
1 week before death of Han Jisung...


I smile and run over to greet Minho, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeong-in at the bus stop, we were all going out to work on dance.

"Hey Jisung."

Felix spoke pulling me in for a short hug and a smile.

"So what are we doing today?"

I ask in a sweet tone as I scoot closer to Minho and just continue to smile.

"Well there is the new boy group TXT with BigHit we wanted to dance to the song Blue Orangeade, sound good?"

Seungmin said with a little bounce as he spoke.


I spoke and just looked at Jeong-in who was smiling and soon getting tortured by the puppy Seungmin. The bus got there and of course we all forced Felix to pay for the ride again, we all sat in the back and we sat there and we were messing around until we got there. The bus stopped right before our stop and picked up someone who looked familiar in my part but I don't know about the others.


Minho kinda yelled and got up to greet the man. I remember him, I don't but I do, I just smile as he starts to sit back there with us.

"You haven't met Felix, Seungmin, and Jeong-in"

Minho pointed to each of them ad Woojin had a smile and he shook their hands

"Nice to meet you all."

He said then looked me straight in the eye and I froze out of fear, it's not that he had a dark aura and he didn't come off nor look like an evil guy I just froze.

"Nice to see you again, um-"


I smile and shake his hand that he held out.

"Yeah, sorry I haven't seen y'all in a while, so where are you going?"

He spoke and looked at all of us and Minho sat next to me ad cuddled me some more.

"We are going to practice, you wanna come?"

Jeong-in spoke with a smile and hit Seungmin to finally get him off.

"I was heading to practice, but I don't know."

He spoke with a sweet voice and smile that unsettled me a bit.

"We go t the same place lets just do it together."

Minho spoke with a smile then looked at me with that bright smile and all I could do was give in, I love him.

"yeah sure lets do it."

I said and looked at the others who seemed happy to meet a new person. The bus got there quickly and we all got off, of course Seungmin is a clinger when it comes to Jeong-in and me and Minho were clanged together and Felix watches as we do it. Felix has a boyfriend but he doesn't do a lot of practice when we are around. Changbin is a pretty cool dude, just none of us know him personally like Jeong-in and Felix. We got in and I got my phone out and played the song and Jeong-in brightened up, he seems to really like this song, cute. We watched the video and once Minho got the chorus down he taught us. We practiced for hours on all of the choreography for hours. Then we started to go home, Woonjin said bye and he walked while we rode the bus. I talked to Minho for a little bit and then the big question about the worst day of the year came up.

"what do you want for your birthday?"

"Nothing would be great."

I smile but he just frowned.

"Ok no your getting something and we are doing something...ok?"

"Ugh fine, can I get more pastel sweaters, cause you seem to pick cute outfits for me when it comes to pastel themes. And dinner."

"Of course I love shopping for you and what for dinner?"



He smiled and so did I, noodles for dinner plus pastel sweaters and clothes, this won't be that bad this year. Everyone got off the bus and I was the last stop, so I had to wait and I watched the lights pass by as the bus continued to drive, once it stopped I thanked the bus driver and got off the walk home. I look around the side walks and I see a dark figure just watching me so I started to sprint home. What kind of creep was that? And who was it?