Shakara city

We crossed the new tunnel, present beneath the wall and got to see a city behind the tunnel. Several Shakaras were busy doing their daily activities. It was a beautifully constructed city with an indecipherable maze of traditional roadways winding around huts, stalls, and crumbling ruins. All the roads were centred around a massive circular tower. As it was an underground city, it was closed from the top to the bottom. There were tiny holes scattered on the top which allowed air circulation. Some Shakaras were running soup stalls, some growing crops, while some were carrying the unique metal to a tower, made up of the same metal. There were about 500 Shakaras in that very area.

"Oh, God! it is the people of Livan community they found us," screamed one of the Shakara after noticing us.

" We are here to make things right, there is no need to cause further harm," said my father.

After that, they started screaming and shouting. It seemed that they were calling a leader. We were taken aback as to where our fate has brought us. After some time our army was taken inside the tower by Shakara soldiers who were holding, vigorous and lustrous swords and shields. The tower was circular and about 30 feet in height. John and Musif were leading the way. I was in the middle with Roderick. The tower was of an exquisite look. There were dead flowers and seeds scattered around the staircase which gave it a more traditional look.

Finally, after five minutes, the soldiers of the tribe showed us the way to a medium-sized hall where sat a gigantic Shakara on the throne made up of the unique metal. Besides him stood three more Shakaras who looked like his assistants. Shakaras bowed down to him and told him that we found their secret city.

The leader stood up from his throne and came forward to our direction with his ghastly eyes falling on us. "Warrior John Swift, the puppet of Hugo, I remember you. You were also responsible for the injustice done to our tribe. Well look at us now we have made a city superior to yours in terms of weapons, roadways, huts, and especially moral values. Now we are about to end your community and conquer your territory. I, Bronchu, the leader of the Shakara tribe pledge that I would erase the existence of the Livan community," said he.

" I understand your frustration that is the reason we are here to make things right. I don't know how you are able to it but I, know why you are doing it. We want peace hence we are apologizing for the sufferings caused by us in the past. True I was the part of the mayhem myself and, I regret it even to this day. I was afraid not from the king. But from accepting the fact that all my beliefs about the wisdom and justice provided by the king were a lie. Now, I have grown as a person and, I want both the communities to live together in harmony," said father as tears started to trickle down his cheek. It was the first time I saw him cry since my mother's death.

"Leader, Bronchu my father is right. Sure he committed terrible acts in the past but, right now, the only thing he wants is the betterment for both the communities. And that is why I am proud to have such an incredible father," I said as we exchanged smiles.

"Alright enough of the family drama. Nothing justifies your evil acts," said Bronchu.

"Listen, you fat-headed, two-horned idiot, we are here for friendship, not for your non-sense," shouted Roderick.

"Kid has a good sense of humour, but you were not even alive when the destruction took place. Your so-called King Hugo started killing our tribe just for the reason that we looked ugly. He threw the remaining of us in the forbidden forest just for the wild animals and the lethal environment to kill us. But as they say, there is always a blessing in disguise, we found a unique metal which we call Zodus beneath the soil of the forbidden forest. It was due to the help of Zodus that we were able to build this city and most importantly weapons.

Swords, shields, armour, and bow and arrows made up of Zodus metal are hundred times vigorous than your fragile weapons. The tip of the sword and the arrow made of Zodus can cut through anything and keep a sharp edge without honing. The Zodus armours and shields can deflect the attack of every weapon. Only high-quality Zodus swords are capable to break the shields. Now since Zodus provides so strong protection, we built an entire underground city consisting of Zodus houses under my assistance.

It took us 20 years to master the use of Zodus and now we can finally stand on our own. We are now ready to get justice for our tribe. We could have trespassed your kingdom and taken revenge from your community. But since we have our values and follow our culture by heart, which teaches us to torcher the enemy by sending a star-shaped blade with a label JFST [which means justice for the Shakara tribe] as a signal for mayhem before ending their lives.

We managed to send a star-shaped blade to every hut of your city by digging tunnels around the city with the help of Zodus metal. We even covered the tunnel with the help of the sticky Zodus. It kept the upper layer fixed. Although for some reason the upper layer remained fixed only when we made a tiny hole in the middle. But anyway since I have a big heart, I would suggest that the smart thing would be to evacuate the city, which I suppose you already are doing. Now dare not waste your time and get away as far as possible otherwise I would kill each and every one of you Livans," he stated with wrath.