Clean Up (Part 1)

=A few Days Later=

[Grey0814 as won the games]

"God damn it!" James yells as he gets up from the couch.

"Languages" Came a voice from afar.

"Haha, Who is next?" Alex asks with a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"Five out of three," James said as he picked up the controller.

You see, due to the aftermath of Darkseid's invasion, which by the way was all over the world, not only in metropolis Gotham has gotten even more dangerous. Shit, there were still places that were burning due to the riot that started as sound as the aliens disappeared. They also try to rob the orphanage, but they were quickly taken care of. But don't worry, they weren't killed, just knocked out and moved away. So because of all of that, schools were closed, so Alex as Alexios proceeded that same-day return to the orphanage in the middle of the riot to walk into a supermarket beat anyone that was in his way to buy a game console and a few games to entertain them while they were trapped inside the house. Oh, another thing that happened this morning was the celebration of the Justice League "saving the world." They are also searching for Alexios as a video of him fighting Darkseid was put on the internet, but that is something to talk about another time.

Anyway, before Alex could say anything, he feels his phone vibrating.

Taking his phone out, Alex quickly looked at the time. "Oh yeah, I am not going to be able to. I have to go somewhere," Alex said as he quickly walks out of the room. As he walks by the cuisine, he could see Anna getting some snacks.

"You're going out?"


"Alright, take care of yourself. "

"Oh, can you play with James instead of me?"


"Great, oh, let him win the first round so he can pass the controller."

Going up the stairs, he went into his room and put one of his jackets on. He then proceeds to walk to the end of the hallway and knock on the door. It's time, get ready. We are leaving in a few."


Dress in her signature black jacket and black pants, Evie walks out of the orphanage and proceeds to get in the grey SUV that was parked in the corner where he could see Alex in his Alexios form playing on his phone.

"So, where are we going?",

"Don't worry. It's not far from here. That's why we are going to walk there."

"Then why did you get in the car."

"To get this," He said as he pulled a briefcase out of the back seat.

"Let's go!"

"Alright," she said, followed him out of the car.

They then proceed to walk down the street.


Walking a few blocks, they arrive in front of 5 stories tall building. Alex started scanning his surroundings, only to discover Evie staring at him.


"What are we doing here?"

"We are here for business."

"Dress like that."

Alex was dressed in a grey jacket, black shorts, and simple sandals. "don't worry about it." Seeing this, he proceeded to knock on the door."

"What are you doing here?"

"Hey, sup guys."

"Who are you?" One of them said as he pointed his gun at them.

"I am going to be direct. We are here to buy guns." Upon seeing the look of the guard

wondering whether to shoot him or to let him in. Alex opens the case and shows him its content. The guard looked at each other, and after a short talk, one of them told them to get inside, and after a quick search, he told them to follow them.

After walking past a few guards or workers, going up a few stairs, and making a few turns, they arrive in front of an office. The guard then proceeds to knock a few times.

"Come in."

"Watch your words in front of the boss." The Bodyguard said as a warning before he opens the door. Walking in, they were greeted with the sight of an overweight guy sitting in front of a huge desk.

"What is it?"

"They want to do business."

"Did you search them?"

"Yeah, boss."

After confirming that they weren't armed, he finally looked at Alex and Evie.

"What do you want?"

Instead of answering them, Alex places the case on top of his desk and opens it. Upon seeing its content, the boss was smiling, ear to ear.


Sorry for stopping updating but online college was getting to me as i have to work harder this semester as I fail a class in the last one.