"So, that's my win, right?" Alex said as he looked toward Green Lantern and the rest. But before they could answer him, they all watched in shock as a huge piece of debris came flying toward Alex. of course, as soon as Wonder Woman had the thought of attacking him, Alex had received a warming from the system, so without hesitation, he moved out of the way.
At the same time, Wonder woman flew toward him with a war cry and dropped on top of him, ready to slash him, but mind fly with her years of experience; she felt something wrong, and without a second thought, she turned to her right and swang, cutting an arrow in half.
"Why did you attack."
"She didn't admit her lose," Kassandra answered as she walks out of an alley.
"You know her?" Green Lantern asks.
"She is with me. Anyway, we are wasting time here, so are you satisfied with my strength."
Looking at Alex, she narrowed her eyes, "you can take the lead."
"Great, so as planned, keep the demon away, and I will blind him for you." And with that, Alex whistle.
"Why did you do that" Shazam ask
Alex didn't have to answer as around the same time a black horse with purple eyes, a single purple horn, and a pair of black wings with purple feathers came running toward him, leaving a translucent purple light behind him. Upon stopping next to Alex and letting out a neigh, He got on, followed by Kassandra, and after galloping for a few seconds with a flap of his wing, they took flight. With that, everyone else took flight.
As they were the slowest one, everyone went by then except Wonder woman, who was flying next to him.
"Do you need something, Princess?"
"Who are you, people?"
"It seems that you are getting more curious, Princess, but I don't have an obligation to give you an explanation. Just know that we are here to help."
"...I See. Good luck." She said as she flew faster, leaving them behind.
"Now that we are closer. He is bigger than I thought." Kassandra said as they flew closer to Darkseid, who was flying around, firing laser ones in a while.
As everyone went to take on the parademon, Alex flew below Darkseid. Getting off his horse, he let Kassandra fly with the horse.
"Alright, time to work," Alex said as he took out his bow, his most powerful bow, and took out a Death arrow aiming at the unsuspecting Darkseid. He then activates the skill Overpower Bow Strike [Shoot a powerful, charged arrow that deals 1500% hunter damage and explodes on impact.(usesc 2 adrenaline segments)] This skill causes him to draw the string of bow as the time slows down to gather energy and then lets it go. The arrow flew at full speed, hitting Darkseid in the chest, causing an explosion, and pushing Darkseid back.
This greatly shocked Darkseid as nobody managed to push him back before. Looking at the origin of the attack, seeing Alex. Not taking one more second, he fired his Omega Beam.
'Shit' Alex let out a curse before he used one of skill, dropping a smoke bomb before pulling back. The rule of the system was absolute. Upon the activation of this skill, he would be locked on anymore, meaning that even the Omega beam couldn't lock on him, so after backing up, it landed in front of him.
As the smoke cleared, Darkseid was even more surprised as nobody ever evaded the omega beam. So the arrogant Darkseid saw this as a challenge. As he locked eyes with Alex, he slowly flew down.
As Darkseid landed a few dozen feet away from him, Alex put his bow away and took out his favorite hammer. The hammer of Jason, which, by the way, he equipped with the skill +25% damage boss or elite, and Darkseid had to be one of them.
"Let's do this," Alex said as she started running toward Darkseid, and as he did so, he whistles to summon his fire horse. As he ran, his horse came next to him, he quickly got on and kept approaching Darkseid at an even greater speed.
As he got closer and closer, Darkseid fired his Omega beam. Alex quickly jumped off the horse as it was incinerated by it. Landing, he kept running toward Darkseid. As he reaches Darkseid's attack range, he punches down toward him. But mid-sprint, he dodges to the side, and before Darkseid could react, he activated the skill Overpower [Massively powerful attacks that vary depending on weapon type. Requires 3 Adrenaline segments. Damage and number of attacks increased (Because of the bow he is equipped with, he will only spend 2 adrenaline segments. He has 8, which feel back up, either by time or by killing an enemy. Also, when attacking an elite or a boss, he will only hit the enemy once while causing the enemy to stagger back. If used against an average person, he will drop the hammer upon the opponent's head, bringing him to the floor, followed by a hit to the side of the head, sending him flying away. This can be repeated two more times.)