A Month Later
Alex was currently sitting in his room watching his favorite TV-show. Alex was excited as he was watching the final episode of the second season. But as the show was getting to the got part, the finale of the season, the channel suddenly cut gray as he stood there wondering what was happening, it suddenly hit him. Some villains had taken over the TV network for their evil plan. The screen turned black before a green logo appeared. It was The Riddler, and upon his appearance, he started a signature villain exposition. At the end of his tirade, a time appears on the screen as he proclaims that he would begin his evil plan(Alex didn't really care).
After seeing this, Alex stared at the screen for a few seconds, thinking if the Riddler plan would affect him, whether he should interfere. It wasn't as his plan only involve him blowing some stuff up as he makes batman follow a riddle. But just as he decided not to interfere, he suddenly realized something. What about in the future.
Taking out his phone, he sends out two texts before switching HDMI and turns his gaming system on.
In an apartment not far away from the orphanage, Evie was currently standing in front of a door, having knocked. After a few seconds, the door was open, revealing a slender yet tall woman. She had brown hair and eyes, and she also had a tattoo on her face.
"Get dressed. You have an assignment." Evie declared as she went inside.
With great vigor and a smile across her face, she closed the door as she ran to her room, yelling with great joy, "Finally!!!"
Seated in the back from the seat of a gray van, Mark was currently drinking an energy drink as he just completed his task.
Around 30 minutes ago, he received a text that he didn't even see as he was sleeping, but a few minutes later, it was followed by a few phone calls, which managed to wake him up. Upon answering, he heard an authoritative voice give him an introduction. No even changing his close, he grabbed his pc and immediately started working. He was tasked with tracking down a signal. Mid work, he was snapped back to reality by a woman's voice that appeared next to her.
He immediately recognized her even though it was the first time he saw her as he had received a list of Alex's followers, and she was one of the top ones.
Following her, he ends up in a van driving down the street of Gotham. After reaching their destination, she had Gotham out, but he continued doing his work.
Anyway, as he took a few seconds to enjoy his success, the van's door was abruptly open as two people got in the car. Seeing that there was somebody else that got in the car, he looked back to identify her.
"Who is this?"
"Hi Alfrun, my name is Mark.
"Are you a warrior?"
"... No."
Upon saying his answer, Mark saw a look of disgust before behind ignored.
"What happened?" He asks, looking at Evie.
"Don't worry about it." With that, they left.
After half an hour of driving, they finally reach their destination.
"You sure this is the place."
"Yes," Mark answered. "So what now? You're going to take care of it."
"No, she is," Evie said, pointing out the back site.
"Haha, This is going to be fun."
Remember, you can kill the henchmen but not the leader. The boss doesn't want to deal with the weird justice of "The Batman."
Getting out of the van with her bag, she proceeds to walk into an alley.
"She's going in alone?" Mark asks as he looks at her, disappearing darkness of a hallway. "In the video, they have a lot of thugs and guns."
"Oh, don't worry about her. I don't believe there is anyone in the city that can stop her."
Mark was about to retort when he suddenly saw some red light in the darkness of the alley. A few seconds later, he was greeted with a fully armored figure which was shocking enough for him to drop his drink, as he could feel the formless pressure originating from her as she stair at him.
Her name, Alfrun the Ergi-Impaler, and she was Alex Jomsviking, basically Alex's lieutenant from Valhalla. She was currently wearing the armor that was assigned to her by Alex, which by the way, was his favorite armor from Valhalla, as the first day he played the game, he had bought it. It was the legendary Hel's Damnation Set.