You must be Jeon Min Tae!!

Jeon Mary's POV:

We reached home, helped Wang Bong with food and had dinner together. We were getting ready for bed as we exhausted. We went through so much in a single day, from travelling to 16th century, then running from those bandits to meeting Prince as well as Wang Bong lastly shopping and cooking, so pretty much everything.

We started making bed as I saw Sashi was sitting in the corner looking down. I saw at Karii direction and she was also observing her. 

Min tae went in her direction and sat besides her and asked,

"What happened? Everything okay?"

"Nothing, everything is fine" replied sashi faking a smile.

"You know, I have known you for quite a long time that I don't even have to look at you to know that you're lying" said Min tae not even looking at her.

After listening her, Sashi started crying and nearly jumped to hug her. Min tae hugged her back. 

"It's all because of me. We're in this weird situation. You guys nearly got killed. I'm so sorry" she said still crying hysterically.

"That's not true. That driver left us, that wasn't your fault. Also, It was everyone's decision to take forest route and to stay at that place for the night. We somehow time-travelled to 16th century, how can that be your fault, until and unless you know how to do some witchy ju ju. And about those bandits, I'm pretty sure you didn't gave them money to kill us, did you? None of that was your fault. We are in this situation purely because of fate." Said Min tae while stroking her hair.

"Yes Sashi you are also in this situation with us. We know how much effort did you put in to plan a perfect trip for us and we truly appreciate it" I said while patting her head.

"You did so much for us and we didn't even get to say thank you. Just remember, it was our destiny. Same thing would've happened if any of us would've planned it. So stop blaming yourself for everything". Said Kari in a calm voice hugging three of them together.

"We love you, we'll always love you no matter what happens, don't forget that" said Min tae taking her hand.

"We are sister for today, tomorrow and forever" I said hugging them all.

"Uhhu uhhu can I join too?" Said Wang bong while fake coughing.

"Sure thing" said Kari while opening her hand for her.

After that we were getting ready for bed when we heard a loud thud followed by a female screaming,


We rushed outside immediately and saw a girl in her 20's lying on the ground in pain and a tree branch besides her. We went to help her, I and Min tae grabbed her from shoulder and helped her to sit. 

We heard Wang Bong saying,

"So, you are still following us".

The girl's expression changed for a minute from pain to shock. We helped her getting up but she couldn't stand straight so Sashi was holding her from behind. I think she twisted her ankle.

"I.. Uh.. that.." was all she said.

"Take her inside she needs help" said Wang Bong while entering the house.

Wang Bong disappeared into her bedroom and came with some paste and leaves. 

"Kari dear, give me some warm water with towel" said Wang bong and continued "You dear bring mortar and pestle from kitchen".

She dipped towel into warm water and placed it on girl's ankle. She told me and Min tae to crush the leaves and mix into the paste and gently apply on her feet so we did the same. 

"What's your name?" asked Karii with a polite smile.

"Why were you following us?" Asked Sashi pointing an accusing finger at her and Min tae put her hand down and dragged her into the bedroom. 

'Ohh Sashi didn't she hear what Wang Bong said one wrong step and we'll be doomed.' I thought while looking at the chaotic duo going inside.

"My name is Song Yoonji." She replied with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you. Are you feeling better now?" I asked politely.

"Yes, thank you. What's you name?" she asked with curiosity.

I saw Min tae and Sashi coming back.

'Oh boy these devils are back'

"She is Jeon Mary" said Karii and continued

"My is name is Kim..." 

"Kimchi. She just love kimchi but you don't have to tell that to everyone Karii dear" said Min tae the whole sentence in on breath,

'We're supposed to be real sister we can't tell her our real surnames, nice save Min tae,100 points to gryffindor.' I thought patting her shoulder in my mind.

"I also love kimchi, what's you favourite kimchi?" She asked excitedly.

"Tongbaechu kimchi" I replied on Kari's behalf.

"wow me too" her smile widened this time.

I started introducing everyone,

"She's the oldest sister Jeon Kari, I'm the second one Jeon Mary, the third sister Jeon Sashi..."

I was about to complete with my introduction when she said absentmindedly,

"You must be Jeon Min tae!" pointing towards her.

"How did you know my name?" asked Min tae with a big question mark on her face.

'Exactly like a nerd'

"Because she is Prince Min Dan Yul's childhood friend Song Yoonji" replied Wang Bong pointing an accusing finger at her.
