Ch. 13

Tomorrow was the day they'll go back to the world of mages "Mo Fan!" the boy was pulled back to reality "Posture! Unless you want to break your wrist!" Shengsi scolded. They have been training for most of their stay here and as for Mo Fan,discovering that the girl he likes is someone with a high status wasn't what was bothering him, it was the fact that he still confessed to her but she just smiled and left.

After that it was as if nothing happened, they continue their daily routine, hung out, talked and so on.

They were waiting for their turn to spar "Fan-ge" Xiaohou walked up to him "Aren't you supposed to be all over He Yu?" Mo Fan snorts "She's having water element class with the others. You seem distracted tho"

"It's nothing serious, I'm thinking of our return tomorrow"

"Yeah, it felt good to be here. I don't even know why Si-jie would leave this place"

"She had her reasons...About that, I actually-" he was interrupted by a woman's voice "Hey kid" it was Wen Qing and beside her stood Wen Ning a fierce corpse "Come on, we have to talk to you" Xiaohou shivered at the sight of necromancy.

As they walked in the garden, there stood most of the people who were at the morning meeting from the other day. This made Mo Fan somewhat intimidated "We heard that you like our Zhao Yue" Yanli started

"Y-yes" Mo Fan managed to stutter out "So what do you exactly want?"Jiang Cheng glared at him "I-I want to date her" he blurted "Date her? After knowing she's may be a soon sector leader." Wuxian stated but Mo fan shook his head "I met her in my world and she's someone so brave, kind, sarcastic, admirable-"

Huaisang giggled, dispersing the tense atmosphere "You're fawning over her again"

"Hey! Stop scaring him" Shengsi stood beside Mo Fan "It's my choice okay? I accept his feelings so what?" he stared at her, finally a somewhat proper answer?

Wen Qing grabbed Shengsi's arm while giving her a look as if mentally communicating with each other. With a sigh, she lets go of her arm "Then keep me posted with Liu, I'll also visit from time to time" Shengsi faced the others "I'll be staying in the world of mage from now on"

"You better take care of her"


"Fan-gege, I heard that Mu Zhuoyun prepared for Yu Ang's eighteenth-year Coming of Age Ceremony. Bo City has always placed a great importance on the Coming of Age ceremony, and a big family clan like the Mu Family would definitely set up their most important disciple's Ceremony to be grander than anything" Xiaohou said.

"I know, they'll invite rich, powerful and people of importance within Bo City, families with status just enjoy doing this kind of stuff" Mo Fan said.

"They're cheating you. Using you as a stepping stone for that guy Yu Ang. If you were to lose the Magic Duel in front of those people, then not only will it give their family an awe-inspiring authority, but it would also mean that the number one student among the fifteen hundred at Tian Lan Magic High was not able to win against the student nourished by their family. Principal Zhu will not be able to leave that stage."

Shengsi scoffs "In any case, that Yu Ang will be the stepping stone for Mo Fan. If it takes a turn for the worse then they should be ready to catch my attacks" she sips her coffee while Mo Fan had his arm around her shoulder "You know Shengsi wouldn't let anything that bad happen to me" Xiaohou rolled his eyes "So you're saying she's your insurance" Mo Fan hits on the back of his head "What I meant is that we got each other's back"

A familiar eagle perched itself on the windowsill "Well, that's my signal. I have some paperwork to do" Shengsi stood up "I'll be checking out the arena tonight, can you come?" she had an apologetic look "No promises but I'll try" Mo Fan kissed her on the cheek before letting her leave.


Mo Fan sat near a cliff with the wind breezing by. He was able to see all of the flourishing scenery of Bo City; the Global Trade Center, Mu Manor, Bo River, and Tian Lan Magic High, located on the southern mountain.

Behind him came the sound of footsteps, rhythmic and slow.

An ice-cold wind blew over from behind him, Mo Fan didn't need to turn around to know who it was "I asked Xinxia, she told me you were here" the girl's bright voice called out. If it wasn't so cold and detached, then her voice would be as beautiful as a silver bell on a snowy day.

"Looking for me this late at night? What? Do you want to elope with me again?" Mo Fan grabbed a paper used to wrap peanuts and put it next to him, signifying someone should sit there.

Ningxue stood there, watching Mo Fan's familiar movements as she remembered some things from the past. When she was young, he would take her to some bizarre places to play. They would always venture out together and Mo Fan became aware of her being afraid of dirtying her beautiful clothes. At some point, he started to find something clean to put down next to him; even his jacket was a victim.

"Don't duel with Yu Ang tomorrow, he won't show mercy. He listens to my father- he won't show a shred of grace on the duel" Ningxue didn't walk over, she just stood there as she said this to Mo Fan.

"Your father sure adopted a good dog, I reckon he'd bite anyone your father wants him to"

"He's really odd, I don't like him, either" Ningxue agreed.

"Then that's good, I'll help you educate him tomorrow" Mo Fan said with a smile.

"Do you not understand me? I don't want you to go tomorrow" Ningxue wrinkled her eyebrows.

"Is this lovely lady concern for me?"

"Just don't go instead, go to Magic University. During your time there, I'll slowly take control of my family's authority, so when you return to Bo City, no one will do anything to you."

"You want to provide for me? We're not even married yet. But I will still go" Mo Fan turned around as he acted surprised.

