Ch. 12

Shengsi walks in the meeting hall accompanied by a girl who wore red and had the same veil covering them. Zhao Jieli gestured for them to have a seat.

"Is there something I can do for you, Jieli-gege?" Shengsi warily glanced at Huaisang. The eldest sighed "Huaisang told me...that you're still looking for some of the people involved in your parents murder. And Wen Qing told me about your side" she remained silent, not expecting her accomplices to throw her under the bus like that "Is that all? Then I should lea-"

"I have the information on those people right here" Jieli showed a small notebook "...but revenge would get you nothing if the mastermind is already dead" he emphasized "Most of these people you're hunting down have families"

Shengsi let out a humorless laugh "Well you see I had a family, even if my existence was never revealed to the people outside the palace. The people here in Yuezhou are like family to my parents!" slowly her voice got louder "DID THEY SHOW ANY SYMPATHY OR MERCY?!" she sighed

"I can't believe the two of you would tell on me" Shengsi stood and backed away pointing at the two people she trusted with her plan "They're just worried about you. You know that they're doing this because they care" he reasoned'..that's..right..I promise to move on...but why? why am I still seeking this useless revenge' she gripped the cloth above her chest "Yue!" Wen Qing tried to run to her but Shengsi only stepped back 'There are people out there who got it worse than who am I to feel privileged' she walks up to Jieli and grabbed the notebook but he didn't let go "Is this what you really want?" she smiled at him "If they don't have a family, they die. If they have one...I'll see" she forcefully took it.

As she was about to leave when Jieli spoke again "The cultivators in the world of mages..those reports you've sent me. I've done some investigation with Huaisang and we found out that there is a group that is trying or practicing demonic cultivation to wreak havoc there since mages have little to none experience with spiritual and resentful energies. They have people here and on the other side. Those cultivator there that try to stop them would be no match and get killed."

"Do you have any leads from those who are here? Because I've been tracking some of them on the other world" Jieli nods "There seems to be 10 or 12 people, equally divided. That's also why I called you now that you're here" Shengsi glanced at her bracelet Kenzhi that was on its last two bead of howlite "Where are they?"

"I'm not sure if this information should be concrete but thru investigating, they'll be having a meeting at one of the mountains in Yiling by midnight" Shengsi smirked "That's all I needed to know" Huaisang and Wen Qing grabbe her "There are 6 of them, it'll be too dangerous" Huaisang panicked "And your on your last two howlite-"

"The less, the better" she shrugs "I'll come with you, just for precaution" Wen Qing said "Then I'll go too" Huaisang volunteered as he shows the fan gifted to him.

Jieli shook his head "I'll call in Young Master Wei and Hanguang-jun to help you"

"..I don't want them to see me when Kenzhi is off and I want to perfect it first until it won't change my appearance. I've been training for years, I would be able to handle myself" She puts an around on the two "These two still owns me for telling you my plans but it's nice to have someone if something ever happens" the three bowed

Jieli halts them once again "I've invited Master Lan and Zewu-jun for's time to tell them or atleast people of the great five sector" Shengsi had a small smile "Maybe it is"


Turn out the information was not wrong but it took them time to actually find a hidden small cave camouflaging behind the tall grasses and bush. They concealed their presence and stealthily hid and listened in their conversation.


One of men scoffed "Like you're any better, you let someone tail you"

"Enough! You useless idiots! We have been planning and preparing this for so long and here you are, treating it like a measly game" a deep voice insulted "I have to see what the other side's situation is" the man's presence vanished leaving 5 people behind.

Damn it! Their leader slipped away' Shengsi cursed as she made sure her mask was secured. She removed her bracelet Kenzhi and slowly her hair started turning black along with her sclera and skin turning sickly pale "Go and hide. I can handle it" she mouthed and they understood.

Appearance completely changed, the 5 people could already feel the seeping darkness of the intruder, and on high alert they pulled out their weapon as they scanned their surrounding. On the pathway out stood Shengsi "You must be the ones disturbing the peace of both worlds" the woman with auburn hair glared at her "Who are you?! How long have you been there?"

