Useless Killing Spree

Katarina then took out her spear and used appraisal on it.

Name: Common spear

Rating: Common

Durability: 50/70

Understanding: 20 percent

Note: What did you expect?

Ignoring the sarcastic comment she did some quick maths in her head. 'So I can only kill 5 more no-star beasts with this shitty spear, that's just cheap.'

"System, what's the 'understanding' thingy supposed to mean?"

[*Since Host's class is blacksmith, Host can have the understanding of any product and as your understanding increases you will get to know more and more about the product.*]

"How do I get higher understanding?" Katarina asked.

[*Host can disassemble and reassemble products to gain understanding. Host can also find new ways to use the product or just keep on using it.*]

"So it's it like overgeared, huh." Katarina was now looking at how the metal blade of the spear was attached onto the wooden handle. It had clearly been hafted on using a piece of rope and one bolt.

'Ok, let's try this then.' Katarina pulled out the bolt using her newfound strength and unwrapped the rope. She separated the spear into the four parts it was made of, the handle, the blade, the bolt and the rope. She then completely put the spear together again. After repeating this for nearly 1 hour, as she was pushing the bolt down on the rope, a torrent of knowledge gushed into her brain. She now found that she knew the basic movements of a beginner spear-master.

'Bullshit!! I do the same thing for 1 hour and I only get some basic movements, well its better than nothing. Wait, appraisal.' A blue window appeared.

Name: Common spear

Rating: Common

Durability: 50/70

Understanding: 30 percent

Note: Well done, you now know how to swing a spear.

Only 10 percent!! Katarina nearly started crying. She disassembled and reassemble for 60 minutes straight only to get 10 percent more understanding!

"Oy system, what happens if I reach 100 percent understanding?"

[*Reaching 100 percent in understanding is off limits for the Host until she ascends to godhood. *]

"What do you mean, godhood?" If she could become a god surely life would be easier.

[*Godhood is the absolute pinnacle of those who use imperial energy in the air to strengthen their bodies and master their affinities. *]

Katarina was truly shocked for the first time since she came into this world. Absorbing energy from the air to strengthen bodies? No way! She was in a world of...cultivation!??!?

[*Absolutely not! Once again, Host completely fails to use common sense. Did not Host synchronise with previous body's memories? This is a world of swords and magic but you strengthen yourself by absorbing energy from the air.*]

Thank god. Katarina felt as if she had managed to take a huge load of her back. Cultivation? No thank you! She couldn't handle meditating for hours upon end.

Getting back to more pressing matters Katarina started searching for the next magic mutt to hunt. As she turned around she staggered. there was a group of 6 Abyss Wolves right in front of her.

Cursing under her breath she started running to them. Using her increased agility it was a simple matter to sneak up behind them, fist them and kill them or at least 5 of them.

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

Her spear had turned into dust for some reason after killing the 5th beast.

Damn it was scary facing a 3 metre tall wolf. Katarina steeled her nerves and charged. She jumped off the ground and using the Wolf's knee as leverage she swung up and punched the the beast's eye with all her strength.


Shock-waves ran throughout the Wolf's body and its eardrum ruptured. The beast howled and shook Katarina off. Picking herself off the ground she circled around to the beast's blind spot.

Katarina sprinted up the beasts back using the kink's in its armour as holds.

'Well, let's see how strong I am.' She charged up and smashed her fist down onto the armour repetitively. The wolf suddenly started howling and it became frenzied. From this reaction she could tell that it was feeling pain. Kicking of the wolf's back Katarina grabbed onto it's head and let out a torrent of punches.

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

She lay down on the ground panting and absorbed the magic cores from the beasts she had just killed. After experiencing the familiar glowing sensation she opened up he status.

Name: Katarina Hylphine

Level: 1 (0/1250)

Class: Blacksmith (Novice)

Title: None

HP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)

MP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)


Strength: 15

Vitality: 10

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Luck: 10 (Cannot be changed)

(Stat points: 2)

"You're joking!! I killed 1 beast and got 9 stat points. Now I kill 6 and only get 2! This is rigged!!"

Putting her points into strength she immediately went and looked for more beasts. It was definitely going to take more time to kill them now that her spear broke.

-Time-skip 2 days-

Katarina stared at the 2 3-metre tall Abyss Wolves in front of her before sprinting. Her speed had greatly increased over the past 2 days. She sprang off the ground and swung of the tree branch.

She had found new ways to kill these beasts after her strength increase. One of her favourite ways was to apply momentum to her body and swing into the beast's neck killing it with what she liked to call 'Neck Break'.


The wolf's neck broke from the force of Katarina's knee as she hopped of its neck to move to the next. She gripped onto its neck and let out a kick into its chin. The satisfying crack of a dislocated jaw entered her ears and she heard the now familiar voice of the system notification.

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

[You have slayed an Abyss Wolf! EXP earned: 0] [Magic core obtained.]

The beasts turned into ash while Katarina took the cores and absorbed them. "Status."

Level: 1 (0/1250)

Class: Blacksmith (Novice)

Title: None

HP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)

MP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)


Strength: 20

Vitality: 10

Agility: 19

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Luck: 10 (Cannot be changed)

(Stat points: 0)

As usual her luck had been complete crap. And these had been the last no-stars she needed to kill! Cursing at the nearly useless system she lay back down while contemplating what had happened.

She had gone on a killing spree for 2 days as she near-annihilated 33 more no-stars. One problem she had suffered was the lack of toilet facilities on the island and being the lady she is, she would never excrete on the ground! Instead the system had actually helped for once and destroyed the waste building up inside her body. That was why she called it nearly useless.

Katarina got up and dusted herself off. Now all that remained was that damned 1-star beast before she could get her well-deserved stat points.

Switching on her MiniMap function she could see that the 1-star was in the very centre of the forest. Due to the island being so large, it would take around 20 minutes for her to get there, even with her speed being nearly double what it was before.

Making sure that she was in the peak of her physical condition she set off into the forest.

-Time-skip 20 mins later-

Hiding in a tree, near the clearing in the middle of the forest Katarina was staring at the massive monstrosity in front of her. The 1-star beast.

To be honest, the one thing she had though when she saw the thing was 'shit!'. I mean, how could you not say that. When staring at a 10 metre tall werewolf with black armour snaking around its abdomen and chest, anyone would wet their pants.

Name: Evolved Lycan-Taurus

Class: 1-star Magic beast

Level: 11

HP: 2500/2500 (+100 per minute)

MP: 400/400 (+20 per minute)


Level up Appraisal function to see stats.


Still weak but an evolved magic beast.

Bottling up the fear and pushing it down her stomach Katarina jumped off the tree and tried to circle around to its legs.


A smoking crater appeared where Katarina was 3 seconds before. The Lycan-Taurus took its foot out of the hole and stared down at Katarina with its raging-red eyes.

Feeling that she had nothing to lose, Katarina took a deep-breath and charged straight at the 10 metre-tall werewolf.