Death 2

Profile name :Lee Minho

Age: 20

height:172 cm (5'8)

blood type: O

birthday: October 25, 1998

General Info:

born in Gimpo, South Korea

an only child.

speak basic English.

scar on his stomach from a surgery he had as a kid

shoe size is 250/255 mm.

Death time: Between 19:30 to 20:00

Cause of death: Stabbed twice, one in collar bone, and once in leg. Death leading to loss of blood.

death location: Out side of small business noodle shop 'Mijin'

Date of death: October 25th, 2019


Note left with the same hand writing as Jisung.

"나를 살고 호흡하라.수영과 떠있는, 시체가 춥다. 그러나 피는 여전히 따뜻하다. 내가 다시 한번 달릴 때. 내가 찾을 수없고 보지 못한다는 것을 깨닫는다. 무너지고 강물이 부서지면서 당신의 모든 결함을 보아라."


They both died on their birthdays.