Sexual Assault

"Anyway, how am I supposed to complete this damn quest?" Katarina sighed. It wasn't everyday that you're told to kill 40 magic beasts into 20 days. She had no idea how strong the beasts were and she didn't even know how to kill them.

[*System advises Host to look inside 'Inventory'.*]

Now, Katarina was confused. What could there be in her Inventory? She hadn't stored anything in there. Wait, maybe the system was actually nice for once and gave her some free items.

"Inventory." A blue screen appeared in front of her with a rectangular grid.

Beginners Manual on Magic Beasts x1

Beginners Basic Knowledge of this World x1

Spear x1

Water Bottle x1

Food x3

She was right! Katarina touched the 'Beginner's Manual of Magic Beasts' but nothing happened. She tried thinking of it, 'Beginner's Manual of Magic Beasts'. A book suddenly appeared in her hand. Katarina immediately opened it and started scrolling to the part she needed to read.

How strong are No-star Magic Beasts?

No-star Magic Beasts are generally considered the weakest out of all Magic Beasts. However, even though that is true, compared to the average human from Host's previous world, they are at least 5 times as strong.

How to defeat them?

Unless you have enough strength or a sharp enough weapon, trying to pierce their armour is completely useless. This manual recommends that you try to find weaknesses around their body such as previous wounds or openings in their skin such as the Musculus Sphincter Ani Externus (more commonly known as the anus) or the oral cavity.

"Ah," Katarina said, "You can defeat monsters 5 times as strong as humans by stabbing something up their ass-hole, something I totally needed to know, definitely. And now I just need to find those damn Beasts and kill them with that spear, right?"

But how was she supposed to find them, she didn't want to get lost in this goddamn massive island.

[*System recommends that Host purchases MiniMap function from System Store.*]

"Uh, unless you have forgotten I have nothing of value on me except my clothes and I'm not going to walk around naked, " Katarina pointed out.

[*System can create a loan for the Function, does Host wish to accept.*]

"Sure, anyway how much does it cost?"

[* Ding! MiniMap Function purchased. This function costs 500 EXP.*]

A window suddenly appeared in top right of her field of vision. There seemed to be a map on it and a green dot on the coast which Katarina assumed was herself. However there was red dots on the forest in front of her. They were probably the Magic Beasts.There was even an arrow pointing to the nearest dot with some number next to it. From her gamer knowledge, this was probably the amount of steps she had to take.

"Nice, should be easy to pay. How do I earn EXP though?"

[*Defeating Magic Beasts from 1-star up earn 50+ EXP.*]

"You're joking, I have to kill 10 of those fricking 1-star monsters to pay back that loan. I probably cant even beat a no-star beast now."

[*System corrects Host. To pay back the loan Host must beat 30 1-star beasts.*]

"What! Why?"

[*System Bank has a 300 percent interest rate.*]

Katarina almost tripped. 300 percent!!!

"Why the Fuck did you not tell me earlier?!"

[*System thought it would be funny to see Host's reaction.*]

At this point Katarina was desperately trying to hold back the torrent of curses she had at her disposal.

[*Hahahahaha! Host looks like she has swallowed a pineapple.*]

That did it, completely forgetting her previous vow Katarina started spitting out curses at the Black hearted creator of this bloody System.

After a few minutes of venting out her anger at the tree next to her, she started making her way to the forest where the red dots were while taking that spear out of her inventory.

The nearest magic beast was 30 steps away. Facing it in full front combat would be a dumb move so she climbed up to the middle of a tree to observe her would-be opponent. She looked down and gave a gasp of disbelief as she saw her first magic beast. There was only one word which she could use to describe it.


It looked like a cross between a wolf and a gorilla except for the dragon-scale like armour surrounding its upper body.The multitude of sharp teeth in the mouth made it so that she couldn't stab it through the mouth.

'Hey system, do you have an appraisal skill?' she thought.

[*Of course. *]

'Appraisal,' she thought to herself. Immediately a blue window appeared in front of her with what she guessed was information about the beast in front of her.

