Alex was currently sleeping in his bed, immersed in a sweet dream only for him to be rudely woken up by his phone alarm. But as a truly lazy person, he ignored it as he tried to go to sleep again but his alarm went off again so he actually turned it off but before he could even set himself up his door was pushed open as Anna walked in.
" Alex come on, we have school today and you have enough tardy already
"Yeah, yeah I heard you," he answered as he got up reluctantly.
"Go take a shower first."
After preparing himself, having taken a shower, brushed his teeth, and put some clothes on. He walked into the kitchen. First, he was greeted by his brother and sisters.
"Good morning."
"Finale awake."
"Always last, even Cecil wakes up before you." (Cecil youngest child in the orphanage.)
"Yeah, yeah, who's making food today?" He said as he took a seat.
"Today Miss Mary is the one making food."
"Thank god."
"What do you mean by that, that my food is bad!"
"No of course not, right everyone."
"Yeah, Anna food is the best."
"The best." Everyone echoed.
"Liars are not going to get any food," Mary said as she walked in.
"3rd best."
"Top 3"
"Yeah, last by default as there nobody else except for me and Mary who know who to cook."
"That's it, I am not making any food for you next time."
"Wait, ok I get it, my bad, I am sorry." But his plead was ignore as she addresses everyone else.
"Whose turns is it to help set the table?"
After a little shuffle three kids got up and went to help set up the table.
20 minutes
With everyone having eat and their things were set up they all walk out of the orphanage, traveling down the street to wait for their school bus. Minutes later the school bus turned the corner and came to stop in front of them. Upon getting in their group felt half of the bus. Everyone searched for their seat, some seated with their brother or sister, others sat with their school friends.
As Alex sits all the way in the back of the bus his brothers sit next to him. His name was Calvin, he was 15 years old
"Yo, I need your help."
"Right now?"
"Yeah, can you help me with my homework?"
"Why didn't you ask me last night."
"... I felt embarrassed about asking you."
"Because I am younger, pride again?"
'...Some of my friends said that we do nothing without you."
"Hahaha, what subject?"
As they arrived everyone got off the bus. Their school was a public school and to be truthful it wasn't a great place to send your children as he could get involved in anything from fighting to drugs but the kids of the orphanage didn't have to worry about anything as during those past years they had built a reputation not to be messed with. This reputation originated from two things: first if any of them is in trouble the rest will have the other back and second Alex has beat up too many people."
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