First Quest (Part 5)

Luckily he was smart enough and did as he was told.

"You see, I am a very lazy person. At this moment, there is nothing more then I want to do then be in my bed, but because of you, I had to haul my ass all the way here, and to tell you the truth, I don't feel like doing this a lot. So here I am, taking steps for this to never happen again."

"You will observe all that happened here, and went we are done, you will go out realizing how you are the only one walking out of here alive, not because you were strong, lucky, or something else no because someone as to tell my tale the tale of the legend of I, creed and a place never to be messed with, the new restricted area of Gotham. You will spread the word through the underworld, and if someone doesn't believe you or plans to retaliate, you will come to the orphanage and live there name and location on the step. If not, I swear to Zeus that I will hunt you down like a dog and wipe you and your organization out."

"Did I make myself clear?"


"Then sit and be quiet. Now back to you suddenly, Alex took the broken spearhead out and stabbed the gang leader thigh, and before he could screen, he was punched across the face. You know if you had never attacked, I would have no problem coexisting with you, but you had to prove to me that this couldn't happen. That the only way to live in peace in a cursed city such as Gotham is to be the strongest or, in another word, the most feared."

"Tell me why. Why did you attack the orphanage?"


Alex smile, "let me show you something," walking to the dead bodyguard body, he stings it, and 2-second later, a purple fume started emanating from it.

"Do you want to know what I did to him?"


"I injected him with a poison that was so strong that it manifested out of his body. Just by getting close to him, you will get infected, and that shit hurts as it kills you slowly. Do you want to try it out?"

"I...I attacked because another gang leader told me that I was weak for letting a woman in charge of a part of my territory."

"Seriously sigh, you know I have no problem killing men or women. I am all for equality but children..children… oh shit, I am not the right person to be judging others about this. I have no problem killing regardless of age and gender. Anyway, you decided to attack unprovoked just because of your pride."

"Sigh, let start," Alex said as he switched gloves, but those were different as they had claws on his knuckle. "I would want to be you right now. By the way, I'm going to need the name of that gang leader."


In front of the orphanage

Even though it was already 2 am, the moon high in the sky, Mary was sitting on the stair, eyes fixed looking at the gate with her leg taping none stop, with different thoughts traveling through her mind. What if Alex was dead? Would it be her fault for not stopping him? Will she find tomorrow in the news that a kid had died. Luckily she was saved from those thoughts as a car pulled up in front of the orphanage. After a second, a kid stepped out and said a few words to the driver then walked in the gate. As he entered, Mary could see the car drive away at full speed.

Getting up, Mary ran toward him, "are you alright?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank god you had me worry."

"I see that you are still daunting and underestimating me."

For his words, Alex received a hit on top of his head " You had me sitting here for hours worrying about you, and this is what I get for my trouble."

"Alright, alright here," Alex said as he gave her his phone. On it was a picture of the gang leader when he had passed out from Alex's healing session.

"Who is that?"

"This is the person that started all of this."

"What happened to him?" she asked in an unusually low voice like she was worried about something.

"He won't bother us anymore."



"Sigh, Who was the person that drove you here?" Mary said, changing the subject with a sad look.

"A new friend, by the way, if in the future you find any letter on the step, it's for me."

"What now?"

"I will explain to you tomorrow even though I don't have to sleep, I still want to do it,' Alex said as he walks in the orphanage.

" you don't have to sleep?"

"I don't get tired, and I can sleep on command."

"What do you mean by never getting tired."

"That I can fight for weeks, months, years without stopping."


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