The Warning (Part 2)

Alfrun paid no attention to them as she started running, going by the van and across the street, where the two guards immediately discovered her. After a brief moment of shock, seeing her aggressive figure moving toward them, scared, they open fire at her. But this did hinder her as she brought her shield in front of herself and kept pushing.

As they ran out of ammo and tried to reload, Alfrun didn't stop and smashed into the first one, immediately killing him before sending his body flying into the wall behind him. As the other one stared in shock, She swung her sword, decapitating him. She didn't waste another second on them as she processed to kick the door open and go in.

"Hey, can you get the riddle broadcast on your computer?"


"Great. A great show is about to start."

At this moment, everyone in the city was watching the Riddler broadcast. It wasn't like they got a choice. Riddler was smiling, launching as he provided background information to Batman, who was trying to solve his riddle at an unknown location. His excitement was brought to a stop as an alarm when off in the building. 'Batman? No, he is there. Then who?' Immediately after this train of thought, he started yelling out orders at his subordinate. Some of them ran out of the room while he went to his computer and opened the surveillance system. He still had hope that it was Batman, but he was greeted with an unknown figure. He saw some wearing dark armor with red flame going through it, two long horns on top, and a flaming crown in the middle of them. It was equipped with a wicked-looking sword with red flaming patterns and a shield which looks as dangerous as the sword. The shield has spikes under it and a skull design with two flaming eyes. It also has a bow in its back, but it was never made use of. It was running through the building, killing anyone who got in its way as it moved toward his location.

As the Riddler asks nobody in particular, "Who that fuck is that." Anyway, as she got closer and closer, everyone started to get worried after running around for a while to get better weapons, ending with everyone aiming at the main door.

As all of them stare at the door waiting, they could hear the fitting as Alfrun got closer and finally boom. With a huge kick, she blows the door open, only to be great with a rocket.

Henchmen with rocket launcher "Did...did I get him."

Random henchmen with a gun "Definitely!"

Random henchmen with gun 2 "You don't know yet stay…"

Sadly before he could finish his sentence, he had a sword piercing his torso. And just like a massacre for all of the people of Gotham to see started.

"Oh god, You sure it alright to continue broadcasting this."

"Yes, the boss orders."

"Why is he doing this?"

As Evie was about to explain the plan to him, he suddenly detected someone.

"Guest, I will have to explain this later to you. It seems that I have some work to do."

Getting out of the car, she pauses for a few seconds looking around. As Mark was about to ask him what was going on, she pulled out her grappling gun and proceeded to fire it, disappearing in the shadows.

Alfrun was currently standing in the middle of bodies sprawling on the floor, looking up at The Riddler, who was standing on top of the stair, his back against his computer, having nowhere to go.

Smiling, she started walking toward him. "You know, I was ordered not to kill, but they never said anything about beating you up."

As she was about to climb the stairs, a Batarang landed in front of her, which also started blinking. To this, she only reacts by bringing her shield up and bracing herself.

As the smoke cleared, Batman landed agility on Alfrun right. Looking at her, it was clear that she wasn't happy being interrupted.



"Trait level max. To not approach, DO NOT KILL. Exception if encroaching on mission or territory extreme force aloud, make him understand to mind his own business." She then smiles, "I want to see if you are that dangerous."

After twirling her sword twice, she pierced the ground with it and did so with her shield. She then cracked her finger, took a stand, and then rushed at him.

As she approaches him, Batman narrows his eyes, and without any hesitation, he throws three succeeding explosive Batarang at her. She dodges the fire one, but she decides not to avoid the other two out of curiosity.

Sadly for Batman, this only slows her down for a second as she makes her way to him. She immediately throws a punch which Batman easily dodges, just like the second and third one, and upon seeing an opening, he throws a bunch. In that split second, Alfrun at three choices Dodge, Block or let it land true...Four choices really, she could also trade punches with him, eyes for eyes, but she decided not to.

As the punches landed, it only drove her back a few steps. You see, throughout the year in this city, she has never been in a fight where her opponent didn't either die or pass out after the first hit, which is why she also warns him.

"Just know a direct hit is an instant knockout."

As she was about to get in the offensive, her sword, which she had been loyally using for every fight since it had been given to her, was now sticking out of her chest. (Origin and Odyssey have level requirements to use a weapon but not Valhalla.)