Family tensions

In the little town of Dero just along the border of the great forrest of Temerei life is good, the people of the town work hard every day by tending to the fields on the outskirts and are usually very contempt with their living arangements. This little town does lead a second purpose, that being that it is an early warning outpost in case any of the Elvish try and invade via the great forrest. Humans cannot enter deep within the forrest for great dangers lurk within, most pressing the rapports of the fairy queen Silviana patroling the outskirts of the forrest. The military has been very vigilant the last couple of months, for sightings of the fairy queen would mean that at any day an invasion could commence. On the other hand at the edge of the town in a little farmhouse a big commotion is brewing that will shape the future of a kind hearted boy into something no one could ever have foreseen.

"Get up you lazy bum it's almost time to help dad with the farm!!!" A young girl with ashen hair and green eyes roared. "Mhmm--- is there any need for you to scream so early in the morning Misha?" A sleepy figure under blankets murmurred. "If you would take more responsibility in actually waking up, I wouldn't need to scream now would I? Now enough with this nonsense, wake uppppp-!" the young girls exclaimed while jumping through the air in a perfect triple axel and piledriving herself into the blankets. "Puhooooow~ Thanks for waking me up sis, appreciate it." The figure on the side of the bed whimpered in pain.

My name is Arthurion and I'm the second eldest child in our family, this dangerous monster is my younger sister Misha, she is my only sister and has been the bane of my existence for the last 15 years. On top of being my only sister she is also the one who does most of the chores in the house thanks to our mom being very sick most of the time.

"Any chance of mom feeling better today?" I asked while pulling myself free from the blankets, "Not likely, daddy says she came down with another cold last night and is currently sleeping it of." Misha said whilst stepping outside, "Another one so soon after the last? I know Winter is aproaching but this can't go on like this any longer." I said with laborred breaths, "I know. I'll go down to the doctor in the town to try and get some medicine or something to eliviate the discomfort, but I doubt we'll be able to pay for the medicines and the tax this month if things keep up like this."

Ever since Misha was born our mother's constitution took a turn for the worst. Doctors couldn't do much for her since apparently it was a disease that couldn't be easily treated, and even if it could the costs alone would bankrupt us. Our dad once called in a favor from an old friend in the army, I guess he was the top field medic in his active days, but even he could barely do anything for our mom.

After cleaning myself up and getting dressed for the day I headed downstairs where I met my older brother Cedric. Cedric is 21 and currently a sergeant in the army, he's very proud of it because it means he can help the family financialy and is treading in our dads footsteps, also he's the biggest asshole I've ever met and doesn't miss an opertunity to talk down to me because I don't like the idea of joining the army.

"Look who's finally up. Did Misha need to wake you up again? You really are useless, you now that?" He said with a look of scorn. " Yeah, yeah pipe down dickweed, I already know that you are the embodiment of a perfect son and always so much better than me in every way so stop lubricating yourself, you overgrown target dummy." At this he took exception and hit me square in the stomach, "You forget your place worm! So it seems I'll have to remind you where you stand!" Before he could dish out another punch a commandeering voice sounded out throughout the room, "That's enough!!! If either one of you says or does one more thing, so help me gods, I'll show you both the meaning of discipline!" Upon hearing this our eyes immediately snapped to the open door where the figure of our father stood, a tall man at almost 190 cm, build like a tank with subtle grey lines in his short black military styled hair, with piercing blue eyes and a square face with a look of wrath etched upon it. "Forgive me, Sir. I was only trying to---" Cedric tried to say but was cut off, " I don't care. Now either both of you clean up your act or I'm gonna do it for you. Am. I. understood?" He put emphasis on the last sentence whilst looking at me directly, " Yes Sir, I shall be better in the future." I whimpered in pain still holding my stomach from the punch to the gut. "Good. Now Cedric take Misha with you to the town before you go to report to your station, she needs to stop by the doctor for your mother and Arthurion you come with me I need your help on the farm." Cedric bowed low and said, "It shall be done, Sir!" I barely got up without thumbling down again as my father took me by the scruff of my shirt and pushed me out the door. Once we were both outside he looked in my direction and asked, "Now tell me this Arthurion, why is it every time your brother and you argue that it has to escalate into violence?" He asked annoyed,

"I don't know try asking the perfect son and soldier over there. Every time he sees me he has to make a comment about how useless I am, it really works on my nerves." My dad barely let out a sigh whilst sitting down on a stump and telling me. "You know that in three months you will become 18 and will have to enlist in the army, it's mandatory. Why are you so against the honour of serving our people?"

"Honour? It's an honour to serve our people? You know as well as I that this stupid war will have no end, I for one don't want to leave Misha and mom alone to fend for themselves while you and Cedric go of to die in a war we didn't ask for!!!!" I shouted out as I smashed my fist into a nearby wall, "This war has already taken so much from this family or did you forget you already lost a son and a daughter?!" I shouted out to him with rage in my eyes, "Don't you dare!!!" He shouted after voulting up, "I have to live with that failure for the rest of my days, your mother does to, but what is done is done and I cannot change that fact!!! Did you think I wanted Milan and Anissa to die?! It was their choice to go of and defend us, so don't you dare mock their sacrifice, yo-you-you failure!!!" Receiving a slap in my face and after he was done screaming at me he looked in my direction with a look of shame and sorrow before turning around while saying with a tired voice, "Milan was proud to defend us, and Anissa always wanted to help the men at the front. They knew the risks and they knew that if anything happened to them it would be up to you and Cedric to defend our home. What would they say if they heard you talking like this?"

"I wouldn't know because they are not here, but you are!" After saying that I turned my back to him nursing my cheek and left the farm, right now I couldn't deal with him or Cedric's bullshit anymore. It's well known that Milan and I were inseparable as kids, I was proud to be his younger brother and Anissa was always good to me, if I couldn't do something she would always support me and tell me that it would be okay. After they died to a suprise attack from the Elvish mom was devestated, while Cedric and dad blamed themselves. I know it wasn't their fault but still I couldn't forgive them for not trying harder to make sure they stayed in the rearguard, after that day I swore to myself that I would never let any member of our family die a pointless death again. And yes that also meant Cedric.