Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)

Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)


My least favourite day of the week.

Whose idea was it for students to only have a two day weekend? If anything, we need a five day weekend and two school days.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the washroom for my normal morning routine. Afterwards, I went to the diner and ordered myself some coffee because Lord knows my brain can't function properly without a kick, which in my case is caffeine.


I walked into my algebra class and sat down. "Izzy!!" "Izzy!!" Dylan mocked which caused Ethan to send a glare his way. Tess and Ali then walked in and soon we emerged into chatter.

"Okay class, pop quiz today!" Mr. What's his face said when he walked in.

A series of groans erupted through the class as everyone began to take their binders off their desks.

He handed the papers out and when I saw the first question the first thought that came to my head was when the hell did we learn this? Then, is this English? Which is what I think every time I see a math equation. I honestly hate the guy who decided to add imaginary numbers in math. I mean it's not like my boss is gonna fire me if I can't find the number of x like honestly!

I don't think any amount of caffeine will ever fully prepare me for this horrible thing called math.


I entered my English class.

As usual Mr. I-wear-too-much-cologne-and-have-an-over-the-top-ego arrived late. "Okay class, today, you and your partners will be working on your projects since I have a lot of marking to do. You are permitted to leave the class if you work and not just go on your phones and use Vine, MySpace, Facebook, Born or whatever you kids use these days."

What the heck is born?

I turned to Tyler and saw that he was already walking towards the door. "Hurry up we only have so much time on this you know." He said before walking again.

I still hate him and that will never change.

We were working peacefully in the hallway (and by peacefully I mean subtly glaring and trying not to have another swear-off) when I heard the familiar sound of two high high-heels.

The devil arrives! Yippee-ki-yay

"Hi Tyler, what're you doing." She bats her eyelashes and uses her incredibly long and incredibly pink-

Holy those are pink!! Damn, they look like Pepto Bismol.

-nails to twirl her hair. I simply roll my eyes. He looks up and gives her a blank look. "Well it's class time, so I'm working." He mutters dryly and I see the slight tinge of red that forms on her cheeks.

She giggles (it sounds like a hyena and cat in a fight and somehow a donkey got in on the fight) "oh Tyler, you're so funny!!" "I wasn't really trying to be but thanks I guess. Now, do you mind, I'm trying to work here." She glares at me then puffs her chest so her stuffed bra can show more and sashes away.

I snickered and he looked at me "don't say anything." He said so instead I laughed, I couldn't help it. She was so desperate it's funny. "I don't get what she sees in you." I said finally "please, I'm irresistible," he said then winked at me which caused me to burst into laughter again "I know you find me attractive." He turned so he faced me all the while I kept trying to keep my laughter at bay. "The only thing you can ever have a chance of attracting is insects. But seriously, what do they see in you that could possibly be so attractive I mean, you're rude, egotistical, condescending-" "-okay!! Geez, don't you ever get tired of insulting me?" "No not really, popping a hole in the giant balloon called your ego is fun."

He playfully glared at me "c'mon let's get back to work, the sooner we finish the sooner we can stop talking to each other." I said "Amen to that!!" It then hit me, that was the first time we actually talked and I didn't want to throw him across the room.

Huh, I guess miracles do happen.


"Izzy!! Do something Dylan won't give me fries!!!!" Ethan whines "It's mine you dork give it back!!" "Fine, then I'll take your milkshake." "You have one right there, why can't you drink it!?" "Because sharing is caring and I want vanilla now!!" I banged my head on the table.

Five minutes. This has been going on for five minutes. I took the milkshake out of their hand "enough now both of you stop acting like a two-year-old." "The only two years old here is Ethan," Dylan said

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Oh my God can you just stop?!'" I gave them back the milkshake, "do what you want I give up." The two of them kept fighting over the milkshake and fries when a hyena-like shriek resonated through the entire cafeteria silencing everyone. Oh, God.

I slowly turned around and stifled my laughter. Her pink shirt was now white and her hair had some milkshake dripping down it too. Some point during Ethan's and Dylan's fight, I guess a little milkshake got on her.

...Well, I can't exactly say I'm sorry since I'd be lying.

"Oh, em gee, my shirt!" She grabbed Tyler's drink just as he was about to sip it and poured it on me. I stood up abruptly and glared the hell out of her "What, the actual f**k is wrong with you!? I didn't even do anything to you." "So what bitch, you deserve it. Now you look prettier" "You know what you deserve? My hand across that ugly thing attached your neck...oops, I just realized that was your face."

