Are you really Jeon Min tae?

Jeon Min tae's POV:

We heard a large thud noise with a female screaming. We rushed outside the house and saw a female in her early twenties, lying on the floor screaming in pain. She twisted her ankle. Wang Bong said she was following us from the start. But why?

We helped her and treated her ankle and asked her name. She said her name was Song Yoonji. We asked her what was her purpose for following us? She didn't reply that I noticed.

She asked me if I'm Jeon Min Tae. 

How did she know me? 

I asked her but Wang bong answered instead,

"Because she is Prince Min Dan Yul's childhood friend Song Yoonji" while pointing an accusing finger at her.


'Prince Min Dan Yul? 

Why suddenly my heart started beating faster by only hearing his name?

I just heard his name that's no big deal, right?

Oh God, What is happening to me?

Get hold of yourself Min tae, back to the topic. 

What was the topic again?

Oh yes, Why was she stalking me?

'Maybe we all know why.' I thought various things before asking her

"What? But that doesn't give her any right to stalk someone"

"I was just following her... Because Prince met her today...and she is new.. and...I..  Uh.." she answered looking like she doesn't even know what she is saying.

"Do you stalk each and every person Prince meets?" asked Kari in a furious tone.

"But this was different.. I mean... she.. ummm... he.." was all she said.

"You are scaring her Karii" said Mary while asking her "Why were you following her?"

"Because I was curious when he told me about you." she said while looking down.

"Let's not give people false hope" said Mary with blank expression.

"I'm getting late my parents must be wondering about where I am" said Yoonji with worried expressions.

"Of course" said Karii in a sarcastic tone.

"Can you drop me at my place? It is near. I can't walk properly" she said while looking at me with pleading eyes.

I really wanted to help her but I looked at Mary first for permission. And she just nodded. She knew I can't say no to someone when they need help.

"Sashi you go with her too and come soon" added Mary.

"Okay Sisso" replied Sashi with excitement.

We grabbed her by her shoulder and helped her stand. She was right when she said she still couldn't walk properly.

"Thank you, I'm feeling lot more better now" she said while bowing to Wang Bong.

"You're welcome, take this it will help" said Wang Bong while packing some of her magical paste for her. 

We went outside and started walking in the direction she told us.

"I wonder what this thing is" said Sashi looking at the paste in her hand.

"Only she knows" I replied with a chuckle.

"Um I'm sorry for what I did earlier, and thanks for helping me" she said while looking at me.

"Most welcome, and don't be sorry you must be having your reasons" I replied without even looking at her.

"We're near" she said and we saw a tall handsome guy coming in our direction with worried expression on his face.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Said the guy with anxious expressions.

"I'm okay I just tripped" said Yoonji with a small smile.

He started running towards us and took hold of her hand. We understood the situation and let go of her hand. 

He held her in his arms and said,

"You never failed to scare the hell out of me."

Sashi held my hand and said "Awwww" in a low tone that only I can hear.

"They're so cute" I barely whispered but she got me.

Then he let go and held her with his one arm and turned towards us and said,

"Thank you so much for helping her"

She whispererd something in his ear and then he was smiling and was shocked at the same time. The expression was quite comical.

'What is wrong with this guy? Why is he giving Sashi's signature Cheshire cat smile to me' I thought while giving him a weird look.

He looked at me directly in the eye and asked

"Are you really Jeon Min tae???"