Yes I'm a panda and I don't like any physical activities

Jeon Min Tae's:

We were done with our practice with Wang Bong. She is too powerful to be her age. We barely survived, it was one against four. We fell on the ground in exhaustion. My right hand started paining because of weight of sword. We were talking to each other we and suddenly We heard someone saying,

"That is not how you are supposed to do sword fighting, Can I help...???"

We turned and saw Song Yoonji standing there in all her glory.

'What is she doing here? How long she has been there?' I thought.

"Umm when did you come?" Asked Kari.

'Exactly my question'

"That's not the question, how long you have been there? How much did you saw?" asked Sashi still panting.

"Pretty much everything" replied Yoonji with a smile.

"Control your breathing panda" I said to Sashi. who breathing from her mouth instead of speaking.

"Yes I'm a panda, I don't like any physical activities" replied Sashi while catching her breath.

"Why did you come here?, if I may ask" asked Mary politely.

"Oh yes! I came here to meet you guys and also bring these" Yoonji said while pointing towards the carry-bag made of cloth,

"I was wanted to thank you and apologies for earlier" she said smiling at her.

"That's completely fine" said Kari and smiled back.

"About sword fighting, I can help you with that" said Yoonji pointing at her sword.

"Really? You know how to do it" asked Sashi curiously.

"Yes, the only girl who has learnt from officials" Yoonji said proudly.

"Are you really willing to teach them?" Asked Wang bong in a serious tone.

"Of course " she replied immediately.

"That's great, girls will you be comfortable?" asked Wang Bong for our permission.

"Yes, Wang.. I mean Umma we will be comfortable. Don't worry about us." replied Mary before getting up.

"Then I should leave now." Said Wang Bong while moving towards house to take her things.

"Now?" Asked Sashi.

"Are you going somewhere?" Asked Yoonji this time.

"Yes my dear. I am going to meet one of my old friend. I won't be there for two to three days. Please help them, if they need it." She said and turned towards us,

"I'm sorry I have to leave now but I'll come back soon. Remember what I told you and do your practice properly and I leave you into her responsible hands. Take care my lovely girls. Fighting"

"Fighting" we all said in unison.

After saying that Wang Bong grabbed her bag and left.

"Are you always this quiet or you are just uncomfortable with me?" Asked Yoonji turning towards me.

"She is shy, she needs time to adjust" replied Mary on my behalf.

"You won't think the same when you get to know her more" replied Karii with a smirk.

"Oh I hope we will get along soon" said Yoonji smiling.

"Yeah me too" I replied with a small smile.

"So about sword fighting..." Yoonji started training us.

My God, she is good at it, well good is not enough for explaining her skills it's just great. We didn't even realized it was past lunch time. When we were done with our training I checked my watch it was already four in the evening.

We did lunch together. She told us many stories of royal family and this town etc.

She is actually a very nice person that's what we got to know today. We were having a nice conversation when she suddenly asked,

"It was your first time holding a sword right?"

"Oh, Yes. was it that awful?" asked Mary.

"No!! No!! that was actually good for the first time. I was literally on bed for two days when those four monsters trained me" Then she turned towards me and asked,

"How did you blocked her first attack?"

"Oh.. well.. I saw someone doing it that way" I replied hesitantly.

"Who, if I may ask?" Asked Yoonji very politely that I couldn't refuse answering.

"Prince Min Dan Yul, when he saved me" I replied looking down.

"I knew that I have seen it somewhere, but you just saw him once and you copied it perfectly" she said confused.

"Yes Min Tae is a quick learner" said Kari while patting my head.

"Huh, a Prince was saving her and rather than cheering for him, all she was doing was learning fighting moves, What a nerd!!" said Sashi in disappointment.

"What about keeping your mouth shut" I said while showing my feast.

"Oh yes, what was that kick and you blocking that punch?" Yoonji asked with curiosity.

"Umm... that.. was.." I was about to say something but panda cut me off saying,

"Boxing and taekwondo " replied Sashi.

"What is that?" Yoonji asked again jumping with curiosity.

"Umm Self defense, in our town they teach those moves so that we can protect ourself" said Mary immediately giving Sashi a look to shut her mouth.

"Wow I didn't know northern region has developed so much" said Yoonji amazed with the news.

"Oh yes it has, very much" said Kari smiling or I can say fake smiling.

We started talking about other things. We were really enjoying her company. She started talking about her love story. When we heard loud knock on the door.

Kari got up and opened the door and Someone familiar said,

"Here you are. I have been searching for you the whole day..."