Clean Up (Part 2)


"So what can I do for you."

"Oh, I just wanted to flex my money."

Before the boss could register his words, he had a knife puncturing his eyes. And before the guard could do anything, he was knocked out by Evie.

Alright, I got the dead guy and got him" After saying this, he moves behind the desk and picks the boss up, and as he was about to walk, he saw the boss Pc, so he took it.

"Why did we have to do all of this? We could do this quickly and quietly."

"I have seen you play video games when presented with doing the mission quietly or not. What did you choose."

Anyway, they proceed to walk out of the room with a body on their shoulder, and the first thing they were greeted with was a guard walking by, only to be tackled to the ground, being knocked out before he could say a word.

"Nice," Alex said, looking at the end of the hallway as someone walked to him. It was his subordinate Charon. He was dressed in all black with a hood. What was particular about it was that his helmet he was wearing under it which was on fire.

"How is stuff going?"

"My crew already took care of the top floor."

"Did you start moving them yet?"

"The process alright started as the first floor is the widest that where we plan to group everyone.

"Great, finish here. I will be waiting for you and your team there."


Around ten minutes had already passed, and things were going along nicely. As he was seated on top of a crate, Alex could see the henchmen sprawl all around. As he was wondering whether to pull his phone out to distract himself or to sit here in silence, the front door was suddenly flung open as someone walked in angrily. Before he could react, a shadow drops on top of him, knocking him out, then dragging him inside.

Every few minutes or so, someone will show up before being taken out by one of Alex's subordinates. those people were the boss henchmen that weren't here that he calls in

After another 10 minutes, Charon and a woman dressed in business clothes walk to Alex.

"Everything ready, boss."

"Alright, let start, wake them up."

Following his command, his subordinate wake-up everyone. As they came to, they understandably started to freak out, but senses were quickly beat into them.

"Alright, let's get started," She said as she stood in front as a white screen was rolled behind her.

"What is she doing?"

"She has been taking computer classes, and she wants to make use of her skill."

"Who are you, people?" One henchman asked, being scared while looking all around where he could see Alex's subordinate standing in various places. But who wouldn't be sacred those particular henchmen that were present were dress in all black while under their hood was utterly dark, and if you stood in front of them, you would be greeted by a black skeleton.

"well, I am here to explain all of this to you guys." On her signal, a projector came on, showing the Assassin's Creed symbol. We are part of an organization. You can call us the order, Creed, or whatever you want as long as the name you come up with is a cool one. Our leaders don't really care." she said, pointing at Alex to this he waves.

"Unlucky for all of you, you are part of the territory that we decided to take over. It's just that the boss went to a peaceful area. But luckily, the boss is in a good mood, deciding not to just trait-up kill all of you. We understand that most of you join a life of crime either because you did know better or had no choice. Suppose your not part of either of does let us know. Anyway, unlike a grown man going around in a bat suit, we decided to brainstorm and find a better way to deal with this instead of beating yall up and sending you to prison or hospital because paying for injuries must be expensive."

"Like seriously, that must be a lot of money. So we decided to take over. We don't care about you guys selling guns, drugs, etc. We just went to our territories to be peaceful. We don't care about what happened in the shadows. We just have a few rules."

"Basically, any fight in our territory will result in death. No recruiting or selling drugs and guns to kids younger than 18. If you have any questions, you can call this number."

"Now, if you're asking yourself, how would we know." she points to her left at a dark corner where Evie proceeds to walk out with a back on her shoulder. "We are in every shadow."

As the presentation keeps going, she goes next to Alex.

"Did you plan this with her?"

"No, I was just standing there, but when she pointed at me as I wanted to help out, I came out."

"Anyway, you done?"

"Yeah, someone else will bring the heavy stuff back home."

"Guess I should have brought the car."

With that, they left. What might be unknown to those people suffering in there, they weren't the only ones in this situation as Alex had divided his force and had sent them around intending to make clear who was in charge and what were the new rules.