Name: Abyss Wolf

Class: No-star Magic beast

Level: 4

HP: 750/750 (+25 per minute)

MP: 400/400 (+20 per minute)


Level up Appraisal function to see stats.


The weakest form of Magic beasts. If you can't even kill this, than you are trash, TRASH!!

'The last part was completely unnecessary but it has way more HP and MP than me. This mutt's recovery is a lot faster than me as well. How do I keep it still long enough for me to stab it though?'

Katarina was stuck until she got an idea. It was a horrible, disgusting idea but it was still an idea. She put the spear back in her inventory and climbed back down the tree stealthily being careful not to make noise. She walked up behind the Abyss Wolf trying her best not to make noise. God! It was way bigger close up. It was around 3 meters tall so she should be able to reach its anus with her hand.

Katarina was behind the beast who looked like it was guarding something. She quickly initiated her plan. She held up her hand.

'Goodbye my precious dignity.' Katarina then used all her strength to push her hand up into the small hole she could see right in front of her. The wolf immediately let out a noise. Was it...a moan?

It turned around and saw Katarina and instinctively tried to grab her.

Well aware that she might die, Katarina closed her eyes and quickly thought, 'Inventory, spear!'

At that moment a spear appeared in the hand that was fisting the wolf and it let out a deafening howl. A system notification also appeared in front of her at the same time.

[-800 HP! Critical strike!]

[0/750 remaining!]

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0]

The wolf burst into ash and something that looked like a small shiny stone fell to the ground. Katarina stared at the stone for a while before realising what she had done.

'Oh my god, I sexually assaulted a magic beast!'

She looked at her arm and she could see ash all over it. Thank god there was no monster poop on it. She quickly wiped it off. Katarina then bent over to find the shiny stone. She started moving her hand throughout the ash until she felt something hard. Katarina grabbed it as a notification popped out in front of her.

[*Magic Core from No-star Magic beast obtained. Would Host like to absorb it?*]

"Yes." As soon as she said that the magic core glowed and disappeared. Expecting something to happen Katarina closed her eyes. However nothing happened. Hoping for some change she quickly tried to open up her status but another message came.

[*Supreme beings applaud your creativity. Stat points: +2*]

[*Supreme beings are enjoying your entertainment. Stat points: +2*]

With enjoyment flickering on her face Katarina opened her status.

Name: Katarina Hylphine

Level: 1 (0/1250)

Class: Blacksmith (Novice)

Title: None

HP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)

MP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)


Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Luck: 10 (Cannot be changed)

(Stat points: 9)

She'd finally gotten stat points! Katarina did a short victory dance before pondering over where to put her newfound stat points. She chose to put 5 points in strength and 4 points in agility.

Name: Katarina Hylphine

Level: 1 (0/1250)

Class: Blacksmith (Novice)

Title: None

HP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)

MP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)


Strength: 15

Vitality: 10

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Luck: 10 (Cannot be changed)

(Stat points: 0)

After confirming the change she could feel a warm energy filling her body. She felt like she had gotten lighter and stronger. Looking to the tree next to her she quickly kicked it. Katarina moved her foot away from the tree and inspected the part where she had kicked. There was an indent in the shape of her upper foot, it wasn't very big but it was still there. Considering that Katarina was only 8 years old, this strength was a bit unprecedented.

Katarina then started testing out her speed. She tried sprinting to the biggest tree behind her which should have taken around 15 seconds. However it only took 10! She was also extremely nimble and flexible

"Damn I'm strong, hey System, am I stronger than most people my age?" Katarina asked in a confident tone. She was completely sure the answer to that question was yes.

[*No, you are a bit weak for your age. This is partially due to the fact that this body was reconstructed by the Supreme Beings losing any strength it had before and the fact that your soul transfer has caused you to have the stats of an average human from your world.*]

"What! Show me the status for an average 8 year-old child. Preferably a noble, they're quite strong."

Status of noble child

HP: 900/900 (+30 per minute)

MP: 600/600 (+20 per minute)


Strength: 32

Vitality: 23

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 14

Perception: 9

"Damn, the people of this world are actual monsters!"