Chapter 7 | Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner

Firstly just wanna say, I just hit over 1000 views on web novel in just 6 chapters which is amazing! If u know anyone here please ask them to check out Undeniable Chemistry on too.

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Thirdly, drama coming soon!!! Now, without further ado...

Chapter 7 | Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner


For most it is a day of self-reflecting, partying, eating or sleeping.

For me, it is a day of working.

My first shift at the diner was today and I couldn't help but be excited. I got to spend hours out of the house.

I got out and made my way to the washroom to commence my morning routine. After looking at myself once more in the mirror, I put the concealer in my pocket. I was able to wear a shirt today since the bruises on my arm were no more. Soon I'll be wearing shorts which was a relief since the hot weather was getting to me.

I went downstairs and saw my father sitting on the couch with an alcohol bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Good morning," I said my eyes were not meeting his gaze.

"Where are you going?"

"The diner, my first shift is today."

He said no more and took a swig of his drink so I thought he was done and started leaving but his hands wrapped around the collar of my shirt and he made me crash into a wall, making me wince on impact.

"Did I say you could go?"

I shook my head no and he slammed me into the wall again.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you bitch!" He yelled and I turned my face

"S-s-sorry," I said "you better be" he mumbled. He slapped me across the face and told me to go.

I sat in the car and looked in the mirror. My bruises were never-ending. They came and left. I pulled up my pants to check if I still had bruises there but they all seemed like they faded away. I had a few scratches here and there but other than that I was good.

I remember the day I asked him to stop beating my arms, legs and stomach. He beat me senseless but he did stop. Well, for the most part. He still punched me in the stomach but it was more on the face now.

If I'm good though I might be able to wear a bikini which for some odd reason I always wanted to try.

I checked the time on the dashboard and my eyes widened. I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry.


I walked into the familiar diner, although it was more lively. Music was playing and chatter filled the space. The manager greeted me and took me to the back where I got my uniform and hat. He said it wasn't mandatory to wear it, though they had some occasions where it had to be worn.

We went through orientation and met other co-workers then he taught me how to use the machinery. I got my schedule which was Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 pm to 9 pm and Saturday 8 am to 12 pm.

Just as he was about to explain the last machine and how it worked, I felt a chill, the place darkened it was the devil.

Oh wait nevermind it was just Gru and her minions but the resemblance was uncanny. I turned around hoping she wouldn't notice me as she went to find a seat. I made the mistake of sneaking a peak and our eyes met causing her to smirk.


She called the manager over and after a few minutes, he returned. "She said she wants you to serve her."

"B-b-but I'm new a-and I'm in the middle of orientation and-"

"-it's fantastic! It's your first day which gives me a chance to see how you do now go on." He handed me a notebook and pen and gave me a little shove to where they were seated.

I glared at her "Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner, my name is Bella and I'll be your waitress today." I said monotone. My manager cleared his throat and mouthed the word smile so I nodded and turned back to the she-devil herself.

"Is that any way to treat a customer?" She asked and I glared before fake smiling and said In mock enthusiasm "Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner, my name is Bella and I'll be your waitress today." "Much better" she smiled and I glared at her.

"What do you have on the menu?" She asked. I eyed the menu that was in her overly manicured hand. "The menu is literally in your hand, don't tell me you can't read." "Oh, manager!" She said in a sing-songy voice "Fine!"

I read out the entire menu, yes I mean she made me read the entire menu to her.

Three times.

After I was done she put it down and sighed. "I'm not ready to order yet." She said and my eyes twitched.

"You're not ready? You're not ready!? You made me read the entire menu three times and-" My manager cleared his throat and I sighed. "I'm sorry." I mumbled, "What was that?" "I said I'm sorry," I said through gritted teeth. "Take your time to order." With that, I walked away.

"That was, okay, for your first attempt, how about you try out that table over there?" He said motioning to the table filled with boys. I smiled and nodded and made me way over there. The moment I arrived all eyes were on me, this made me redden.

"Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner, my name is Bella and I'll be your waitress today. What would you like?" "How about your number?" The boy in front asked. He had brown hair and brown eyes. I looked at him sizing him up and down and started laughing. "I've seen dogs with better moves than you," I said which caused the other boys to laugh and high-five me. He nodded in approval "touche" he said.

