With a shock wave Darkseid almost fell, but he managed to catch himself, and in anger, he fired his Omega beam, but at the same time, Alex activated his skill. You see, this skill has an additional two effects. In a fight, you will always hit your opponent, and secondly, it will nullify your opponent's attack.
At the hit landed on Darkseid chest, he was push back. At this moment, Alex was about to use his skill a third time, but Darkseid wasn't some weakly, so, at that moment, Alex received a warning from the system.
As she flew over the battlefield, he could clearly see Alex and Darkseid fighting below. Looking to her right on top of a building, she could Kassandra fight the Parademons. She was using a bow to kill them from a distance, while those who got too close were taken down with one sword swing.
To her left was Green Lantern with his green construct fighting the parademon and infront of her was Shazam surrounded by lightning and doing his stuff while below was Flash and Cyborg while their job was to keep the parademon away, they could still see the fight and the fact was clear he was the only one out of all of them who manage to push Darkseid back.
But sadly, it was clear who had the upper hand. Even though Alex could push him back, he could also see how he desperately tried to evade all of Darkseid's hits.
As the fights continue in a choreography of Alex attacking Darkseid while once in a while activating a skill that manages to pushes Darkseid back, while he had to evaded ever of Darkseid's hits, even in the middle of his attack.
At this moment, Darkseid had enough. With a war cry, he concentred power in his fist and smashed them on the ground. As this attack was unexpected, Alex was left floating in the air before receiving a massive hit from Darkseid, sending barrelling down the street bouncing off the ground before smash into a building, killing him.
"Nooo," Wonder Woman yells.
"We will hold him off. Somebody go check him." Green Lantern well
"I got it."Wonder woman answered as she flew down toward Alex, but as she did so in the corner of her eyes, she could Kassandra fighting, as nothing had happened.
Reaching the hole, she was prepared to enter only for Alex to walk out. As he steps out, she saw that he had no injuries. On the contrary, his armor looks cleaner.
"Are you alright?"
"100%," Alex answered as he looks in the distance seeing the rest of the league getting trash by Darkseid.
"Do you need help fighting him now?"
"Hahaha, the fight never started."
"What do you mean?"
Going through the menu, Alex switches bow to a predator type, while taking out the death, while also switch armor to the Master's Artemis set. Providing a +50% Damage with Hunter Abilities.
"So, our goal was to blind him, right!"
"Observe." What issue next was a combination of the system of Assassin Creed Origin and Odyssey. He proceeds to activate the skill Overpower Bow strike as the arrow left the bow Alex to the first-person view of the arrow as he guides it, evading every 0bstcle and pierce Darkseid eyes.
"That's one, so now back off."
"What are you going to..."
As she said so, she watches as Alex armor changes from the Master's Artemis set to the Spartan war hero armor set that focuses on warrior class, giving a +50% Damage with Warrior Abilities. At the same time, his hammer changed to the Staff of Hermes.
"Give me five more minutes with him."
With that, he started running toward Darkseid. As he did so, Kassandra flew down next to him. Jumping on the horse, they flew at full speed toward him. As they flew on top of the fight, Alex jumped off and started falling toward Darkseid, activating the skill Leap of Faith.
This skill has two abilities, not taking any fall damage, and second, if falling from a high place, you can charge the spear of Leonidas to create an explosion upon impact to the ground, and Alex did just that.
As his shining spear made contact with the floor, a colossal shock wave was Created, pushing Darkseid and everyone away.
"What was that?" Shazam said as he got up.
"Back off. This is the start of round two." Alex said as he got up.
"You just got beat, do you think…" Shazam tried to butt in, but he was utterly ignored as Alex jumped in the fight. Anger from being ignored, Shazam tries to enter the battle, only to have a sword against his neck.
" You not his match, now your limit." With that, Kassandra jumped in the fight too.
[Sorry, yesterday I had a deadline.]