You never fail to scare the hell out of me!!!

Lee Joon's POV:

Yoonji left Fort at noon, leaving Dan Yul rethinking his life choices. He kind of deserved it. 

'Dan Yul told us about everything from the start. How he met her and her sisters. I still can't believe we're talking about Min Dan Yul here. The Prince Min Dan Yul who is allergic to love affairs. I know he is strong, kind, brave and honest. He has all the qualities a king should have and I respect him alot for it. He's also a great friend. But I'm still shocked.'

'I hope Dan Yul finds a nice girl and settle down soon. I know he has a point that every single girl he has ever met wanted to marry Prince of Pusan not him as person. Also, he said Jeon Min tae didn't knew he was Prince infact she became awkward after knowing that. But I'm still not sure about her. We don't know anything about her.' Thinking that I left Fort in the evening after having a detailed conversation with everyone.

I visited Yoonji's house but her mother said she has not returned yet. Its been a while since she left, I'm starting to get worried about her.

'Why she always have to do such things. This might get her into trouble someday.'

I waited for her near her house. I saw three girls coming in my way two girls were holding middle girl helping her to walk. They came closer the middle girl was Yoonji. 

'What in the world happened?'

'Why can't she walk on her own?'

The two beautiful girls were holding my girl. How did she get hurt this much that she couldn't even walk? I started running towards them.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked in a single breathe.

"I'm okay I just tripped" said Yoonji while trying to explain everything but I didn't let her. 

Without wasting any further time I held her hand. The two girls let go of her hand immediately. I held her in my arm almost forgotten that there are two more girls.

"You never fail to scare the hell out of me." I said still holding her.

The two girls started whispering something. I think I gave them pretty interesting topic for gossiping. But I couldn't care much my full attention was towards Yoonji.

Then I let go of her and held her with my one arm and turned towards the girls and said,

"Thank you so much for helping her."

Yoonji came close and whispered in my ear 

"Left side girl is Jeon Min tae." 

I was shocked. All I can think about is 

'She is heavenly beautiful'. 

Like the beauty we read in books. She is ethereal. I didn't knew beautiful girl like this exists in this world. 

"Is she even real?" I whispered into Yoonji's ear.

"Yes she is" Yoonji replied hitting my arm, trying to get out of my hold. But my grip was quite tight for strength.

'Now I can understand why Dan Yul was behaving like that. I should've known it from the start, to grab Min Dan Yul attention one should be extra ordinary. She is more than that. I couldn't help but smile how much effect she is having on Dan Yul' I thought smiling.

I was still shocked by the incident so I asked her,

"Are you really Jeon Min tae???"

To that she looked away and said, "Yes".

'Wow even her voice is so soothing.' 

Thank god I don't think from my mouth otherwise Yoonji would've killed me by now. 

"And she is Jeon Sashi" said Yoonji. I smiled at both girls.

"Nice to meet you both" I said smiling.

"Yes same here" replied her sister.

"I heard you and your sisters are stopping by" I said while looking at Jeon Min tae.

"Prince must have told you. Does everyone in the Fort knows now?" Said the sister, giving me a look that clearly speaks that she can kill me anytime. 

'Wait!! Was she clenching her teeth?'

Jeon Min Tae hit her sister with her elbow and said,

"Yes we're here to meet our mother. We'll be leaving soon."

"Soon? How soon?" I asked curiously without realising how desperate I sound.

"That has not been decided yet. We'll stay with our mother for some days and then leave" replied Jeon Min tae in a low voice.

"But then too, how many more days?" This time Yoonji asked curiously.

"We should leave it's already too late" said her sister Sashi. 

Jeon Min tae gave something to Yoonji and said,

"Apply your medicine on time"

"Medicine??" I asked.

"Oh yes their mother is a physician and she treated me" and she continued "And alot of other things happened. I'll tell you later." Giving me sign to shut up. So I did.

'It's better to shut your mouth when your girl says'

"Um I think we should really leave otherwise we'll get scolded, Good bye." Said Jeon Min tae before bowing and holding her sister's hand.

"I hope we will meet more in future" I nearly screamed. 

Then I saw a horse coming in our direction.

"Where were you the whole day...?"