"You..." Ningxue was so angry.

She sincerely wanted to help him, yet, he was playing such a joke on her! 'Doesn't he know that offending my father means that he will have no place in Bo City!?' Ningxue realized she was unable to get through to Mo Fan. Thus, she turned around and left.


Just when Mo Fan entered gates, he saw a few familiar figures "Wen Jie, Fei Shi, you're finally here. Come in, our Manor has some of the best chefs of Bo City, I guarantee it will suit your tastes" Caitang stood by the gates.

"Thanks to you, a small City Officers like us are able to have the opportunity like this" Fei Shi patted his growling stomach.

"It's too bad that kid Fan Mo had some matters to attend to, so he was unable to join us" Wenjie added. Caitang actually felt somewhat disappointed., she really wanted to invite Fan Mo to her own house.

"Isn't that Fan Mo?" Caitang's gaze suddenly turned to see a familiar figure. After looking carefully, she immediately grimaced 'How is that Fan Mo, it obviously is that fool, Mo Fan. I don't know where this kid got his guts from, but no matter what, he's going to be beaten half to death by Yu Ang'

"Caitang-jie?" Caitang looked at Mo Fan sideways "Who even invited you.. Oh I nearly forgot, you're Yu Ang's punching bag. Acting like an honorable guest, don't call me sister again!" He had moment of realization 'It slipped my mind, none of them recognizes me' he awkwardly laughed "Don't be so cold. After all, we're acquainted" she glares at him but before she can utter a word, Shengsi grabs Mo Fan's arm "Sorry, he can be a blabbermouth at time" she started dragging him away.

Xiao Ke stared at the two figures who were walking inside "What's wrong? Why are you staring at them?" she shook her head "I was just wondering who he was" Feishi stared at Mo Fan"He does look familiar from behind" Caitang points out that he was the kid that ran away from the one eyed wolf encounter.


"You almost blew your cover" Shengsi laughed "Hey, I forgot okay"he started grabbing plates of food and drink "Want some?" she looks at him disgusted "No thanks, also eat properly. You might choke before you even get to fight"

Zhan Kong approached the two "Eh? You still in the mood to stuff your face with food" Mo Fan smirks "Instructor, aren't you also here for free food" Shengsi stifled a laugh "I'm only here since the old geezer Mo Zhuanyun should be honored. Seeing how gutsy you are, why not join the army after you graduate?"

"Forget it, I like the city more than mountains and forests" Zhan Kong smiled "Too bad you don't appreciate y about you A-Si?" Shengsi winked "I'll be staying here with Mo Fan" baffled he pointed at the boy "He-he, don't tell me you two.." she shrugs "I'm dating this idiot, Ol'Zhang" He ruffled her hair "You have a weird taste" Mo Fan stopped chewing as if offended.

Shengsi smiled at the small group in front of them "Why are you guys here?" Mo Fan asked "The school appointed us to come since you're the school representative. How can no one be there to cheer for you?" Zhou Min replied "I have all the cheering I need over here" he points at Shengsi "Flattery will get you nowhere" she sighed, Zhaoting had a displeased expression "I'll let you have it, being the representative. Just don't put shame on Tian Lan Magic High"

After the opening speech for Yu Ang. Everyone went in the viewing deck of the duel venue and got seated. Shengsi sat on the first row beside He Yu and just by the center isle. Mo Fan stood at the middle of the field staring at the audience, then out came the "star" of the show, Yu Ang.

"Zhou Yun, it seems like he has 3 magic equipment with him" one of the spectator said but he paid no attention "I am grateful for all the guest who is attending my son's birthday ceremony. I shall not speak more. I will let Yu Ang speak wth his abilities after training for years"

He Yu grips on Shengsi's sleeves "Did you hear that? That Yu Ang has 3 magic equipments and years of training. Will Mo Fan-gege be alright?" she puts a hand over He Yu's "You know how much Mo Fan train. Besides he had an out of this world experience" although she was confident Mo Fan can win, she also need to take in the account of possible casualties.

"Tch Mo Fan is nothing but a supporting character" Kunsan said "He's not even a support, he's just here to let Yu Ang shine" Mu Bai smirked but he gazed at Shengsi who was too focused at the two duelers.

"The two are both well-known figures among the younger generations, having the duel is to motivate you to work even harder on your cultivation... Either way, take your positions!" Zheng Kai stood between the two young Magicians as he said this with a voice everyone could hear.

Deng Kai then slowly took a few steps back, but he did not completely exit the field. At that spot, if something were to happen, then he could quickly put a stop to it "Alright, shake hands. Wait for my signal to start" Zheng Kai said.

Mo Fan and Yu Ang were facing each other as they both extended their arms. A wisp of ice condensed on Yu Ang's palm, instantly Mo Fan's hand glowed slightly red protecting himself from the threat.

"Just a piece of trash who doesn't know anything, I'll put you in your place" Mo Fan didn't falter "I'll play you like a fiddle" after Yu Ang let go of his hand, he turned around as he let out a cold laugh before taking his position.

"Idiot," Mo Fan replied and returned to his designated place after turning around, he subconsciously closed his eyes for a moment. He opened his eyes again as his gaze swept across his surroundings. The admiration for his bravery were so fake that it made his skin crawl then he caught sight of her, the blank expression that had no cracks to peer on.

"Duel Begin!"