"The name's Daniel." He held out his hand and I looked at it. My manager motioned me to shake it so I did. "Well, Daniel, what would you like today?" "I'll have the double burger, side of fries and a medium coke." I wrote down his order and the other boys ordered as well.

Judging by the orders, I'm guessing they haven't eaten in months.

I noticed Daniel checking me out but I paid no attention to him. "What's a girl gotta do to get an order around here?" Her hyena voice yelled even though I was at the table beside her. "For starters, wait for your damn turn, I'm with a customer, of course, you can always go elsewhere." My manager shook his head and crossed his arms and I smiled sheepishly.

I looked back at Daniel and said, "your order will be right with you." I said before walking away.

"What do you want?" I asked her not to bother to smile and do the formalities.

"Caesar salad"

"Me too!"

"Me three"

"And water please," they said in unison. If I wasn't so freaked out I would have applauded them. "Coming right up," I said and walked away.

I started preparing the orders while my manager watched me. I did the boys' orders first even though the salad was easier. "Here you go, one double burger, side of fries and coke." "One steak, side of onion rings and sprite."

This went on for a while so I'll skip that.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" "How about your number?" Daniel asked again "how about not." I replied, "but kudos for thinking you have a shot, you know it's always good to shoot your shot, even when you don't stand a chance." I said and smiled. Once again the table erupted in laughter and he nodded once again while biting back a smile.

"I won't stop asking"

"Fine by me, I can do this all day."

I went back to prepare the girls' orders. "Three caesar salads and three glasses of water. Is there anything else I can get for you?" Bianca scrunched up her nose and I sighed. "What now?" I asked, "There are too many croutons." She said and handed me back her plate.

Are you serious?! Is what I would've said but my manager was standing there so instead I apologized and went to fix up her order.

I brought it back and she looked at me, then at the food, then at me. "I can't eat this." I sighed "and why not?" "too little croutons." I was clenching and unclenching my hands and my face was burning.

"I'll fix it for you," I said through gritted teeth. I went back again to re-do her order and took it back to her. I was about to leave when she called me back. "Yes, Bianca?" "I changed my mind, I don't want a caesar salad I want a chicken salad."

That's it!

Forgetting everything I'd learned in orientation, I leaned on the table and met her dead in the eye.

"You either eat this food willingly or I will shove it down your throat for you, of course, you could always leave, there's the door." The boys in the other table applauded me and I bowed before turning my attention back to her. "Manager!" She shrieked and he appeared "this waitress is very rude and I do not condone this behaviour, do you know who I am?"

"Apologies dear customer but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He said surprising me and well, everyone. The entire diner was quiet, as they watched the scene unfold. She gasped. "How dare you?" She stood up, the minions following her then she left. I sighed in relief "thank you!" I said to the manager "just doing my job, just like you should be doing yours, table eight is done." He said and went back.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side, new girl." One of the boys said "Bella." I corrected him. "Well Bella, any chance you'll consider giving me your number?" "Nope, but if you want you can stay for dessert if not, will you be paying by cash or card?" I asked which got a few snickers from the other boys. "I like this one," One of the boys said.

"C'mon, what's a guy gotta do to get your number?" I thought for a while. "You want my number, then stay here until I'm off to show that you want it." "But what if you close hours from now?" "Well then Daniel, you're just gonna have to wait."

I expected him to leave but instead, he said "fine, then hit me with another round of coke." I did as told and brought him back the coke. My shift didn't end for another hour so I knew he'd get tired and leave.


"Great first day Bella, I'm impressed." "Thank you," I said and took off my apron so I could change into the clothes I was wearing before.

I walked out and saw Daniel still sitting there on his phone. All his friends had left so I figured they got tired of waiting and well, left. I walked up to him and he smiled "you off?" "Yeah, I'm surprised you're still here." I said, "what can I say, I'm a very persistent guy." "That, you are." "So, can I have it?" He asked and offered me his phone.

The real reason I was hesitant to give him my phone number was because I was scared of my father ever finding out but not anymore. Besides he never checks my phone since he is always wasted.

I took his phone and put it in my number. Then my phone rang. "Just checking to see if it works." He said, "so, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" "Nothing," I said knowing where he was going with this. "Well, would you look at that? I have nothing either. Here's a genius idea, how about we hang out for the rest of the day?" "Wow, I never would've guessed that." I said sarcastically "C'mon." He pressed.

Eventually, I gave in.

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