Chapter 8 | Amusement park

Chapter 8 | Amusement park

After debating on which car to take, I finally caved and went with Daniel. "So?" "So?" "What do you wanna do?" "Amusement park?" I asked and he nodded and drove off.

The car ride wasn't at all awkward, we talked a lot and played music and had fun. Even though I'd just met him, he was really fun and easy to get along with.

He parked the car and we got out. My energy had just increased tenfold as I eagerly awaited to enter. We bought all-access passes, not complaining, then we walked inside. I smiled instantly remembering the memories of when my family went to the amusement park.

"I can't wait to-"

"Eat from every food vendor? Same." I finished and he stared at me in awe making me feel very self-conscious.


"Nothing I was just scared you were one of those girls who are only interested in salad and water but you're not and that makes me so happy now let's go raid the people!!"

I chuckled as he eagerly pulled me towards a Mexican shop "I can't believe you thought I was one of those girls!" I exclaimed, "food is way too important, seriously how do they do it?"

He shrugged "It takes skill that's for sure."

"What're you doing?" I asked as he reached for his wallet. "What do you mean?" "I mean, why are paying, I'm perfectly capable of paying for my food." "Never said you weren't." He said.

The woman behind the counter looked at us impatiently while tapping her fingers on the counter. There was no doubt that we were holding up the line but I didn't like people paying for things for me.

"Look, I asked you out, I'll pay. Besides, you can pay next time."

I raised my eyebrows and smirked, "what made you think there'd be the next time."

"I'm persistent, remember?"

"That you are."

"Just let him pay already!!" Some man in the line screamed causing us to redden. In the end, he won and paid...this isn't over.


After finishing our fifth meal, we patted our stomachs. "I'm gonna need to work out a lot tomorrow," I said leaning back in my seat. "I know the feeling, if the coach finds out, he'll kill me." I looked at him, it was the first time I noticed him wearing his varsity jacket. "You play football?" I asked and he looked at me "you're now noticing?" I nodded sheepishly.

Why is he laughing? I'm confused. "Why are you laughing?" "I think the food went to my brain cause I have no idea." I couldn't help but join in, it was just the perfect day, hanging out with a friend, eating from every food place, it was...perfect.


"We're gonna die!!"

"Calm down"

"This is the end."

"Aren't you exaggerating just a tad?"

"Sayonara life"

"Daniel, it's a roller coaster stop freaking out!"

"In case you've forgotten, we just ate a lifetime's worth of food, so excuse me if I'm feeling a little panicky!!"

Then it stopped.

We were at the top of the ride, about to go down and we stared at each other.

"Okay so maybe I'm scared. There are a lot of people down there."

"See I told you!! We should've waited."

We grabbed each other's hands when the roller coaster creaked, indicating it had begun.

Then it went down.

It was exhilarating! I let go of his hands and put them above me and screamed at the top of my lungs.

By the end of the ride, we could barely feel our legs. We were holding onto each other and trying to walk in a straight line but it was not happening. We crashed into people who gave us glares and we tried to locate the nearest bench.

After much more sorry and excuse me, we managed to successfully sit on the bench. We took in a deep breath, then looked at each other before bursting out into laughter, We couldn't stop. We were having a blast.

I wish every day were like this.

After finally gaining control over our legs, we went on more rides and of course... eating more food.

We were currently in line for cotton candy, although, having more sugar would be a bad idea considering we were high on our energy.

"Daniel!" I whined as he took out his wallet yet again. "I wanna pay!"

"What do you have against guys paying for you?"

"The fact that they pay for me, honestly, I just like doing things on my own." I replied and he looked at me "and you owe it to me, you tricked me all the other times, the first one was the guy who yelled, the second was you tricking me into thinking I'd lost my phone...which was in my hand" I said mumbling out the last part causing him to laugh

"It was in your hand, I didn't think that'd work!!" He said doubling over. I playfully glared which only caused him to laugh more

"The third time, you told me a bird was flying above my head, how I believed that I didn't know. The fourth time, you said my shoelaces are untied and the fifth time you fought with me just to get your way. So no, I'm not letting you pay."

"Here you go, two pink cotton candies." I glared at Daniel who smiled triumphantly "and the sixth time, you made me talk so freaking much I didn't notice you paying...I hate you."

He put his arm around me, "aw c'mon, besides how can you hate someone who's gonna give you the best view of tonight's fireworks."

He pulled me towards the Ferris wheel line and since we had all-access passes we were able to go on fairly quickly. The Ferris wheel stopped when we reached the top, I got comfortable in my seat as I watched the fireworks.

"It's beautiful," I said, taking in the view. "It really is." I turned and saw him staring at me and I reddened and turned so he wouldn't see.


"Thanks for tonight, and about next time...odds are in your favour," I said as we walked to my car. He grinned "guess I did a pretty good job then." "I guess you did. Bye Daniel." "Bye, Bella."


I was in my pyjamas, sitting at my bay window when I received a message from Daniel.

Daniel: Goodnight Bella, thanks for today.

Me: I should be thanking you, goodnight.

Today was the first time I decided to do something for myself and it felt pretty awesome. I'm done living the way my dad wants to. It's my senior year! I want to have fun, I want to be able to relax and enjoy myself. I'm done being scared of my father. If I get beat, fine. But that's not gonna stop me.

This year, I'll have fun, I don't care about what he does anymore.

I'm done being scared.