This tortorous System

Katarina frantically looked around for the source of the noise before she realised the first word the mechanical voice had said, 'System'.

"Uhhm, system, are you there?"

[*Host finally acknowledges my existence.*]

[*What a beautiful day.*]

Katarina's heart suddenly took a leap. She had a system, a proper system. She had read about it from the countless web-novels she had read online but to actually have one was a completely different matter.

"Where am I?"

[*Host is currently inside System Void-space.*]

"What am I doing here?"

[*Ah yes, System has brought host inside the Void-space to tell host what exactly has happened to her.*]

"Uhh, so tell me?"

[*System assures Host that there is no need to be impatient.*]

"Shut up, and just tell me."

[*If Host is not polite, System sees no need to tell the Host what is going on.*]

"F*ck you."

[*System recommends that Host buys some soap from System Store to clean her dirty mouth.*]

After a few minutes of heated swearing, Katarina finally politely asked the System to tell her what was going on.

[*For aeons, the supreme beings have governed and protected the entire multiverse, but now, they are facing a grave crisis. They have grown bored. To alleviate their boredom they have selected a single mortal to provide entertainment for them in another world. That Mortal is the Host.*]

"So they picked me. I'm honoured."

[*System agrees with Host. Host will be sent to another world with this System so Host should be honoured.*]

Resisting the urge to swear again Katarina kept a straight face for a few minutes before asking a question.

"System, why aren't I in the other world yet?"

[*Oh, System forgot. Transport to Next World: Commenced.*]

Immediately a bright light shone under Katarina and she closed her eyes.

[*Host's soul will fuse with the body of a mortal the Supreme Beings have chosen. System advises Host to get ready for soul transportation. It can be a bit, 'bumpy'.*]

Bumpy was an understatement. Katarina felt as she was bouncing around in a steel cage with every bounce sending pains shooting up in her brain. After a few minutes the absolute torture ended.

She opened her eyes and immediately felt a migraine as memories started gushing into her brain.

She was shocked. She had been reincarnated into a world of swords and magic. Elves, dwarves, this World had it all.

By luck or just the doing of those Supreme Beings, the body she had just gone inside was called Katarina as well. This World's Katarina however, had a completely different life. She had been born to a loving couple of swordsmen who went on a journey to sail around the world. However they had taken their daughter with them. The journey was going well until disaster struck on the 24th day. They had been attacked by sealords which were an evolved form of seamonsters. Unable to defeat them her parents had sacrificed themselves to save their daughter which had led to her washing up in this place next to the sea.

"System, where am I?"

[*Host is on a deserted Island.*]

"What should I do right now?"

[*Get stronger. Duh, is the Host dumb?*]

"Uhh, how do I get stronger?"

Immediately a transparent blue screen appeared in front of her. There seemed to be a spinning wheel on it. Unable to take the curiosity she tried spinning the wheel. Unfortunately the screen wasn't touch sensitive. "System, can you spin the wheel for me?"

[*The result of this wheel will determine Host's first primary class. Are you sure?*]

"Of course."

At the exact moment she finished, the wheel started spinning and slowly came to a stop on one word.

[*System congratulates Host for obtaining the class Novice Blacksmith (Can be evolved)*]

"System, can you tell me what exactly a class is?"

[*Of course. A class is known as an affinity in this world and affinities are basically what you'll be good at in the future. Since you have a blacksmith affinity you'll gain skills related to forging easily throughout your life. However humans get a total of 2 affinities in their lifetime, one at the the age of 8 and the other at the age of 15. For example, if your 2 affinities are swordsman and fire magic you will become a magic swordsman.*]

"How do people of this world find their affinities or skills, I mean, they don't have Systems like me, do they?"

[*Of course not, I'm one of a kind. Humans just developed a machine to print out your stats onto something called a Status Card.*]

"Do I need to use the machine or can you show me my stats?"

[*Hey, Who does the Host think I am! I'm the Strongest System! Just say Status.*]

"Status." A transparent blue screen appeared in front of her. She started to read.

Name: Katarina Hylphine

Level: 1 (0/1250)

Class: Blacksmith (Novice)

Title: None

HP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)

MP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)


Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Luck: 10 (Cannot be changed)

(Stat points: 0)


Active skills: None

Passive skills: None


Grey shirt (Grade: F)

No effects

Black shorts (Grade: F)

No effects

"System, why can't I put any points into luck?"

[*Luck is an attribute that can quite literally destroy the World.*]

"Anyway my parents were swordsmen right? Why wasn't my affinity Swordsmanship?"

[*Affinities are normally hereditary but Swordsmanship would have made your life too easy. 'Blacksmith' is much harder to use. Remember, Host is in this World to entertain the Supreme Beings.*]

"System, are the supreme beings watching me now?" Katarina asked.


After the System answered Katarina pulled out her middle finger and pointed it at the sky. 'I hope that conveys the message.' Katarina thought to herself.

[Ding! Ding! New Quest!]

[*Would Host like to see new Quest.*]

"Go on."

[Quest: Know Your Place (F-rank)

You are here to satiate our boredom and in this World, Strength is Law. At the state you are in now, you wouldn't even last a minute against a Soldier, let alone conquer the entire multiverse. Take some time on this Island and get stronger until you can beat the magic beasts on this Island. Good luck and keep it entertaining. Don't Die!

Quest Requirements:

- Absorb the cores of 20 no-star magic beasts

- Absorb the core of the 1-star Magic beast on this Island.

Quest rewards:

- 30 stat points

- 1 basic Swordsmanship training manual

- 1 basic Blacksmithing manual

Time limit: 24 days 23 hours 59 minutes 49 seconds

Katarina wasn't expecting this. She was expecting something like a One Punch Man workout but definitely not killing Magic Beasts whatever they were.

"System, what are Magic Beasts?"

[*Magic beasts are one of the greatest threats to this planet. 5000 years ago, when the Supreme Beings set foot upon this World they left behind a slight trace of their Imperial Energy. Once they left, an animal tried to absorb this trace, its strength grew tenfold, hundredfold, until its energy was too much to take. It exploded, leading to an event called, The Great Awakening. Animals around the world evolved into Magic Beasts but what accompanied this Evolution was chaos. They lost all sense of reason and became completely wild. *]

"Hurry up," Katarina complained. She was getting tired of listening to that mechanical voice droning on and on.

[*Magic beasts are animals or even insects who evolved into a more powerful bloodline and therefore gained strength far surpassing their previous. Humans have also come up with a ranking system for them depending on the strength of their magical energy. It goes from No-star to 9-star. There is said to be a 10-star beast somewhere in this World but nobody has ever found it.*]

"You could have just said that in the beginning you know, tsk, what a useless system." Katarina sighed.

[*How dare the Host call me useless. You will be punished.*]

"Oh yeah, how?"

[Ding! Quest: Know your place, has been upgraded.

[Quest: Know Your Place (E-rank)

You are here to satiate our boredom and in this World, Strength is Law. At the state you are in now, you wouldn't even last a minute against a Soldier, let alone conquer the entire multiverse. Take some time on this Island and get stronger until you can beat the magic beasts on this Island. Good luck and keep it entertaining. Don't Die! This is your punishment for disrespect.

Quest Requirements:

- Absorb the cores of 40 no-star magic beasts

- Absorb the core of the 1-star Magic beast on this Island.

Quest rewards:

- 40 stat points

- 1 basic Swordsmanship training manual

- 1 basic Blacksmithing manual

Time limit: 24 days 23 hours 59 minutes 49 seconds

That day Katarina made a vow to never insult the System ever again.