?" she asked but the woman knelt beside her and hugged her "A-Ah Yanli-jie? Wh-"

"For years, I never saw you cry nor hear you complain" Yanli rubbed soothing circles on Shengsi's back "Until now, you still see yourself as lacking for not being able to save them... You must be so exhausted on being so strong and bearing everything you can... You've been strong for so long, but it hurts doesn't it?" Shengsi's tears began to fall again as she nods "Just let it all out and I'll be here for you. A-Yue...Thank you" Shengsi silently cried "Jiejie, if only I wasn't so careless. I would've seen the despicable act of Guangyao and saved them. If only-"

"You did your best and I'm sure they're more than proud to have a righteous and honorable daughter like you" she shoo her head making Yanli tighten her embrace "When you get back here again, I want you to spend time with me and my family." Shengsi leaned back "I wouldn't dare impose" she held Shengsi's hand "You're already a family, I'm sure Jin Ling will learn a lot from you" she could only smile

"I'm also here to tell you that Sector Leader Jieli called for you"

Shengsi faced the spirit tablets and sighed "I am of age now, it's time for me to finish my business at the world of Mages and stay here. I'm thankful that I was born to be your daughter, and wish to always be reincarnated as your daughter for the rest of my soul's existence" she bowed and thanked Yanli before running out with her Erhu.

"You boys can come out now" the boys who were about to leave froze "A-Ling, Sizhui, Jingyi. It's not nice to eavesdrop and watch a girl cry" they walked up to Yanli "Sorry mom, her playing drew our attention"

"Madam Jiang, is she really the daughter of the former sector leader of Yuezhou?" they walked to the garden that was decorated with trumpet vines, sitting in the gazebo by the pond "Yes, she is the daughter of Master Zhao and Madam Huang, you also probably know her as Shengsi"

"Ms. Shengsi?!" the three exclaimed and now recalling the uncanny resemblance.