"We going to talk? Aren't you supposed to kill me? Or are you going to explain your oh so elaborate plan of dominating the world of mages and use them to dominate this world as well?" Shengsi twirled the dagger on her hand "You! How do you know about that? about us?" A man who had a scar on his neck asked as Shengsi shrugged "I guessed and you just confirmed it" she lets out a crazed laugh.

As she unconcealed herself, the massive amount of darkness and resentfulness hits the group like a tsunami of killer intent as they remained frozen in place for a few seconds before attacking. The brunette rushed at her with a sword but she just blocked it with her dagger while avoiding the flying arrows aiming at her vital points

"You guys must be good" she casually complemented as she grabbed the blade and snapped it in half while as she casts a continues wave to go against the fire from one of the guys scorching his left hand. A guy appeared behind her from the shadow but she already knew such a cheap tactic and quickly tried to stab his heart missing it by an inch.

Vines wrapped around her arms and legs being posed in a submissive manner "You really think you can take us on? Now lets see who you really are?" before the auburn haired woman could touch the mask lightning struck her and there stood Mo Fan who had half of his face covered "Shengsi! Are you..okay?" the female in front of him didn't look too familiar "You moron! What are you doing here? Get out" Shengsi yelled at him "Not even a thank you?"

"Can you lovebirds continue this on the world of the dead?" Shengsi gave him a look but he stood on his ground.

Shengsi burnt the vines on her and let off more of her contained darkness that made them shudder while Mo Fan fell on one knee. She went on fighting the five simultaneously and did the best she can to counter every attack they gave but the guy with the shadow element appeared behind Mo Fan "I'm you enemy here" she threw her dagger at such a high speed that half of it's hilt was buried on the man's skull.

Mo Fan struck the remaining four with lightning. "Chaotic Shadow: Whirlpool Array" Shengsi mutters and a dark circle formed under them and most of their magical attacks just backfired at them "Mo Fan, scorch them" he did what he was told but comparing his level to them, they didn't die that easily "Since you'll be as good as dead, why not tell and show you who I am" she removed her mask to reveal a sinister smile "Zhao.Yue. Maybe my summoning will see you in the underworld" she cackled "Sweet Dreams...Haze of Fear" she whisper the last part as the four started sweating and screaming.

This Shengsi honestly frightened Mo Fan, it made him feel a little uneasy "Are w-we just go-going to leave them there?" he stuttered "Yep, I'll block the entrance so it wouldn't be too loud" she answered while smiling at her torture as if it was a masterpiece "Wouldn't they escape?"

"Whisper of hell" she mutters and the enemies were surrounded by fire slowly burning and killing them. Mo Fan stared at the fire circle that ever so often licked the four. "Why did you follow us?" Shengsi started as the walked out and sealed the cave.

Mo Fan kept looking straight ahead avoiding the current Shengsi "You tell me or I drop you off a cliff" she threatened 'I can't just say that I wanted to tell her that I liked her but overheard their conversation about the whole search in this Yiling area' he internally panicked but spoke "I saw you walkout the gates and I thought you were just going around town, I ended up following you here out of concern"

"You need to look after yourself more than me, I'm barely who you think I am" she sigh and her two company showed up "This kid sure do knows how to cover himself" Huaisang chuckled "He's attending tomorrow's revelation" they almost choked on their spit.

"Yeah I trust him" 'I like him and his trustworthy'

"Huaisang you bring the kid back with you" Wen Qing said as the pairs started walking different ways "Where are you two going?" Mo Fan asked "Relax, your girl isn't in any danger."Huaisang mumbles "She's not my girl..." '..yet' he denied but Huaisang just chuckled at him "Tomorrow morning, you'll know more about her and she's like introducing you to her family" Mo Fan was bright red and his heartbeat was miles an hour 'This mister sure do know which button to press'

"Besides, I see you wearing her earring and that already say something"

"Do you think the feeling is mutual?"

"Aha! So you admit that you like her"

"N-NO! I mean was our friendship with this earring"

"You already admitted so I have no use in poking my nose in your business...but" Huaisang had the blade part of his fan on Mo Fan's neck "You hurt her and I can't assure that you'll live another day"