"Min Tae your signature kick!!!"

Song Yoon Ji's POV:

I woke up next morning thinking about the four sisters. How they love and protect each other. I never even had a female friend throughout my life. I envy them alot. Strangely they were nice to me even after I stalked them. I expected them to be mean but they were actually opposite to that. I think I should apologise to them properly.

Maybe I should cook something for them as an apology gift. Thinking that I entered kitchen, made some Hoeddeok, Bulgogi and Japchae, along with that packed some Tongbaechu kimchi and pogi kimchi. I got ready and said my mother that I am leaving.

The best thing about my mother is, unlike other women, she never asked too many questions. I hopped on my horse in excitement and left got their house.

I took the route towards forest. I nearly reached their house when I saw them doing sword fighting practice.

'Well, well, that's an interesting sight. So, I am not the only girl who loves to fight. Let me Just meet those evil creatures. I will tell them know that Dan Yul's precious Min Tae also likes it.' I thought. Thinking would be Dan Yul's reaction was making my day already.

I thought about greeting them but they might stop practicing after seeing me and I cannot miss the pleasure of watching that live.

All of them were fighting against their mother.

'Four young girls against an old woman that's not fair for… for them' I changed my thought immediately after their mother's skills.

'Oh my freaking God!! they are awful. I think awful is an understatement. These girls don't even know how to hold a sword. Explains why Min Tae needed Dan Yul to save her that day.' I thought looking at the innocent girls failing to hold the swords.

Their mother started giving them instructions, it is quite clear from their posture and their mother's instructions that it's their first time holding a sword.

'Interesting, very interesting.' I thought while enjoying every moment of the free show.

"Faster girls, with this speed the enemy will cut you in half in no time" said their mother.

"I agree" I said but nobody heard it all thanks to the distance between us.

Their mother started moving fast towards them. First, she attacked Sashi, she fell on ground instantly.

'Maybe she is still not familiar with the weight of sword'. I thought.

Then she attacked oldest sister Kari, she tried to block it but their mother was quite fast. So, Kari fell on the ground as well.

'Isn't she a sixty-year old women'. I thought looking at the old lady trying to smash her own daughter's throats.

Then I saw her moving towards Mary, she dodged it, her mother praised her speed. While giving compliments to her she suddenly attacked Min Tae, I closed my eyes for a moment.

'Say good bye to your beautiful face Min Tae' I thought but instantly I heard her mother saying,

"This is the posture you need" said their mother proudly.

I opened my eyes and saw Min Tae blocking her attack with the golden sword in her hand. 'Ooo that's a beautiful sword. I want something like that too' I was dragged out of my thoughts when I saw their mother at action again.

Then she started attacking both sisters simultaneously but this time with all the force can muster,

'Ohh, poor souls!! What is gotten into this old woman? Is she trying to kill her own daughters?' I thought looking at the merciless monster.

I heard Mary saying, "Min Tae block it" and she started blocking her attack. Mary joined her then she said "attack" and both sisters started attacking her.

'That's fun. Should I eat the snack in brought over here while watching their match? Ney, probably not. Let's eat with them only.' I asked myself then denied it.

Meanwhile, Sashi came in between and started attacking as well. Their mother put more force and attacked them. Sashi nearly fell on ground, thankfully Min Tae held her. On the other side, Mary was alone blocking her attack, Kari joined her and their mother attacked them both. I heard Mary screaming,

"Min Tae your signature kick!!!"

'Wait! what is signature kick? What it has to do with sword fighting? Why am I not aware of such thing! Those trashes didn't teach me!!!! I will get back to them once I am done here'

I was dragged out of my thought when Min Tae positioned herself, jumped and kicked at the same time and her mother's sword fell on the ground.

'Ooo that was awesome!!! Yes!!! Go Min Tae!!' I started cheering in my thoughts.

Then I saw Mary putting her sword near her mother's neck saying, "Game over". When she removed her sword, their mother tried punching them, Mary dodged it and blocked it.

'That was cheating. This woman wants them dead. Somebody help!!! Maybe I should help them!!' I thought while taking reel of the horse on my hand.

She held her hand tight so her mother couldn't move. After that both of them also fell on the ground catching their breath next to their sisters.

"That was a good fight" Mary said.

'Tell me about it!! I can feel the heat from over here. They must be exhausted. Time for snacks!!'

"Aren't you supposed to be an old weak woman in her sixties" said Kari panting.

'Exactly my question!! Are you not? ' I thought.

"Old yes, weak no ways." said their mother while catching her breath.

'Look at this old is gold woman. Of course, she's not weak. She should be swordsman I mean swordswoman in special forces. Let me talk to my father about it!!' I thought while moving towards their direction and said,

"That is not how you are supposed to do sword fighting, Can I help...???"