"You're nothing but worthless trash!" She exclaimed. The entire cafeteria was silent. I took Tyler's lasagne and smeared it all over Bianca's shirt. "Keep talking and I'll rearrange your face for you, better yet I'll give you an aneurysm heck I'd send you into anaphylactic shock! I know you're stupid so lemme dumb it down for you. Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic reaction but in this case, my hand would be your allergy."

To say she was fuming mad would be an understatement. She took Ethan's burger and smeared it all over my hair, the condiments and veggies started dropping down.

Oh hell no.

"Listen you bubonic plague, you know why Tyler doesn't want your std infected body? It's because you're so ugly you repulse him, you even repulsed the doctors at the hospital with your ugliness when you were born. They played hot potato with your ugly-ass because none of them wanted to touch you and neither does your mom, dad or Ty-" next thing I know she slaps me hard across the face then pounces on me.

I'm on the floor and she is tackling me. I quickly use a judo trick I learned from my brother and flip her around so she's under me. "Get your disgusting claw-like nails out of my face!" I yell while tackling her. "She tugs on my hair and I scream. "Oh, em gee I broke a nail!!" She punches me hard across the face.

I see the look in her eyes, the same look she gets when she's upset. Hatred. I freeze but she slaps me again breaking me out of my reverie.

Enough of this, I ball up my fists and hit her square in the jaw, then before she can react I hit her twice more. Before anything else can happen I'm yanked back in a firm grip. I look up and see tweedle dee and tweedle dum standing there in utter shock. I'm panting heavily and I feel more anger than I probably should. I guess all the anger I've been feeling and suppressing was coming out.

Bianca makes an attempt to lunge for me but Dylan holds her back while Ethan stands in the middle of us.

Ethan, I'd move if I were you

"I'll hurt you!!" "Come at me bitchanca I dare you!" I make an attempt to break free when I'm suddenly aware that someone is holding me back. Wait, I know that cologne.

I became incredibly aware of his arm around my waist "Calm down Bella, you don't want to go to jail now do you?" His voice is low and husky in my ear and his breath fans the side of my face. The hairs on my arms stand up and goosebumps appear all over. His hold on me is strong yet not enough to hurt me... He had one arm around my waist and his hand rested on my stomach and the other holding my wrist, our bodies were pressed tightly together and I could feel his muscles.

My face is hot, it's probably just the adrenaline from the fight. "You can let go now, I won't kill her."


He slowly let's go of me and I feel his arm linger a little longer before he moves away.

"Tyler, take Bella to the nurse's office and fix up her hand," Dylan said and he nodded. We walked down the empty hallway in silence. I flexed my hand and winced slightly, I didn't know which hurt more, the fact that I wasted my time and energy to punch her or that I had detention.

He opened the door and immediately walked to the cabinets and started taking things out. I sat on the bed and watched him. He dipped a cloth in something then closed it and put it back. He walked up to me and took my hand and started dabbing the cloth on my hand. I watched him as his eyebrows furrowed together as if he was in deep thought.

"That was quite a punch you threw, and where'd you learn that move?" He spoke finally. I looked up and saw his piercing sky blue eyes staring at my brown ones. "Which move?" "The one you used to flip Bianca so she was under you." "Oh that, my brother taught me." The word brother was like acid in my mouth. It was bizarre and unusual. "You have a brother?" I nodded, I needed to change the subject "so where'd you learn to do this?" "I'm a bad boy, remember? I got into a lot of fights so I had to learn to do this." I nodded again. It was so weird having a civilized conversation with him. It was different for our usual bickering and insults. To be perfectly honest I didn't know which one I preferred the most.

"All done." He walked back to the sink and grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around my knuckles. After wrapping it, he then proceeded to put everything away. All this while, I was walking around the room reading the posters. "You can leave you to know, you're not obligated to stay here." I shrugged "true, bye, thanks for the hand." He nodded and I walked out.

This isn't right. He helped me, the least I can do is wait for him. I walked back and leaned against the door. A few minutes, he opened it causing me to fall backwards and crash into him.

He looked up and we stared at each other, his eyes were really blue his hair was messy like he had run his hand through it several times yet it looked oddly...perfect. He continued to look at each other, him on the floor and me straddling him. His hands rested on my lower back and hands were on either side of his face to keep me stable.

I don't know how long we were like that but the door opened suddenly and a fuming principal stood in the doorway.

"Both of you in my office. Now!!" Her loud, angry voice boomed throughout the room. We scrambled to get off each other and quickly stood up. She turned on her heel and began walking "I hope you're following me!" She yelled and we scurried to catch up with her.

I entered the office and saw the others sitting down, I took a seat by Ethan and Tyler took the seat beside me. Principal Rudd glared at each and every single one of us. If looks could kill we would've been gone forever ago.

Oh jeez, we're in deep shit.